Can I sue a salon for giving me bald spots? Do I have a case?...Pics attached.

Do I have a case?

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    Votes: 85 51.5%
  • No

    Votes: 24 14.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 56 33.9%

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Active Member
I went into a salon a couple months ago for a sew-in weave. They promised healthy hair growth since my actual hair would be in cornrows and that the weave could last up to 3 months.

Okay, so they ended up braiding the cornrows too tight. I took my hair down a couple days ago and my hair came out in chunks! Now I have little bald spots all over my head and one big one in the middle of my head. The bald spot is completely smooth, feels lumpy and scared, and has a reddish/pinkish color to it.

I called the salon and spoke to the owner about it and also went in so they can see it. I asked them for a refund since I spent over $300 for healthy hair growth but got bald spots. I told them I wanted to see a dermatologist about it because it looks like permanent damage to me and that is why I want my money back. They did not give me one.

Can I sue them for damaging my scalp? For my refund and my dermatologist treatments?

Pics are attached.

UPDATE: Just an update on how this is going so far...long I know, but a lot has happened. Since leaving the salon on 4/20 I immediately made a dermatologist appointment for as soon as they could see me. I went to the dermatologist two days later and it was a good visit. He told me that I didn't have Alopecia, the hair loss was due to too much tension and that he has seen this before, mainly with African American women. He said the hair should grow back since it was the first time this has happened to me and that I'm still young, it just might take a really long time.

The salon owner had told me to contact her after seeing the dermatologist, so I did immediately after...but they told me she was too busy and took down my name and number and said she would call back in an hour or so. I tried calling again the next day, same thing, they told me they lost the paper with my name and number on I decided to just go in at the end of the day if I didn't get a call back. I went in to the salon and this visit was much better than the last. She told me that she had given a message to the receptionist to call me and tell me about scalp treatment. She told me she wanted to help me grow my hair back and scalp treatment was the best they could offer me. But I told her I was unsure if I wanted to come back to the salon and that I would have to get back to her after seeking some advice.

I also kept asking her what the scalp treatment was specifically because I notice that was not anything they offered at their salon based on their service menu and I really didn't want to be a test dummy and make things worst. I told her I wanted it written down so I can consult with the dermatologist and get back to her....she wouldn't do that. When she finally answered the question, she told me it was going to be some topical things and that she was going to be putting me under a scalp massager and using peppermint and rosemary oils. She told me it was more expensive than what any dermatologist could offer me and that they would be doing it for free. I asked her what the topical treatments were and she showed me a new jar of ORS Fertilizing Temple Balm...I said I've used that before and asked her what else. She then showed me the ORS Scalp Scrub and told me that it was very special and something they sold only to professionals...I thought this was questionable. I told her I will think about it and get back to her.

Okay so I knew I had seen the ORS Scalp Scrub at the BSS many time before but I went to one just to check if it was the same product she was offering....and it was there, for $9.99 next to the ORS Fertilizing Temple Balm. I called to talk to her, she was to busy to talk...left my name and number. I called again since I received no calls back, same thing again. So I sent her an email to 3 different email addresses her salon provides for customers, never got a response. I explained in the letter that I own both essential oils she mentioned, I own a scalp massager, and I've used the temple balm before....and that all these things together did not even add up to the cost of my first dermatologist visit. I got not response so I decided to proceed and file a complaint to the BBB and the CA Cosmetology Board. The BBB contacted them twice and they've yet still to respond to the BBB or me. The CA Cosmetology Board suggested I report it to the BBB and take it to small claims.

After over 10 phone calls, 2 visits, and 3 emails and still not even one call or email back....I decided to go ahead and take it to small claims. I just don't think it's too professional for them to keep avoiding and ignoring me.

I figured I have nothing to loose...I already lost my money and my hair!


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I am over here screaming at the computer.

Goodness honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can imagine you can probably do something in small claims.

This is awful. Did you notice that it felt too tight? Exactly how long did you keep them in? What did you use while your hair was in the weave?

What are your plans to get your hair back in shape. Have you seen the derm to make sure these areas are not permanently scarred?

Please keep us posted and let us know what salon this was in salon review so NO ONE EVAH goes to this place.

Put Them on Blast!! :orders:
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Oh my God! This is awful! I would think you would be able to sue, but i don't know. Very sorry this happened to you.
Thanks. =) I'm not extremely angry about it surprisingly...I just want my money
I Could Cry for You! :crying3:

They should have gladly given you your $300 back. Please see a Derm as soon as you can.:yep:

I will be praying for you.:love2:

I had a similiar situation from Relaxer not being properly washed out etc.., and my hair snapped all the way down to the NG all throughout.

I know it made me Naseous to be able to pull out clumps of hair. It makes you sick on the Stomach.

I will be praying for you that there is No Permanent Damage.:hug2:

Everyone told me to "Sue" but I didn't and didn't ask for my $ back (which I should have:ohwell:). I just stopped going, became a DIY and Joined LHCF.

I hope you get everything Settled.:hug2:
I am over here screaming at the computer.

Goodness honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can imagine you can probably do something in small claims.

This is awful. Did you notice that it felt too tight? Exactly how long did you keep them in? What did you use while your hair was in the weave?

What are your plans to get your hair back in shape. Have you seen the derm to make sure these areas are not permanently scarred?

Please keep us posted and let us know what salon this was in salon review so NO EVAH goes to this place.

Put Them on Blast!! :orders:

I knew it was tight as she was doing it and I told they're saying I didn't tell her. Everyone in that salon knew my hair was tight...I had to take 4 Tylenols. I actually had to leave the salon to go buy some and one of the workers there gave me some too. I kept the weave in for about 2 months, and I didn't really do anything but spray my hair with a moisturizer since they used a net. I plan to go see a dermatologist real soon.
I'm sorry this happened to you. These stylists are really causing all types of setbacks. If I were you I would see a dermatologist and lay off all styles that cause tension.
You're a better woman than me for sure. I'd be lit right now. I am so sorry that this happend to you. I will pray that you get justice. Its so silly, we go to the salons because these people are supposed to be licenced professionals - but when they screw up it's like sorry we can't help you...That just burns me up. I'd never let any female I know go to that salon...I would be telling the world right now.
I knew it was tight as she was doing it and I told they're saying I didn't tell her. Everyone in that salon knew my hair was tight...I had to take 4 Tylenols. I actually had to leave the salon to go buy some and one of the workers there gave me some too. I kept the weave in for about 2 months, and I didn't really do anything but spray my hair with a moisturizer since they used a net. I plan to go see a dermatologist real soon.

I'm not a lawyer but it seems this statement gives............ permission.

Years ago I would allow braiders to do that me as well.:yep: I would leave with China Doll Eyes :spinning:
I'm so sorry for you! DO NOT let them get away with this. Get an official word from a derm and if it is determined that the bald spots were caused by the tightness of the sew-in, get it in writing from a doctor and take the shop to court! How dare they NOT refund your $$. What was their reasoning?? At least a partial refund???
I told them i dont want to bring them any trouble. i dont really want to have to sue them. I just want my $ i spent almost $700 @ their shop. $350 for the hair & $325 for the weave.
But why did it fall out? How did you care for your hair while it was in? Did you wash it? How did you take out the install? I don't understand why the hair would fall out in those specific spots . . .
I'm so sorry for you! DO NOT let them get away with this. Get an official word from a derm and if it is determined that the bald spots were caused by the tightness of the sew-in, get it in writing from a doctor and take the shop to court! How dare they NOT refund your $$. What was their reasoning?? At least a partial refund???

They said they did their service...which was putting in the thats why no refund. & 8 i told them that i paid $300 for healthy hair growth not to be bald!
I feel your pain. I took my sew-in down last week after having it in for only two weeks and my hair is so thin and weak. The sew-in was a mess...a big mess. I too was trying to leave my hair alone so it could grow.

I suppose you could sue and see if they'll give you at least some of your money back. I want mine back too! But more than that I just want to move on and take care of my hair. I wish you all the best of luck in getting your cash back and your hair back too!
But why did it fall out? How did you care for your hair while it was in? Did you wash it? How did you take out the install? I don't understand why the hair would fall out in those specific spots . . .

I would wash it about every 2 weeks, i was using spray moisturizers. The hair fell out at the points where i had the most pressure. I've worn many weaves but this had never happened to me b4. I think it was just braided way too tight.
I would definitely file a small claims action against them. Check your local small claims ct rules. It might prompt them to give you a refund.
If you watch those judge shows like me then you can definitely sue them. If your weave was installed properly then this should not have happened to you. Are the spots tender or bleeding? I would take more pictures and you can take them to small claims court. MAKE SURE YOU SEE A DOCTOR! You need to document the damage that was done to your scalp and hair. I would sue for the cost of the entire weave, court costs, and sue them for pain and suffering! I know you dont want trouble but what they did was flat out wrong! Especially if you had them sow onto a net. *bighugz*
They said they did their service...which was putting in the thats why no refund. & 8 i told them that i paid $300 for healthy hair growth not to be bald!

I can't believe they had the nerve to say that $h!t...does their service include making people bald, if so, they need to post that!
Instead of We Promote Healthy Hair Growth their slogan should be Bald in 3 Months, Ask Our Stylist How. I would sue them even if it wasn't permanent..get your $675 back!
I would go to DERMETELOGIST first see wat he say then get statement to get lawyer to sue her i think u have one take plenty pics
I can't believe they had the nerve to say that $h!t...does their service include making people bald, if so, they need to post that!
Instead of We Promote Healthy Hair Growth their slogan should be Bald in 3 Months, Ask Our Stylist How. I would sue them even if it wasn't permanent..get your $675 back!

LMAO...I know right. Thats exactly what i was thinking!
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Did the salon ask you fill out a client consultation card before the service? If not, sue that salon.
I knew it was tight as she was doing it and I told they're saying I didn't tell her. Everyone in that salon knew my hair was tight...I had to take 4 Tylenols. I actually had to leave the salon to go buy some and one of the workers there gave me some too. I kept the weave in for about 2 months, and I didn't really do anything but spray my hair with a moisturizer since they used a net. I plan to go see a dermatologist real soon.

It is too late now but I would have pitched a royal hissy if they was still happening and she still was not loosening the braids.

To all those reading this thread thinking of getting a weave, please know that it is NOT a good thing if you know your braids are too tight and you need medication to help you with the pain it is causing.

DO NOT allow someone to do this to you.

In the meantime, what are you doing to help your scalp and the rest of your hair?
Thanks. =) I'm not extremely angry about it surprisingly...I just want my money

I knew it was tight as she was doing it and I told they're saying I didn't tell her. Everyone in that salon knew my hair was tight...I had to take 4 Tylenols. I actually had to leave the salon to go buy some and one of the workers there gave me some too. I kept the weave in for about 2 months, and I didn't really do anything but spray my hair with a moisturizer since they used a net. I plan to go see a dermatologist real soon.

I told them i dont want to bring them any trouble. i dont really want to have to sue them. I just want my $ i spent almost $700 @ their shop. $350 for the hair & $325 for the weave.

Oh my goodness. :( I am SO sorry this happened to you. You are such a sweet, easy-going person to not wish them ill. I really hope you get justice and at the least get your money back.

Whatever you do, I wouldn't just let this quietly drop. Those scalp injuries are serious and have had dramatic results.