Can I sue a salon for giving me bald spots? Do I have a case?...Pics attached.

Do I have a case?

  • Yes

    Votes: 85 51.5%
  • No

    Votes: 24 14.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 56 33.9%

  • Total voters
UGH!!!! Silly lady!! If she would jus give you your money back....she would not have to go through this!!! Business must be bad...for her to hold on the $300 like that. Lol...she didnt see you comin!! I think you have a case....jus imagin how many other ladies have gone through this wit that salon....but didnt bother to speak out about it. :nono:

But on the bright side your hair should grow back...I had a semi-bald spot in the middle of my was like 1cm long and (5 months later) its 2 inches long!!! Keep hope alive!

Good Luck!
I just read your thread. You have a case because she offered to treat you for free. She would only do so if she thinks she is at fault.
You are absolutely doing the right thing and going about it the right way.

I would suggest you keep very accurate and detailed records of every time you called them. You can get itemized listings from the phone and cell companies, and keep track of the emails you sent.

The ORS treatment they suggested is a joke. That is sold OTC and they know it.

Good luck
Definitely sue, especially if they won't refund some of your money .....terrible service. This is what irritates me at salons, they make a mess of your hair and expect no repercussions...aggghhh.
They should give you a full refund plus cost for your doctors visits. THat is going to require treatment. WTH is wrong w/people? I can't believe that didn't atleast offer a refund.