Can I sue a salon for giving me bald spots? Do I have a case?...Pics attached.

Do I have a case?

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    Votes: 85 51.5%
  • No

    Votes: 24 14.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 56 33.9%

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Give it a shot I'd say...

Question, how long did you have pain from the tight braids? My s/o's mom gave me cornrows and after 2 days I took them out, I couldn't take it. I had a sew in that was also too tight, I took it out the very next day.

There is no cause for one to braid that darn tight, lol...
OMG that's just not right! This makes me angry inside! How many have stayed silent in their salon chairs whilst our beauticians commit hair-RAPE?? (raises hand) How much longer are they gonna get away with this??!! How many inches of hair length are lost every year?? I say THEY'VE GOT TO PAY!!! Start a revolution!

Shall I burn the shop down for you. OMG I AM SCREAMING RIGHT NOW

Oh my WORD you need your money back and someone needs not to be braiding hair anymore EVA again in life
I knew it was tight as she was doing it and I told they're saying I didn't tell her. Everyone in that salon knew my hair was tight...I had to take 4 Tylenols. I actually had to leave the salon to go buy some and one of the workers there gave me some too. I kept the weave in for about 2 months, and I didn't really do anything but spray my hair with a moisturizer since they used a net. I plan to go see a dermatologist real soon.
Before taking the Tylenols is when you should have stopped them from braiding and told them "Please take out these braids. I can no longer go through with this."

I'm not a lawyer but it seems this statement gives............ permission.

Years ago I would allow braiders to do that me as well.:yep: I would leave with China Doll Eyes :spinning:
I agree with My Friend.

ak46, It's like you gave them permission to put these braids in your hair by allowing them to follow through and finish the hair braiding service and taking Tylenol to relieve the pain. You took the risk of what could potentially happen from wearing braids too tight. Maybe you were under pressure or wanted to be nice, but you really have to stand up for yourself in situations like these.

Plus, it's somewhat difficult to expect a refund after 2 months of wearing the braids. It's not like your hair started immediately falling out right after they put them in. If you sue them, the salon could have a case against you by saying it's not their fault and that you took them out too roughly or incorrectly.
I Could Cry for You! :crying3:

They should have gladly given you your $300 back. Please see a Derm as soon as you can.:yep:

I will be praying for you.:love2:

I had a similiar situation from Relaxer not being properly washed out etc.., and my hair snapped all the way down to the NG all throughout.

I know it made me Naseous to be able to pull out clumps of hair. It makes you sick on the Stomach.

I will be praying for you that there is No Permanent Damage.:hug3:

Everyone told me to "Sue" but I didn't and didn't ask for my $ back (which I should have:ohwell:). I just stopped going, became a DIY and Joined LHCF.

I hope you get everything Settled.:hug3:

The same thing happened to me.

Except my hair snapped of to barely 1/8 of an inch.

I wanted to have a pixie style. I don;t know what that heifer put in my hair..because they always turn the chair around...but within the course of a week..I was darned near bald. I finally had my sister cut it off to even it out.

I went to her and told he what happened. She said it was my fault. It really wasn't..(I used to lurk on here for 2 years before joining..buying things and following suggestion.That is how i grew my hair to neck-shoulder length.) As it turns out she wanted to sue me..the nerve.

Please let us know what happenes.
I think you should definitely try talking to the owner again and then go to a lawyer. You just wouldnt want to pay a $500 retainer to get $500. Thats the only bad thing. You definitely deserve something...but then it will get to a their word agaisnt your word and you know how that could go...
But why did it fall out? How did you care for your hair while it was in? Did you wash it? How did you take out the install? I don't understand why the hair would fall out in those specific spots . . .

this is the first thing I thought too.

I'm going to play the devil's advocate here, and believe me, this other perspective is something that is beneficial if you're considering a suit. A lot of times, people consider suing and they never realize how strong or weak their case is. Regardless, OP I'm incredibly sympathetic to your situation and I am hoping for speedy comeback ok? :bighug:

As an avid weaver, I'm inclined to wonder how those bald spots occurred in THAT area. See, the thing is, it looks like whoever took down your tracks caused this bald spot. I've seen these before, I promise I have and it has ALWAYS been caused by someone frustrated about carefully detangling/unsewing the spot where the thread/track/cornrow meet, that they just SNIP it off. Or, due to bad detangling, someone cut that chunk of hair out.

Are you sure it wasn't cut on mistake?

See, when hair is braided too tight, even in a sew in, the part that suffers are the edges. If your edges were where the bald spots were, then you may have somewhat of a case.

How did you care for you weave?

I'm anti-net, because nets are damaging, but a lot of women use them.

Again, I'm sorry this happened to you, but in order for you to seek remedy, you should make sure that it's completely their fault this occurred and that there was little to no way of you mitigating the damage.
I am so sorry this happened to you, my heart feels for you.

First, I would never ever pay $675 to get my hair done.

Secondly, I personally don't/wouldn't do weaves, braids, etc.

Third, My personal opinion is that you stated you knew they were too tight when they were being done, hence the reason for the Tylenol. That right there should have been the red light going off in your head to STOP or have them loosen them up.

Fourth, you kept them in for 2 months (i believe) - their case could be that it was something you used that caused the hair loss, not their stylist.

But I hope you see a derm soon - I know you would like your money back - but I don't think that's gonna happen.

Maybe if you know someone (i.e. lawyer/legal asst.) in the legal field who could just send them a letter of notice of intention to file suit but also state that this can be settled without litigation with a full refund of services.
I went into a salon a couple months ago for a sew-in weave. They promised healthy hair growth since my actual hair would be in cornrows and that the weave could last up to 3 months.

Okay, so they ended up braiding the cornrows too tight. I took my hair down a couple days ago and my hair came out in chunks! Now I have little bald spots all over my head and one big one in the middle of my head. The bald spot is completely smooth, feels lumpy and scared, and has a reddish/pinkish color to it.

I called the salon and spoke to the owner about it and also went in so they can see it. I asked them for a refund since I spent over $300 for healthy hair growth but got bald spots. I told them I wanted to see a dermatologist about it because it looks like permanent damage to me and that is why I want my money back. They did not give me one.

Can I sue them for damaging my scalp? For my refund and my dermatologist treatments?

Pics are attached.

Sorry this happened to you. Please dont think im trying to be mean, but why do we always want to run to the derm for stuff we know the cause of. Sister, dont spend money on a derm when you know the bald spot isnt from medical or genetic reasons! Emu oil may help. Here's proof from a lady who had a relaxer burn but it takes 90 days:
I think you should definitely try talking to the owner again and then go to a lawyer. You just wouldnt want to pay a $500 retainer to get $500. Thats the only bad thing. You definitely deserve something...but then it will get to a their word agaisnt your word and you know how that could go...

hey lexi i watch your YT vids sometimes
you have became beautiful over the years w/your hair and stuff
I would sue, file a complaint at the better business bureau, and probably call the news station.
I didnd't have time to read the entire thread but if you have photos of your hair before and after and the dermatologist can confirm that you have damage because the hair was pulled too tightly, you have a case. I had a friend who was bald on the top of her head because of chemical services. There was a part of her hair the dermatologist said would not grow back. Her attorney said it would be hard to get money if they went to trial. It took three years but the salon ended up settling at the tune of $22,000. My friend included her doctor's bills and the price of buying hair pieces to cover her obvious bald spots. And for pain and suffering. There is a great possibility that if it had gone to court, she would not have gotten much. She had a good attorney that did a good job of making the salon believe that they would do better setteling out of court. Please excuse any typos.
this is the first thing I thought too.

As an avid weaver, I'm inclined to wonder how those bald spots occurred in THAT area. See, the thing is, it looks like whoever took down your tracks caused this bald spot. I've seen these before, I promise I have and it has ALWAYS been caused by someone frustrated about carefully detangling/unsewing the spot where the thread/track/cornrow meet, that they just SNIP it off. Or, due to bad detangling, someone cut that chunk of hair out.

Are you sure it wasn't cut on mistake?

This was the same thing they asked me...if I took it down wrong. I figured they would. Which is why i save one of the chunks to show that it was not something I cut off or even had the strength to pull off. It has what looks like a clump of dead follicles and it looks like it came off long before I took the hair out. ....see pic below..

I will still take it to a dermatologist though just so they can also take a look at it and let me know if it was due to tension on the scalp or if it was something I did. But I do really feel like it was the tight braids. I've been wearing weaves for a long time, taking them down, and was at a time doing my own weaves...I never had this happen to me.


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Third, My personal opinion is that you stated you knew they were too tight when they were being done, hence the reason for the Tylenol. That right there should have been the red light going off in your head to STOP or have them loosen them up.

Fourth, you kept them in for 2 months (i believe) - their case could be that it was something you used that caused the hair loss, not their stylist.

But I hope you see a derm soon - I know you would like your money back - but I don't think that's gonna happen.

Maybe if you know someone (i.e. lawyer/legal asst.) in the legal field who could just send them a letter of notice of intention to file suit but also state that this can be settled without litigation with a full refund of services.

I really really wish I would have told them to take it out and just take my butt home. I guess I was waiting for them to suggest it since I kept telling them the braids were too tight and killing me. That's what I should've done. But I just didn't expect to be bald from it at all, I just figured they knew what they were doing; lesson learned. Even if I don't get my money back, that's fine...I can take it as a loss. I just want them to acknowledge what happened and not treat me like I don't matter.
The same thing happened to me.

Except my hair snapped of to barely 1/8 of an inch.

I wanted to have a pixie style. I don;t know what that heifer put in my hair..because they always turn the chair around...but within the course of a week..I was darned near bald. I finally had my sister cut it off to even it out.

I went to her and told he what happened. She said it was my fault. It really wasn't..(I used to lurk on here for 2 years before joining..buying things and following suggestion.That is how i grew my hair to neck-shoulder length.) As it turns out she wanted to sue me..the nerve.

Please let us know what happenes.

Yeah, she tried that w/me too:ohwell: And I had been a weekly client for over 5 years & I thought (a 'friend':nono:).

It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and she was tryna' squeeze errbody and they daddy in i.e. WALK-INS to make dat' money.....:rolleyes: And she overprocessed and then she didn't rinse the relaxer out enough (properly neutralize).

And she never even apologized:blush:.....

She told me it could have been my Thyroid, (and I don't even have a thyroid issue:perplexed) etc.......all kinds of things except HER Overall Negligence.

About 4-6 months later after her $ got 'funny' she started sending me these crazy "Friendship Cards" every week or two but would never put a return address on them and all kinds of bizarre things. (Except Apologizing and at the very least offering me some free conditioning treatments or something).:sad:

Oh Well.:ohwell: You Pray over your head. Ask God for Complete and Total Restoration and no Permanent Damage. And Repent for having that person all up in your Head.

And as best as you can try to KIM.:perplexed Don't Stress. Don't Dwell. And just try to use it as a Major Learning Experience.
Good luck with that.
you have two problems

1. they braided it too tight but you let them continue
2. you kept the style for 2 months

they can argue that you took let them braid it, and you kept it for months...and that the REAL reason your hair fell out was because you didn't know how to take the weave out properly.
and the judge will not award in your favor becuase it seems slightly ridiculous to let someone hurt your hair and then keep them in.

i had real tight braids before, and she said oh no this is how it is. two days later it still hurt so I took them out. lost a bit of hair...just never went back. i should have told her to stop when she was braiding.

I honestly don't think you have a "Real" case. you waited too long.

but good luck anyway.
she has a year from the date of the incident for her attorney to file litigation she can sue them for damage and emotional stress and whatever else her lawyer can legally think of

Good luck with that.
you have two problems

1. they braided it too tight but you let them continue
2. you kept the style for 2 months

they can argue that you took let them braid it, and you kept it for months...and that the REAL reason your hair fell out was because you didn't know how to take the weave out properly.
and the judge will not award in your favor becuase it seems slightly ridiculous to let someone hurt your hair and then keep them in.

i had real tight braids before, and she said oh no this is how it is. two days later it still hurt so I took them out. lost a bit of hair...just never went back. i should have told her to stop when she was braiding.

I honestly don't think you have a "Real" case. you waited too long.

but good luck anyway.
Im sorry this happened to you. Since you have pics you can try to sue them in civil court and see what happens at the least file a complaint with the better bussiness bureau. This happened to me after i had perm applied to my head and the hair dresser put something on my scalp and it burned. She was like this is to bring back your hair. Im this :swearing:my hair was almost done when i saw it. 2 huge chunks it front of my ****** head gone? I wanted to kill her but she was preggers. I was the head band queen until i decided to move onto wigs. What made it so bad is the rest of my hair was natural and i was only perming the horseshoe pattern for my weave. Its growing back now cause im taking care of it but i don't think im ever perming my hair again. And i learned also to go to the right hairdresser(which is myself, and a wig). But when i do a weave again im not afraid to tell them do not braid my hair tight or esle you will undo. Im paying you the money, you provide the service.
I hope your hair grows back stronger than ever.
Wow! looking at those pics, i just cringed. YIKES!! There are quite a "pro's" and "cons" regarding the lawsuit. Do what you feel is best.

But most of all, start taking that road to taking care of yourself.

Sometimes, in the beginning, you don't feel "angry"... this could be confusion, not being sure what to do, or just plain old shock. it happened to me with someone on a hair forum. I lost ALL of my hair...

Hang in there, and no matter what you decide, you'll have the support from this board.

Also, if you decide not to sue, i'd put the name of the salon out there so that others won't suffer the same fate.

Either that, or if several of us are in the area, we can call them up, make appointments, then cancel at the last minute and tell them why, later.
Either that, or if several of us are in the area, we can call them up, make appointments, then cancel at the last minute and tell them why, later.
Don't do that. That would be immature. It's not entirely the salons fault for what took place with ak46's hair. It's not like they put these braids in her hair without her consent.
Don't do that. That would be immature. It's not entirely the salons fault for what took place with ak46's hair. It's not like they put these braids in her hair without her consent.

i know, i know.. but it would make me feel better.:perplexed

i know i'm a mature adult - but i don't ALWAYS high to take the high road:look:
I would take them to small claims court, and make sure they are listed on the Better Business Bureau under the buyer beware section or something.
On the salons side though

If they saw that she had to leave and get medicine....they are the professionals and she is a customer....what if she doesnt know anything about weaves....for them to continue after she said it was too tight, and for one of the people there to give her medicine, I would think if she went to court that would also put them at fault too becuase it seems like they would also be telling her the pain/tighness is normal.

And I dont understand why they wouldnt try to work SOMETHING out with her. To me it seems like they have an attitude where they cant trust the customers becuase the customers may try to scam them and they are just going to stick with what they are obligated to do....instead of hearing her out, being concerned about her hair, having a meeting with the person who did her hair, her and the manager...offering her something my goodness. To turn somebody away after they spent all that money, and now have bald spots, just ugh. Leaves me very disgusted.
Like people walking in with bald spots happens every day or something. She didnt say she didnt like the weave and wanted her money back, but that her hair is worse off than before, they cant spare at least $300 for that to keep a good name atleast? :perplexed :nono:

Sometimes even if you tell stylist its too tight, they will keep doing it becuase they claim they dont know how to do it looser, they are doing it looser, or it wont look right...So alot of times if you know your hair cant take it you have to just not get the style untill you find a stylist that will listen to what you say. Becuase I think some stylist who braid and people who get their hair done dont think doing hair too tight is that serious, Ive seen alot of people take pain medicine while getting braids so its probally something they see alot. (I think alot of people think pain and all that comes with braids and the only problem is people are just tenderheaded, and any damage to your hair is becuase your hair was weak or you werent taking care of your hair)
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:nono::bighug:I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You should definitely have a case. Also, I would contact the Better Business Bureau. Their service was to PROPERLY install the weave, not just to install the weave, as your technician put it! Did you at any point after the first day, call or come back and ask her to loosen it up for you? If you did, and she refused, you should definitely have a case. Lay off any styles that cause tension. I know it will get better, I've had some really bad experiences with hairdressers and weaves where I've lost hair too! Stay positive and baby yourself and your hair. God bless.
HELL YEAH!!! Go to small claims court and get your money back and the money for treatment. How long did you keep it in before you removed it?
I was cringing right along with everyone else. Dang I would be too mad. After being on LHCF if I ever chose to have my hair professionally done one thing I would do would be TIGHT. Nope. I haven't had to do it, but I think with my knowledge I would have no problem speaking up for MY HAIR.

I am sorry this happened to you. Wold it be possible for you to take clearer pics? It is obvious there is some damage but I think some clearer pics would help if you do decide to take this to court so that it is clear exactly what we are looking at.

Those last three pics made my stank face come out. OUCH!

Sorry this happened to you...But I would go to the derm ASAP, those spots look painful!

OT- My sister has a friend who started getting random bald spots in her head, but it later found to be stress related...So just make sure stress has nothing to do with this either
I went into a salon a couple months ago for a sew-in weave. They promised healthy hair growth since my actual hair would be in cornrows and that the weave could last up to 3 months.

Okay, so they ended up braiding the cornrows too tight. I took my hair down a couple days ago and my hair came out in chunks! Now I have little bald spots all over my head and one big one in the middle of my head. The bald spot is completely smooth, feels lumpy and scared, and has a reddish/pinkish color to it.

I called the salon and spoke to the owner about it and also went in so they can see it. I asked them for a refund since I spent over $300 for healthy hair growth but got bald spots. I told them I wanted to see a dermatologist about it because it looks like permanent damage to me and that is why I want my money back. They did not give me one.

Can I sue them for damaging my scalp? For my refund and my dermatologist treatments?

Pics are attached.
OP have u gone to the derm yet?