Can a breakup (or break) make a relationship stronger?


Well-Known Member
After dating my guy for 4 months, we broke up. I think we were going thru that "fork in the road", "make it or break it" phase. It was a very long 3 weeks where there was no communication. And when I went to his place to pick up belongings I left there, we ended talking and spending the whole day together reconciling.
I was nervous about having to see him again, and I def didnt think a reconciliation was going to happen. Its now been about another 3 weeks where were have been talking and seeing each other. And I do feel like we are closer and our bond is stronger. He originally broke up with me, and it seems like he is putting more effort since then.
Anyone have any similar situations like this? What was the background, and how has it ended up?
I thnk it depends on the reason for the break up and whether or not its somethg u can forgive and forget

Four months isnt a long enuf time to consider this kind of question in my opinion. U havent really gone thru anythg together.

Of course idk u guys and i could be totally wrong. I dont mean to minimize your love at all. Just seems like too short a time to worry abt this.
Imo, men who do this want to control the relationship. Yes, I may be reaching but for me it's a control issue. Yes your relationship could work and lead to marriage. From what I've seen a couple has. However, the relationship is usually on his terms.
After you tell me you are ready to stop trying with me, I wont be able to look at a person the same. And breakups to makeup are typically a power move on behalf of one person.