Calling Out...Pokahontas!!!

Nice & Wavy said:
Hey are not only my LHCF sister, you too are a good friend. I'm so glad that you are feeling better and always know that you can pm me anytime to talk. You are a blessing to all of us here and it was time to let you know that.

Thanks again girl. I'm feeling better now. I was just kinda down in the dumps.....ya know how it gets sometimes. I feel better when I come here. Thanks for being there!
Priestess said:
I love your hair Pokahontas! I agree, it's looks beautiful in it's natural state all Noodleheaded out or Maxiglided straight. You got it all going on girl! :clapping:
Thanks pj buddy:lol: ;) .
I've gotta chime in and agree! Poka has some BEAUTIFUL hair and is so helpful. I am a huge fan of hers:weird: ! She's one of the reasons I joined this board and I've always been motivated by her. Good job and thank you!
Thanks lyphe, Isis, Hairlove, carameldive, 2cute, and IvyHair! You all have some beautiful hair as well!

This board is so supportive and full of such sweet people. I'm so glad to be here.
Pokahontas said:
Thanks lyphe, Isis, Hairlove, carameldive, 2cute, and IvyHair! You all have some beautiful hair as well!

This board is so supportive and full of such sweet people. I'm so glad to be here.

I'm glad to be here too!!! Everyone here is so helpful and full of life! I don't know what I would do if you guys weren't here anymore.