Calling All Tangled Haired Ladies!!!

@Muse can you explain the bold? I flat iron my hair and I braid it when flat ironed for bed. Before I discovered Curlformers, I braided it to stretch before flat ironing. So I don't follow how it's conterproductive to braid hair if going to flat iron. That's what a lot of naturals do. Please 'splain.

When you braid you are adding waves to the hair. That's what I'm trying to get rid of. I wash, blow dry, and flat iron. In my current routine I don't see where braids figure in. I should add that a few years back I use to air dry in braids and then flat iron and I felt it was counter productive then so I stopped. So I am speaking from personal experience. Maybe those braids weren't done right...
When you braid you are adding waves to the hair. That's what I'm trying to get rid of. I wash, blow dry, and flat iron. In my current routine I don't see where braids figure in. I should add that a few years back I use to air dry in braids and then flat iron and I felt it was counter productive then so I stopped. So I am speaking from personal experience. Maybe those braids weren't done right...

@Muse, but wouldn't waves be easier to straighten than tightly curled?

Here's what my hair would end up like like if I let it airdry from a wet state unbraided.

However, if I airdry in braids, I end up with this stretched section.

It doesn't take much to figure out which of the two would be easier to smooth into a straight effect. So braiding as a precursor to straightening IMO beats just airdrying kinky hair loose. You have more work to do and may need more heat to go from hair this tight than from hair that is somewhat loosened.

Blowdrying can be drying to hair...and also adds extra heat that you could skip if you stretched in no-heat ways, IMO. Hence why I opt to stretch in braids or Curlformers and airdry.
I am indeed a tangler but have learned to control it by detangling before washing, washing my hair in sections, overall better technique and using quality products. When I'm nearing TU, my ng gets tangled so I have be super patient. I bought into the tangle teezer theory and whip it out on occasions with no evident damage. I will pass on the item discussed in this thread but glad it worked for you OP.
I experience tangled hair regularly. It seems like I detangle braid and when I unbraid, it is tangled again! I wish I could find a miracle for tangled transitioning hair. However, I tried the tangle teazer and had breakage. I am gun shy and will stick to finger and shower comb detangling.

I hear what you are saying sista but I have tried EVERY technique you mentioned. Even my hair stylists have tried those techniques. Truth of the matter is, some people's hair is just prone to tangles. I once decided to spend a whole hour detangling my hair. Yes, 1 hour cause that's how bad my tangles are. I parted into very small sections, used a leave in with great slippage and used a seamless wide tooth comb and still couldn't get the tangles out. My hair has the tendency to bounce (if that makes sense) when I'm detangling which cause RETANGLING. You feel my pain sista? So basically I end up going over the same section multiple times still without getting most of the tangles out. Even stylists complain about it. Trust me, I have tried and tried and tried girl and even asked God WHY..............but finally my prayers are answered. I'm not trying to argue with you, simply stating my experience. This has been a lifelong up hill battle for me, my mom (when I was little) and my stylists. All I can say right now is THANKYA JESUS!

wait, where the camera at?? :look:

all of this is the most dramatic product endorsement i've heard outside of late night tv :lol::lol:
Oh no, ma'am. I just clicked on the link and it looks like something you'd find in a hospital operating room. :nono:

And it sounds like the hype there was around the Tangle Teezer. I'll stick to my Aussie Moist and wide tooth combs (and the occasional Tangle Teezer if it's really THAT bad).
Ummm... is this a case of an LHCF hacker or is the OP real? If fo' real... Dag! I have really got to get my passion level back up. I don't think I like anything as much as Brighteyes35 likes this thing!

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So again, what is it doing?

See hair like that in the video looks like a walk in the park compared to 4B hair. Also that hair isn't tangled from what I can see. It'd be nice if someone with actually tangled hair that a comb cannot go through demonstrates this and then picks this wonder and shows the difference. What's more, if you're talmbout this sort of hair...

...I think the thing'd get stuck before it even started. We're talking about kinks interlocking, wrapping around each other in a way that nothing can pass through unless you manually pull the strands apart.... Kinks too tiny that their diameter is smaller than that of the teeth of that thing. Maybe y'all have a different kind of hair than I have. *shrug*

My natural hair looks just like yours. :) I hardly ever see that. Even with my texlax, I still wouldn't use those appliances. The mechanics would scare me.

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Thanks for sharing OP. I don't see what is wrong with her being enthusiastic about something that is working for her. If seh didn't share, and it happen to come up, then people would asking: "why didn't you tell us"? We share things that works and don't work all the time. What is so different about this?
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OP, I am glad you found something that works for your hair! I am on a no-buy so I can't get anything new right now. Thank you for sharing this. I'll prob hear more about it in the future.
Ok. I'm back to testify. I ordered the Tangle Tamer from I was a little skeptical when I saw the cute little white girl on the box. I thought... "I bet they didn't test this on type 4 hair". I have a long history of having tangled hair. Now that I'm texlaxed & a long stretcher, it's even worse.


Well, I tried it and I have to say... It is the best! I love it. I totally get the OP's enthusiasm. This thing is my new best friend lol. It's gentle & the ONLY hairs that it removes are shed hairs. It's almost too good to be true. My texlaxed hair is type 3 & my new growth is type 4, so getting through tangles with 0 breakage is a miracle. I used to spend hours carefully detangling my hair & would still see a few broken hairs. Now I get it done in less than an hour with 0 breakage.

I also love that it does most of the work. My arms used to be so tired after manual detangling.

I love it so much that I'm tempted to buy another one. I'm afraid that when this one stops working, I'll look up & the product will be discontinued :lol: It's that good :yep:

I give it 3 thumbs up.

:up: :up: :up:

Sent from my iPhone 4 using LHCF
I remember seeing the other review on this. It seems so small. How long does it take you to detangle your hair with it? It seems it would be like mopping your floor with a toothbrush... forever...
I remember seeing the other review on this. It seems so small. How long does it take you to detangle your hair with it? It seems it would be like mopping your floor with a toothbrush... forever...

It's a lot bigger than it looks. I was surprised by how big it actually is b/c it looked only slightly bigger than a toothbrush in pictures :lol:. I also thought it couldn't be too big for only $10.

The part that contains the teeth is actually about 3 inches long. The whole contraption is about as big as a curling iron.

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It's a lot bigger than it looks. I was surprised by how big it actually is b/c it looked only slightly bigger than a toothbrush in pictures :lol:. I also thought it couldn't be too big for only $10.

The part that contains the teeth is actually about 3 inches long. The whole contraption is about as big as a curling iron.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using LHCF

SmileyNY, Thanks. I would not have figured that. Please keep me updated on how you like it ongoing on. I know there are varying opinions on detangling but I'm open. If I didn't have my tangle teezer I would have had to shave my head months ago. I will leave the finger detangling, wide tooth combs and denmans to others. Gotta do what I gotta do!

Glad you liked it girlfriend. I can see some of the other ladies on here thought I was REALLY tripping hard.............LOL! But really isn't the thing amazing??? It's like..........what, is this for real??? LOL! I'm telling you, it makes detangling my new friend and it used to be my worst enemy!!!

I use this thing faithfully and haven't had a problem. When I examine the hairs I only see shedded hairs. I just got a blow out the other day and was amazed at how full my ends were. My ends are prone to becoming thinned out because of detangling but so far all is good. I will keep you posted if you have more questions. I'm all about helping my sista girls!
Ok. I'm back to testify. I ordered the Tangle Tamer from I was a little skeptical when I saw the cute little white girl on the box. I thought... "I bet they didn't test this on type 4 hair". I have a long history of having tangled hair. Now that I'm texlaxed & a long stretcher, it's even worse.


Well, I tried it and I have to say... It is the best! I love it. I totally get the OP's enthusiasm. This thing is my new best friend lol. It's gentle & the ONLY hairs that it removes are shed hairs. It's almost too good to be true. My texlaxed hair is type 3 & my new growth is type 4, so getting through tangles with 0 breakage is a miracle. I used to spend hours carefully detangling my hair & would still see a few broken hairs. Now I get it done in less than an hour with 0 breakage.

I also love that it does most of the work. My arms used to be so tired after manual detangling.

I love it so much that I'm tempted to buy another one. I'm afraid that when this one stops working, I'll look up & the product will be discontinued :lol: It's that good :yep:

I give it 3 thumbs up.

:up: :up: :up:

Sent from my iPhone 4 using LHCF

Almost forget, I already stocked up cause if they do discontinue, this chic is up the creek. LOL! Not sure why they don't market this to adults?? What...........when we grow up the tangles go away.............come on now!! They gotta know better than that!

I use this thing faithfully and haven't had a problem. When I examine the hairs I only see shedded hairs. I just got a blow out the other day and was amazed at how full my ends were. My ends are prone to becoming thinned out because of detangling but so far all is good. I will keep you posted if you have more questions. I'm all about helping my sista girls!
My ends are prone to thinning because of dentangling as well since I was a kid. I tried the tangle teaser and it caused more splits. It'd be nice to find something so I can have fuller ends for once.

The comb looks similar to a wide tooth comb, which is very different from the tangle teaser.
0 broken hairs? really????? no fraying/ splitting ends???

0... Every hair that I pulled was long & had a white bulb. I thought was going :spinning: b/c it was too good to be true. I'm sure I must have some split ends, but if I do they aren't excessive & they were already there. I haven't had a trim in 6 months. I'm not sure how this thing could cause split ends, as the teeth are a half inch apart.... but, if I notice any excessive splitting in the future, I'll definitely be back with an update :yep:

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Girl that tangle teezer was a HOT MESS. I tried the thing too and just about cried after using it. It was snagging the h*ll outta my hair and wasn't even detangling!!!! Like a fool, I forged through with it anyway and after looking at the amount of lost hairs I was like OMG!!! That thing went into the trash can so fast it wasn't funny. I swear I needed therapy after using it cause that's how awful I felt. With the tangle tamer the teeth rotate and loosens those tangles up without a problem. It's like a wide tooth comb with rotating, serrated teeth. Wish I could have thought of that! No snagging, snapping and definitely no more OUCHES!
I'm really interested in getting this IF it doesnt cause splits. I read this review on Amazon:

". Her hair is more fine and does not tangle as much but it left it very nice. She was worried that it would brake pieces of but it did not. My #3 daughter has very thin almost baby thin hair baby fine that goes down only half way down her back. (Shes 5) we tried it on one of her tangles and it did alright but did brake some off."

THAT part scares me. I have fine hair. It's not baby fine, but it's pretty thin. It snaps and splits so easily, even after a trim. This is the only thing that scares me like the tangle teaser.
Could it be that some of these products are failing because of the condition of the hair - not the product itself? If it works, then it works. Pehaps some have snapping ends due to dryness and others' hair is too mushy due to over-conditioning. One can theorize as to why something is not supposed to work but proof is in the pudding. If it works for the individual, then it works.
The Tangle Teezer works WONDERS in my hair. Detangles in like 2 seconds. I didn't know so many people thought it was a sorry product. Everyone tries to steal mine...

Hey lady, if you are having some apprehension about the tangle tamer, don't buy it. I say stick with what is working for you. Some ladies do fine with finger detangling, some ladies do fine with the tangle TEEZER or wide tooth combs. I had tried all of those techniques with no results. You said your hair is thin and snaps~~~~are you getting enough moisture and protein in your hair? I'm sure you have been asked that a thousand times, right? Does it snap when both dry and wet or one of the other? How much heat are you putting on it? Since your hair is thin it sounds like finger detangling may be your best approach. Have you tried it?

A side note hair use to start splitting just days after getting trims and I would also get those little white bulbs at the end. It's called Trichorrhexis nodosa and the cultprit for me was flat irons. Since I stopped flat ironing on a regular basis, I don't get them anymore nor the split ends.

Hey lady, if you are having some apprehension about the tangle tamer, don't buy it. I say stick with what is working for you. Some ladies do fine with finger detangling, some ladies do fine with the tangle TEEZER or wide tooth combs. I had tried all of those techniques with no results. You said your hair is thin and snaps~~~~are you getting enough moisture and protein in your hair? I'm sure you have been asked that a thousand times, right? Does it snap when both dry and wet or one of the other? How much heat are you putting on it? Since your hair is thin it sounds like finger detangling may be your best approach. Have you tried it?

A side note hair use to start splitting just days after getting trims and I would also get those little white bulbs at the end. It's called Trichorrhexis nodosa and the cultprit for me was flat irons. Since I stopped flat ironing on a regular basis, I don't get them anymore nor the split ends.
Thanks, I;ve been working on my hair condition for 4 years now. Somewhat frustrating that I can't get it to be a certain way, but I'm beginning to attribute it to my hair type. I balance the protein and moisture level pretty well. I stopped flat ironing for 5+years and still got splits (helped to get it to BSL, but not longer). I think it's the detangling process so finding something that works would be awesome. Finger combing doesn't work because my hair tends to retangle around one another and I never can get all the tangles out. it usually snaps during detangling around the knot, wet or dry. There's not a whole lot of breakage, just splits from detangling.

I ask about hair type because I noticed women with fine fragile 4ab hair have more problems with tangling, knots, SSKs, and splits and this would be a GODSEND for us, like a little miracle worker.