Calling all naturals who are mid back or longer

I've been keeping my hair up a lot lately, and that helps a lot with tangles and allows me to wash less often. Lately, I just don't feel like having a bunch of wet hair hanging down my back, so I feel lazy about washing.

I detangle my hair in the shower with conditioner, and I use a comb, I feel like I can't get the tangles out otherwise. It's interesting how some people feel like a comb helps, and some feel like it makes things worse.

I also feel like airdrying my hair while it's contained in braids, buns, etc helps, because then it dries sort of straightened out, you know? That seems to mean less tangling. I also find that if I wear my hair down, it's important to wear smooth clothing, because having my hair rub over a rough shirt/jacket all day leads to major tangles!

I also want to add that my hair isn't really more tangled as it's gotten longer. For awhile it was, but it got better, so don't give up ladies! Longer hair doesn't necessarily lead to a rats nest :)