"Call me anytime."

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I've been texting with a dude who seems like a good prospect. (Yes, this is a different dude. Cue Fabolous :grin:) Anyways, we have been texting so much back and forth I feel like a phone call is in order. So, I ask him if he'll be around later and if he'd like to chat.

His response? "Sure. You can give me a call anytime."


I *hate* the idea of calling first. (But he did text first, so . . . .)

What do you guys think? If Bunny were here, I think she'd tell me not to . . .

What say you?
No. Don't call him. Let him call you first.

If he was really really interested in talking to you on the phone instead of texting, he would have responded with:

"Yes. I'll give you a call later."

And he maybe would have even asked what time you would be free to talk since you initially asked if he would like to chat later on.
He said call me anytime so why not just call him?

You want to talk to him, then just call.
I wouldn't call, and I wouldn't have suggested a call. If you're texting, he has your number.

See that's where I get confused; I can't do the texting thing beyond "good morning", "how's your day going" :nono: so its easy for me to say pick up the phone and call him if you want to talk.
I agree with the other posters, Let Him Call You...
if he's trying to court you properly, he'll pursue...he'll make an effort to get to know you.
Part of this effort is HIM calling you...
If he doesn't make an effort, you see early on exactly where you stand...
keep it moving...
It's been my experience that the truly interested guys will make it a point to call, even if they don't really like talking on the phone. He should call you first. You might want to cut down on responding to texts.
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PSA - Dont start texting conversations in the first place! Texting is for convenience not the exchange of dialogue. If you start it its hard to stop it.....

On the issue of calling, I would call let it ring twice and hang up....**sorry if YOU see this as game..life is a game and I am in it to win it** and if he wants to talk he will call you back....lol...best of both worlds....lol...say Im sorry you know how these phones do....**nothing more** and let the conversation flow....
Maybe I'm not reading what you guys are reading even though I've read this several times.

They are texting, she asked if he'd like to chat, he says sure call me anytime AND she should wait for him to call when she was the one that wanted to chat?

Maybe I've been out of the dating game for too long...IDK!!!
See that's where I get confused; I can't do the texting thing beyond "good morning", "how's your day going" :nono: so its easy for me to say pick up the phone and call him if you want to talk.

It's been my experience that the truly interested guys will make it a point to call, even if they don't really like talking on the phone. He should call you first. You might want to cut down on responding to texts.

Yeah, our texts last night were a straight novel :lol: That's why I said we should talk on the phone . . . .
Glib Gurl

I tried it, I did and while I was reading the other parts of the text kept coming and I was loosing my space; not to mention there is a text language that someone forgot to give me a manual to so it takes a while for me to understand what I'm reading sometimes.

I had to breakdown and ask someone what "ard" stood for because I had spent too much time trying to figure that one out......whew!!!
Yeah, our texts last night were a straight novel :lol: That's why I said we should talk on the phone . . . .
I never engage in texting past 5 words, nope can't do it.

This is my extent of texting:

Him: I am running late.
Me: Ok

Him: Confirming dinner at 5p
Me: Ok

Him: I miss you so much, wish you were here with me.
I didn't text my hubby and he pursued and we're married. I say again let the guy pursue, men are hunters, blah blah blah. It worked for me.
I'd go ahead call him on this occasion. He's standing by for your call. I really don't like receiving phone calls, though. It's usually an unwelcome interruption even when I'm doing nothing. Don't call me, I'll call you! LOL!
The next time he texts I would say hey you can call me @ the following times & days, this is when I am free to chat. If he kept texting I'd say I am tired of texting but look forward to his call. Some women get dumped @ this stage, which is better than texting for weeks on end with no phone contact or dates. In the future I would avoid too much texting in the first place unless that is something you like in the beginning.
i hate that.... many dudes have been left waiting for a phone to ring if they thought i was going to call them.... while i prefer texts until i decide if i like them enough to limit myself to only being able to have one conversation going on at a time (phone calls), when it's time to get on the phone, i hate when they don't initiate it...
Why do people who don't like texting want to make the rules for everybody else. Texting is for whatever you see fit.

At any rate. If you want him to call then just wait it out. If you want to talk to him then call him but don't make a habit out of doing it. He should be putting forth a little more effort.
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Maybe I'm not reading what you guys are reading even though I've read this several times.

They are texting, she asked if he'd like to chat, he says sure call me anytime AND she should wait for him to call when she was the one that wanted to chat?

Maybe I've been out of the dating game for too long...IDK!!!

I have to agree. Even though I enjoy texting and social networking, they have really made dating rules more complicated.
i dont like talking on the phone AT ALL ,some people are just "texters" lol .By him saying you can call anytime he might be testing the waters to see if you re really intersted .Men do it too .
I would stop texting him and see if HE ll call to see whats up.However if you really are intersted in him just call him ,sometimes you have to let a man pursue you at the RIGHT stage of the courting process or you could lose potential suitable partners
Go ahead and call him because you said you would.

Have you ever had a vocal conversation with him? If not, what if he sounds like Donald Duck?

You can gather a lot of information from talking while you get to know each other. Save the texting for later.
How about you just text him and say "hey, can you talk?" and wait for him to call after that or call him. You're already texting each other so the idea of you calling him is not as bad as the "initial" call. I'd never make an initial call or initial text. But saying hey, I'm tired of texting so let's talk is totally different and there's nothing wrong with that.

The next time he text'd me I'd just text him and tell him to call me when he has time to talk.
Maybe I'm not reading what you guys are reading even though I've read this several times.

They are texting, she asked if he'd like to chat, he says sure call me anytime AND she should wait for him to call when she was the one that wanted to chat?

Maybe I've been out of the dating game for too long...IDK!!!

That's one of those sticky situations. Since she brought having a conversation over the phone, it makes more sense to me that she should call first. HOWEVER, the fact that he hasn't called anyhow would have been sign enough for me to not be interested.

I've gotten to a point where I let guys know upfront that I DO NOT LIKE TEXTING (although I really do :look:) when I'm trying to get to know someone. Texting, IMO, is to impersonal when you are in the beginning stages of dating and it's not something simple.
Have you ever had a vocal conversation with him? If not, what if he sounds like Donald Duck?

This is precisely why I want to TALK (well and also to find out if he can carry on a conversation).

Will keep y'all posted :yep:
I dont see why you wouldnt call him. You brought it up. It dont make any sense on waiting til he dial you first. If you felt that way you should of told him to give you a ring when he had some free time or set up a certain time for him to call you.