Bye EllePixie :(

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Title of this thread is clearly wrong at this point. :lol: If this thread is still strong by tomorrow, I'm getting me some good dessert or salty comfort food. :pop: :popcorn:
That's the tricky thing with sarcasm and the internetz; sometimes it doesn't translate well.

Sometimes people would use purple font when they're being sarcastic, but I haven't seen that done much lately.
I'm on my phone and didn't even click on it lol. The "Did I cover all my bases?" was where i felt attitude lmao sorry MaiTai if you were being funny

Sent from my DROID RAZR

There wasn't an lol in her post so I didn't think she was joking. If she was joking then an lol would make things clearer, so no future confusion can pop up.
There wasn't an lol in her post, I didn't think she was joking. If she was joking then an lol would make things clearer, so no future confusion can pop up.

Well, I guess she'll come in and let Curls know. Lol. That gif though. I can gear Shanaynay saying it. Lol.
That's the tricky thing with sarcasm and the internetz; sometimes it doesn't translate well.

Sometimes people would use purple font when they're being sarcastic, but I haven't seen that done much lately.

I can't multiquote on the phone but....
I missed that by a mile plus I'm not a vet in these type of threads.

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has written language and reading skills devolved so much in the past few years that someone literally has to say that they'e laughing for another person to get the joke? forreal?

has written language skills devolved so much in the past few years that someone literally has to say that they'e laughing for another person to get the joke? forreal?


Naw, we are just as sarcastic and facetious as hayle here and it translates poorly. Lol. The gif was the lol.,
has written language skills devolved so much in the past few years that someone literally has to say that they'e laughing for another person to get the joke? forreal?


Yep, that's real because some people like me need at least an emoticon or something. I appreciate your use of "lol" at the very end.

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if it's that serious to wear a mask then don't do a youtube video. it makes everything you say disingenuous because you can't be genuine enough to show your face. Are you in witness protection?

Sent from my iPad using LHCF

:rofl::rofl: Hopefully, no one in the witness protection program is posting videos on YouTube.
I know. Eyes are what identifies you. If DH just covered up his grill or say someone from the street, I would recognize them. Eyes are the window to the soul. Ain't that what they say? Lol

Maybe get the face blur and the voice distortion like they do on the first 48.

Sent From My Pheauxne

:lachen: That's even creepier than wearing a mask. Whoever does that needs to have their channel deleted by the good folks over at YouTube.

You have only addressed half of the problem. Obscuring the lower half of your face has made it easier for me to focus on and memorize your eyes and hairline. If I see those eyes and hairline on the street, I WILL recognize you.

Coupled with the surgical mask, this lovely number will solve that problem.


^^I just flatlined.
CurlsBazillion said:
And anyone who chooses to laugh are raised wrong? It's laughable that you choose to down me as if I'm the only one laughing at this, plus I'm not even trying to be mean and suggest more masks. You're a thread late and a post short with your high and mighty speech.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

Ummm... Not sure why you are so mad. I was clearly joking hence the gif but ok...
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CurlsBazillion said:
I'm on my phone and didn't even click on it lol. The "Did I cover all my bases?" was where i felt attitude lmao sorry MaiTai if you were being funny

Sent from my DROID RAZR

Yes girl. I posted a huge Shanaynay gif. No hard feelings. Lets get back to the f-ckery.
I tried to explain this thread to DH when he asked me why I was acting a fool rolling around laughing like a hyena. He gave me the side-eye...
sckri23 said:
There wasn't an lol in her post so I didn't think she was joking. If she was joking then an lol would make things clearer, so no future confusion can pop up.

Nope... No lol. Personally I think Shanaynay was funnier then an old played out "lol" but hey...
Elle is a member but a non-paying one. She can thank but she cannot post. She said its not even worth the money to pay and respond to the thread (via twitter).

I don't blame her.
She can save her $6.50 for something else like s&h or an appetizer.

No need to respond to the "allegations" made by folks behind computer screens and surgical masks.

Do you boo :yep:
I don't blame her.
She can save her $6.50 for something else like s&h or an appetizer.

No need to respond to the "allegations" made by folks behind computer screens and surgical masks.

Do you boo :yep:

Yes girl. I posted a huge Shanaynay gif. No hard feelings. Lets get back to the f-ckery.

From now on if I'm not sure I'll get on my computer and check for gifs or pm somebody.

This thread is a crazy way to say bye to Elle and hello to the infamous masked vlogger. I plan to stop by from to time to time and watch Sassy's latest adventure. I wanna try that product she used to blow her hair out and hey she might even jazz that mask up and bedazzle it.

Sent from my DROID RAZR
Thanks to all he sheggry in this post I just won $150 from my fiancé just because I knew we would make 15 pages.....thank you to some of the crazies in here now off to buy some hair products with my $150
Thanks to all he sheggry in this post I just won $150 from my fiancé just because I knew we would make 15 pages.....thank you to some of the crazies in here now off to buy some hair products with my $150

:lol: you've tricked him!!! does he know about the "# of posts/pages" function"?? at 40 posts/pg, it's only at page 9. womp womp :lol:
Thanks to all he sheggry in this post I just won $150 from my fiancé just because I knew we would make 15 pages.....thank you to some of the crazies in here now off to buy some hair products with my $150

Idk how many pages it is online but on my phone you passed 15 pages a long time ago its 34 pages now lol. Enjoy your money girl!!!!
From now on if I'm not sure I'll get on my computer and check for gifs or pm somebody.

This thread is a crazy way to say bye to Elle and hello to the infamous masked vlogger. I plan to stop by from to time to time and watch Sassy's latest adventure. I wanna try that product she used to blow her hair out and hey she might even jazz that mask up and bedazzle it.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

Naw, just hit your menu button and hit browser. Both my DROID and iphobe have that option.

I ain't look at your profile-my smart phone did. :p
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