Busted Out Da 'Fro At Work Today! ((PICS))

aww ilovee it:yep::yep: it looks sooo soft:)

my cousin had worn her hair like this to my all white school during the last few weeks of her senior year and ALL the white kids loved it:) they kept patting it and touching it like crazy :lol:

icant wait to let my shrinkage have its few days of fame:grin:

yu should wear it like that more often:)
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:lol::lol::lol: Thanks! But I DID take Winnie the Pooh to work with me! I love that lil' guy! Besides, those were my work scrubs! :grin:

LOL! SCRUBS, of course! In that case, it's all good. I thought they were your PJs. They're adorable!

Congrats again on your hair progress and your "lookin' good at work" day--I bet you looked super good from (gorgeous) head to toe!:yep: