Bunning and taking a decent picture???


New Member
How do you bunners manage to take cute pictures while wearing buns? I hate the way I look in pictures because I look like have no hair with my hair pulled back. I've been hating myself in pictures because everyone else has their hair down and look so pretty and then all you see from me is a big face because my hair is slicked back and bunned. I've taken a ton of birthday and holiday pictures with people and I just cringe. Do any of you guys have secrets on how to photograph well? Do you have pics frontal pics with your hair pulled back into a bun? I wear makeup, cute earrings and accessories but still it jes ain't workin!

I was going to post a pic but I just feel wayyy to self conscious about it.
I hate that too! I try to like, turn my head to the side some so you can see the bun in the picture and it's proof that I do actually have hair.
I feel you on that girl. I have a big face and hair straight back isn't hot. Have you tried a bun with a part? I wear a side bun (allll the time when I wear buns) and I have a part as well. I like to see my bun when I'm looking in the mirror as well. I don't like looking at myself with my hair pulled back like that. Call me vain, but I don't look cute like that. lol
I know what you mean. I have a big head so I like my hair down for pics. I wore a bun for Christmas though and I put a swoop in the front to help w/my forhead. Still looks big but I wore cute earring and make up and I think it turned out cute. I'll try to post the pic.
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Thanks ladies. Those are good tips. I haven't tried to put a part in my hair for the last couple of months because my new growth is out of control and I was shedding terribly so I was avoiding combing altogether. I will do the side bun thing though. I don't know why I didn't think of that because I've worn it before. I will do my relaxer in January so I'll start parting and side bunning everytime I have an outting. And people are gonna get sick of my side profile.:lachen:
Ms Lala said:
I know what you mean. I have a big head so I like my hair down for pics. I wore a bun for Christmas though and I put a swoop in the front to help w/my forhead. Still looks big but I wore cute earring and make up and I think it turned out cute. I'll try to post the pic.

Please do, Ms. Lala. I'm sure it'll inspire me. I definitely think its my forehead that's jackin me up because my sister wore her hair in a ponytail and my cousin wore her hair in a low bun and they both still looked great on the pictures. I was just a face.:ohwell:
Ms Lala said:

I put a swoop and angled my bun to the side so I wouldn't have that kind of bald look.
I couldn't resize the pic properly so I just posted a link. I also have some pics of some cute updos from the web that I'll post the links to in another post when I get them together.

AWWWW....I love it!!!! Thanks so much for posting that. You look really cute and that style will save me in my future pics!!! Whoo, they ain't gonna be ready for me on New Year's Eve.
Cayenne0622 said:
AWWWW....I love it!!!! Thanks so much for posting that. You look really cute and that style will save me in my future pics!!! Whoo, they ain't gonna be ready for me on New Year's Eve.

Thanks. lol!!! Here are the links to the sites w/the updos. Some of them are real cute. I think accessories help alot.





I feel you Cayenne. I can't stand takin pics with my bun. I already have a go-head-fo-head so you know how I look:lol: . It's cool though. It'll all be worth it in the end.
However, I sometime do the swoop thing too. Makes it look a whole lot better.
Besides my side bun, I leave out a long, spiral tendril or two. It looks pretty and sexy too.;)
I was wondering about this too, because I look bad in pics with a bun, even with a part. :( Sometimes I put a scarf around my bun though, and that makes it a little better.
Sadly, I'm not alone but I'm glad I have you guys for help and encouragement. Thanks for the tips. MsLala - thanks for the additional links.