BSL by Dec 2011

keepithealthy I think you are BSB! But hey... in light of recent threads, you never know. lol

I started back up with MSM. I'm actually trying to up my water intake, so I fill a gallon sized water bottle with 2tbs of MSM powder and drink that during the day.
Well, I just did a length check and I'm BSL stretched. However, I'm not claiming it until I hit BSL unstretched. I should be there and then some by Dec. I'm a happy camper. I grew at least .5" from Oct 5th until today.
I just undid half-dollar size of braids, stretched my hair and saw that my hair is comfortably touching/past the top of my bra strap! Although I'm excited I won't claim BSL until my hair touches the bottom of my bra strap. I hope I can make it by the time I take out my braids after finals in December! 50 days! :grin:

Once I hit BSL I'm going to buy my hair something beautiful to celebrate :lol:

In April of 2010 I NEVER thought I would be able to make it past SL and now it's October 2011 and I'm practically BSL! AHHH! Sorry for the rambling, but I just can't believe it!
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On my Martin s**t you go girl :grin: :yep: :lick:

Forgot to post final pic--this was my drop out length (before haircut), on 08/29/2011:


I think maybe I could have claimed it?
I have no doubt I would have made it had I not lost a few inches to that haircut 2 weeks later! :spinning:
Well, I just did a length check and I'm BSL stretched. However, I'm not claiming it until I hit BSL unstretched. I should be there and then some by Dec. I'm a happy camper. I grew at least .5" from Oct 5th until today.

What you been doing?
@ZebraPrintLover The question is what haven't I been doing. LOL I upped my protein. I GHE with my growth aide at least 5 days a week. I upped my MSM and biotin. I've been drinking more water. I added more supplements. I started back exercising. I started steaming and DC one a week on schedule and overnight. I've been doing some of everything. The biggest thing is I only CO or poo once a week.

If you look at my siggy, my hair unstretched is where my daughter's finger is for my stretched hair. If that makes sense to you:perplexed
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@ZebraPrintLover The question is what haven't I been doing. LOL I upped my protein. I GHE with my growth aide at least 5 days a week. I upped my MSM and biotin. I've been drinking more water. I added more supplements. I started back exercising. I started steaming and DC one a week on schedule and overnight. I've been doing some of everything. The biggest thing is I only CO or poo once a week.

If you look at my siggy, my hair unstretched is where my daughter's finger is for my stretched hair. If that makes sense to you:perplexed

Yes that made sense LOL
I wasn't officially in this challenge but I personally had bsl by January 7th (my closest relaxer to the end of the year) as a goal. I'm two inches away so it's not impossible but I am really going to have to work it out!

sent from my EVO 3d y'all!

You can do it!!

keepithealthy I think you are BSB! But hey... in light of recent threads, you never know. lol

I started back up with MSM. I'm actually trying to up my water intake, so I fill a gallon sized water bottle with 2tbs of MSM powder and drink that during the day.

NappyNelle thanks. lol. With all the length drama going on around here, I figured I would hide out here in this thread. I'm hoping that by the end of the year it will thicken up and most of the hair will be touching the top of my bra strap. I'm not going for the bottom of my bra strap because on me that would be mbl. I was doing a scalp massage with castor oil,coconut oil and peppermint oil but I've been too lazy to be faithful. What exactly does MSM powder do? I was thinking of purchasing some sulfur and adding that to my mix.....I'm really going to try and go hard in 2012!

I just undid half-dollar size of braids, stretched my hair and saw that my hair is comfortably touching/past the top of my bra strap! Although I'm excited I won't claim BSL until my hair touches the bottom of my bra strap. I hope I can make it by the time I take out my braids after finals in December! 50 days! :grin:

Once I hit BSL I'm going to buy my hair something beautiful to celebrate

In April of 2010 I NEVER thought I would be able to make it past SL and now it's October 2011 and I'm practically BSL! AHHH! Sorry for the rambling, but I just can't believe it!

Congrats! I'm happy to hear your reaching what you once thought were unobtainable lengths!
I'm about to start using buns. It seems so easy and I think they are cute, not that my edges don't look so bad my hair looks cute in ponytails.
Ok, I have a confession to make.... (rant coming through).....

I have purposely avoided this thread :look: I know I was a millimeter away from APL in July/August, but I've refused to check since then :(. Almost like I'm in denial about what my hair can do! Does that sound crazy to anyone??

It's not like my hair's breaking, or like I think I haven't retained length. B/c I know I have. I'm just afraid to check. So...not participating in this thread has been my way of remaining in denial. Cuz BSB/BSL is undeniably LONG HAIR. There's no way around that. Even the biggest hater in the world won't deny BSB/BSL the LONG HAIR title. And maybe I'm just not ready to wear that crown yet? Maybe it's just too heavy for my little neck-length (in my mind) head?

Ok, rant over. Thanks ladies. If it's ok with ya'll, you may see me contributing to this thread a little here and there over the next 8 weeks, ok? :look::spinning:
Still waiting until the end of the year to officially claim BSL.

Unfortunately I must manipulate the left side of my head more than the right because I feel like its significantly shorter. Like an inch! Which can be a big deal when one side is BSB and the other isn't lol.
I bought a "growth" oil. It ha cayenne pepper and caffeine in it, so I'm gonna see how that works for me.
I joined this thread (in my mind but never posted). I was strictly a lurker since 2010. But I have officially subscribed as of today! Hello everyone! I finally met one challenge and now am reluctant to make posts. LOL. I made BSL as of Aug 2011.

Happy Hair Growing Everyone!

I just have to figure out how to add those picistrips at the bottom of every post now. :(


OOPS didn't know the pic will be so huge. I"m learning guys. Sorry.

Mimi :blush:
ms.tatiana - does your hair end where your top fingernail is? If so, I'd say you're almost there...maybe another 1/2" or so?

If there's some more hair hiding underneath those fingers of yours, take another pic and show off all your length! :grin:
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I'll have to take another one :grin: cause I'm pulling my own hair down in all the pictures, I'll try again next week cause now I have all kinds of products in it.
I did a wet check tonight and I'm halfway down my regular bra. I will see where I'm at on my big girl bra. I really need to leave the little ones alone b/c I'm popping out of those puppies. LOL Sorry TMI Anywho, my hair still feels short to me
Hope I reached my goal after cutting my hair a few inches..... I will take my hair out next weekend from my braids and see, that will be three months from my cut, if no difference I'll be a bit down :(

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My right side seems to grow faster than the left; I think I've eliminated the possibility of breakage causing the difference.
Since the weather has started to cool down a bit, I have switched to washing my hair once every 2 weeks instead of 1 per week. I am still moisturizing and sealing my hair as needed at night when I take off my lace wig. I am still trying to recover from the devastating loss of about a 1.5 inch section of hair that I fried off in September. Aside from that, the rest of the hair is growing and retaining length.
Hope everyone is excited to reveal at the end of December. What's the next challenge from here BSL'ers 2011? Asuming we reach this goal...
Since the weather has started to cool down a bit, I have switched to washing my hair once every 2 weeks instead of 1 per week. I am still moisturizing and sealing my hair as needed at night when I take off my lace wig. I am still trying to recover from the devastating loss of about a 1.5 inch section of hair that I fried off in September. Aside from that, the rest of the hair is growing and retaining length.
Hope everyone is excited to reveal at the end of December. What's the next challenge from here BSL'ers 2011? Asuming we reach this goal...


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I don't think I'm going to make it by the end of the year. I had to clip some raggedy ends this week. Shooting for the end of March now so I'm going to bow out of this challenge.
Yesterday I did a:
-clarifying shampoo
-a protein treatment
-a deep condition

& I feel like December I should make it to BSL...