BSL 2013 Challenge

I'm loving Sunnieb's airdrying technique. Still working towards rollersets. I haven't used direct heat in over a month (yes, this is a great feat for me!). I also love flexirods on dry hair (I'll put in 4 or 5 at bedtime).
Our first group length check is in April right NikkiQ ? Does anyone have tips on how to get your hair straight for a length check without flat ironing? My roller sets always leave a little curl
First length check is at the end of March GrowAHead. I don't usually flat iron for length checks. I do pull checks for the most part to spare my hair the heat :yep:
oh lawd....end of March Imma look like poop warmed over....ugh....stress is wreaking havoc on my hair...but I started that Mineral rich so....(crossing fingers)
How does it taste? Bought it a month ago and haven't tried it

I take mineral rich daily and it's pretty good. My dd who hates taking anything like this orally loves it. The first time I gave it to her, she had a juice ready to chase it with but she realized she didn't need it, in fact she asked for more!

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I take mineral rich daily and it's pretty good. My dd who hates taking anything like this orally loves it. The first time I gave it to her, she had a juice ready to chase it with but she realized she didn't need it, in fact she asked for more!

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Thank you for the recommendation! I'm about to get my grow on! And it shipped super fast from Amazon!
Is it odd that I want to CW every night?? If i thought my fine relaxed strands could handle the daily manipulation, I swear I would CW every day the first 6-8 weeks post relaxer. I love the water on my scalp and I love how soft and moisturized my hair is.

Hi, my name is KiWiStyle and I'm addicted to cowashing. What's your guilty hair pleasure???

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I don't really have a guilty hair pleasure. I'm super lazy with my hair. I am super cheap with my products. DH fusses at me when I think $10 is too much to spend on something.
I don't really have a guilty hair pleasure. I'm super lazy with my hair. I am super cheap with my products. DH fusses at me when I think $10 is too much to spend on something.

LOL, my DH would looove you!

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Is it odd that I want to CW every night?? If i thought my fine relaxed strands could handle the daily manipulation, I swear I would CW every day the first 6-8 weeks post relaxer. I love the water on my scalp and I love how soft and moisturized my hair is.

Hi, my name is KiWiStyle and I'm addicted to cowashing. What's your guilty hair pleasure???

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Conditioners.....I have so many. But you need different ones for different things!!! Lol
Oh and flowers....I have about 30......I have made them for my neice to go with her special occasion dresses and when I'm bunning I almost always have a flower in my hair.
I wore a beanie to the superbowl party, tried to take a picture but the lighting was bad. I am determined to protect my hair this winter.
I'm loving Sunnieb's airdrying technique. Still working towards rollersets. I haven't used direct heat in over a month (yes, this is a great feat for me!). I also love flexirods on dry hair (I'll put in 4 or 5 at bedtime).

Kimmy1978 What is sunnieb air drying technique?

oh lawd....end of March Imma look like poop warmed over....ugh....stress is wreaking havoc on my hair...but I started that Mineral rich so....(crossing fingers)

crlsweetie912 Let us know how you get on with that.

I decided to take a couple of photos of that signature bun I seem to live in :lol: I put my hair in a ponytail, make it into a single plait and then I roll it and secure it with two hair pins. I did this on Sunday so this is second day hair, I did not brush or comb as I didn't feel it was necessary. I like this bun because it's functional and serves the purpose perfectly, I don't use a band on the ends, my ends are protected, with no manipulation once it's done. I unpin it a couple of days after I put it up to m & s the ends and I redo it on my mid-week co-wash day My hair stays well moisturised. The day before wash day I can take it down and do my messy braid out bun.

I'm laughing at my nape, it looks as if I'm bald but it's just the way the hair dried, I did this on wet hair and I'm just over 9 weeks post. :lol:


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Hey ladies, I've been taking it real easy with my hair the past weeks. My mom corn braided my hair for me so I been rocking wigs during the day and M&S at night. I'm about 11 weeks into my 13 week stretch and the way it's going I'd like to continue this another month at least. I made a scalp oil using EVOCO, EVOO, GSO, Walnut, peppermint and eucalyptus oil. Going to use it x3 a week
Hey ladies, I've been taking it real easy with my hair the past weeks. My mom corn braided my hair for me so I been rocking wigs during the day and M&S at night. I'm about 11 weeks into my 13 week stretch and the way it's going I'd like to continue this another month at least. I made a scalp oil using EVOCO, EVOO, GSO, Walnut, peppermint and eucalyptus oil. Going to use it x3 a week

Sounds like a REALLY good oil mix!

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I wish I knew how to bun. My hair just looks soo frizzy when I do it. Angel of the North ur bun looks nice. How do u get it so smooth. I always have lines in mine.

Just finished dc & co rinsing. I was spazzing alittle & almost in tears cause I thought I was going bald on my right side. Thank goodness for pics cause I forgot about my last salon visit where the hairdresser snatched away my edges & left me with 2 bald spots. I do notice that my right side is not as thick as my left side. I have no idea why & I've never notice it before. I applied sum jbco & 2morrow I will apply my mn mix. Idk I'm feeling alittle blue bout my hair. I hope I snap out of it:( the thinning on my right side really has me worried:(

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pelohello do you favor the right side of your head more? Like wrap starting from that side,sleep on that side,tie your scarf on that side? That may explain it.
Angel of the bun looks nice...the shine :yep:

crlsweetie912 your Hair looks so pretty, love the hair candy as well :grin:

pelohelo your bun is super that a hair zing? I think that's what they are called, do you have trouble getting it out of your hair?

Checking in...wore my hair down for the last few days, glad I got that out of my system...back to my ponys and buns...just massaged some hair trigger growth elixir on my scalp and put on my scarf...I've got another 6-7 days before I wash, just in time for valentines day/my 7year anniversary =) I can't wait

I was trying to rock the bun but we had people over from OT and I couldn't help myself, I had to wear it down...


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