BSL 2013 Challenge

shortdub78 I'm just not feeling my hair ATM; I really feel like it's affecting how I feel about myself physically (kind of heavy). Back when my hair was short and relaxed, it was always done and I dressed up more and I went out more. Now? I feel blah, with my blah hair and my blah protective styles...and TBH, I hate wigs, there, I said it :ohwell:

She's getting the relaxer itch @shortdub78

It's more than that NikkiQ I wish it was just the relaxer itch...:sad:

oh... well this last time that i decided to go back to relaxing, wasn't an itch. i just woke up, unraveled my locs for several days, and just went for it. but when i was questioning myself, asking for opinions, etc... my heart wasn't in it and i regretted doing it. i felt pressured into doing it. so i would just cut all of my hair off and start over.

i am enjoying my relaxed HJ this time around. i am learning a lot about my hair.
the point is, i didn't relax out of frustration. i did because i just felt like doing it.

she needs to hide her hair for awhile or go to a salon and try a new style.

I've been hiding my hair for the past year, it's not helping. I don't feel pressured into doing it, and I'm not going to actually relax my hair, I am just sick and tired of my hair. That's all.

@itsjusthair88;, :bighug:

I think we all feel blah about our hair once in a while. Anytime I feel like this, I just go through the motions of washing and dc and don't style. I find that when I style my hair and it turns our right, I start to like it again. Hopefully, you pass through the phase soon.

Thanks Lurkee I needed to hear that; I have been in this "phase" since 6 months ago! When is it going to end??? I thought when I made it to APL, I would be happy, but I'm not and it's just bleh and I just feel bleh. I feel like I have freakin' hair depression or something.

I've been on this board for over 2 years and today I decided I wanted to finally know what a sock bun is. So I took my inquiry to YouTube to see what is the hype. Low and behold, I finally see how some ladies are able to get such full and beautiful buns! Oh, it is on like Donky Kong Now, lol! I immediately jumped up, went to DH sock drawer (shhh, not a peep) cut and rolled a perfect bun. Since I already declared February as Bun month, I can now have a really awesome bun and be cute too.

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It looks very nice!

Okay, I am going to stop complaining about my hair on here and I think I'm going to drop out of the challenge and off LHCF for awhile, I just can't think about hair anymore. I honestly don't care about hair at the moment, I'm just tired of even talking about it. Good luck on the rest of the challenge guys, I'm signing out.
Can't wait to wash and dc my hair. It's really time for some TLC. I'm also ready to start on my GHE personal challenge. I think I may start that in February just to keep track better. Other than that I have been working on upping my water intake and the next goal will be gym time or I may finally get the courage to actually start and finish Insanity. But one thing at a time though lol.

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A month of bunning on a fresh touchup, I'm so in! I gotta do it now before those crazy-a$$ed not-brown hurs at my temples start feeling themselves...then I'll be lookin like a hag with a bun! Lol.

Girl it can't be that bad, lol. I don't usually see my "not so brown" ;-) hairs peeking through in a Month's time. I don't know if I should be happy or sad; happy that MAYBE those hairs are growing in brown now OR sad that my hair isn't growing as fast.

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shortdub78 I'm just not feeling my hair ATM; I really feel like it's affecting how I feel about myself physically (kind of heavy). Back when my hair was short and relaxed, it was always done and I dressed up more and I went out more. Now? I feel blah, with my blah hair and my blah protective styles...and TBH, I hate wigs, there, I said it :ohwell:

It's more than that NikkiQ I wish it was just the relaxer itch...:sad:

I've been hiding my hair for the past year, it's not helping. I don't feel pressured into doing it, and I'm not going to actually relax my hair, I am just sick and tired of my hair. That's all.

Thanks Lurkee I needed to hear that; I have been in this "phase" since 6 months ago! When is it going to end??? I thought when I made it to APL, I would be happy, but I'm not and it's just bleh and I just feel bleh. I feel like I have freakin' hair depression or something.

It looks very nice!

Okay, I am going to stop complaining about my hair on here and I think I'm going to drop out of the challenge and off LHCF for awhile, I just can't think about hair anymore. I honestly don't care about hair at the moment, I'm just tired of even talking about it. Good luck on the rest of the challenge guys, I'm signing out.

This sounds serious, are you sure it's just hair related? If it is then you are probably doing the right thing and taking a step back to regroup. I can honestly see how one can OD along the HHJ. We become so fixated on hair, length, protective styling, moisture, protein...blah, blah blah. Most of us eat, sleep and Sh!t this hair stuff and forget that it really is just hair and too much of anything cannot be healthy. @itsjusthaur88 I really do appreciate you coming here and sharing your thoughts and feelings, that can't be good seeing how everyone is on a hair high. TBH, I'm glad you felt compelled to express how you're feeling because somebody else here may have experienced the same feelings you are having and can bring some perspective or share what helped them thru it or just bring a smile to your face. See, I almost started this post off with "hole, hollup, you don't sign off until we sign you off", but then I thought, this might be way bigger than what a joke can fix.

You do you and I hope you feel better and start liking hair again soon.

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Thanks NikkiQ...newnyer insanity is crazy! My bf is pretty in shape and threw up the first time we did it! I threw up the second or third day, we would sweat like crazy to, not really sexy but it was fun doing it with him...everyone that he's passed the DVDs to to copy for themselves comes back over and is like'yall are crazy,I can't believe you did this' lol

HeChangedMyName I like your wig:yep:
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it's time for a change! i went through a phase like that several times. but i don't think you want to cut your hair or color it. but i remember i was feeling like crap and hair was the last thing on my mind. my hair was becoming too much, plus a lot of other personal stuff i had going on. well, i decided one day that i was going to cut my hair. i got off of work, went to my brother's barber, and told him to cut it all off. when i got out of his chair, i felt so free! i went home, showered, put some makeup on, and felt like my old self again. i bought some new clothes too and did a lot of personal/mental house cleaning.

you gotta feel good about what you are doing, growing hair shouldn't be a punishment. when i was natural i felt sort of limited when it came to trying to grow my hair out, once it past the TWA phase. when i had locs, i felt more free and didn't have to hide and protective style my hair. my locs were my protective style, but i didn't feel limited.

you just need to get your groove back! right now, i feel and look a hot mess. i need a mani and pedi so bad. i can't fit anything anymore. i wear my hair in a bun, because i can't be bothered right now. once i drop this baby, hopefully i can pull it back together again.
itsjusthair88, I co-sign the other ladies in taking a break off thinking of hair. When I stopped feeling my hair, I stopped posting in the hair forum and focused on my finances in the Career & Finances forum. Now I am back into actively posting here too.

My point is, it is ok to stop thinking of your hair 24/7 as long as it is not neglected. You know what to do, so keep doing it. As for leaving LHCF, that's up to you but there are lots of areas you can choose to focus on in the meantime: makeup, finance, relationship, nails, fashion and even gossip :grin: Having an online support group can be motivating.

*This only applies if it is just you not liking your hair and not other personal issues. It will be ok. Nothing lasts forever, you might just need a little change that's all.
Hey y'all!!! Just got a nice assortment of samples and a couple coupons from ORS and I didn't even remember requesting them! Yay!!!
i will cheer from the sideline ladies!

Cheer from the sidelines nothin woman. You better still participate in this challenge. The mini bun challenge would just consist of participants posting their bun pics, updates, techniques, etc. Everyone else just post as usual.
Cheer from the sidelines nothin woman. You better still participate in this challenge. The mini bun challenge would just consist of participants posting their bun pics, updates, techniques, etc. Everyone else just post as usual.

Yep, what boss lady said.

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okay, okay! :lol: i will do the bun challenge, but not with donut/sock thing. i have never taken pictures of my bun. it's not the greatest. i just do it for survival! :lol: but i will for you ladies.
Let us know how the Saran Wrap works. It looks like it would be too slick to stay on my hair. My rough bun using the scrunchie didn't require any pins.

So I put on my Saran wrapped sock bun and all I can say's not for my hair (presently) but I will definitely revisit the idea when my hair is fuller. If you have thick and/or high density hair, wrapping the bun in Saran Wrap will be great. Unfortunately for me, I can see the plastic peek through in some areas because I have fine low density hair. I think I can do it after a fresh wash but not after my strands are coated with product.

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I couldn't leave you hanging, I attached some pics for you to see, you pull your hair through the middle and wrap your hair around it, push the ends together into a circle and pin. I haven't tried it yet but the concept is good.

ETA: I figured out how to get my pics the right way round :yep:

Please let me know how you like this. Looking at it, I can't figure out how to use it.

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Thanks NikkiQ...newnyer insanity is crazy! My bf is pretty in shape and threw up the first time we did it! I threw up the second or third day, we would sweat like crazy to, not really sexy but it was fun doing it with him...everyone that he's passed the DVDs to to copy for themselves comes back over and is like'yall are crazy,I can't believe you did this' lol

HeChangedMyName I like your wig:yep:

See, nuh-uh I ain't trying to lose my lunch around here! LOL. I thought I was getting dizzy around minute 25 so I backed away & sat my butt down for a few minutes. LOL. I woke up this morning feeling like someone had been laying next to me punching my calf muscles all night. Anyway, the hair was atrocious afterwards because I'm around week 8 post relaxer & the NG is starting to show out a little-& I have about a month or two to go for a touch up so ummmmm, yea. I need to do something with this head (hence the braids convo) so I won't look a hot mess everyday.