BSL 2012 Challenge!!!

Am I late,am I too late to join. Goodness, how did I miss this thread.

#clears throat

I am texlaxed
Full APL
Never had BSL hair before
Date to reach BSL: April 2012:pulpdance:
Reggi will be moisture, moisture, moisture as needed. D/c weekly, co-washing weekly, shampoo as needed. light protein every two weeks. Heavy protein every 6-8 weeks (henna). No direct heat until I think I made BSL. Protective and low maintainence styles in the form of buns, flexi's, and an occasional rollerset.
After I reach this length, going to straighten and enjoy for a week or two, then go for WL.
*fighting to put up my recent pic. If can't get it, will take another by Jan.
Please add me!

What is your goal date for BSL?
October 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
This will be my first time ever being BSL. My hair has never been this long

Whats your current length?


Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
I will keep my hair hidden by wearing sew ins.
I wash every two weeks with ACV when my hair is braided. I oil my scalp every week.
Between sew ins I wash with the Mud wash and DC with Honey mixed with Oils. I also use Amla powder mixed with Hibiscus powder when I want to strengthen my hair.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
I will straighten my hair for two weeks and wear it out. Swing it!!! I want to buy myself something. idk what yet :spinning:

I will post a pic in December when i straighten my hair.
115.jpg I am not that far from bsl but I want full bsl with healthy ends. I am really excited. I orignally thought I was about 4-5 inches from bsl but after we took pics I found out that I am about 2 inches from bsl and with dilligent and perseverance I am hoping to make my goal by June.
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Okay, so I am back with a photo. I just came back from the Dominicans, who hooked a sista up. I also got a much needed trim, so I can no longer claim APL. However, I think I'm close enough where I still feel comfortable sticking around in this challenge.


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I'm in.......

What is your goal date for BSL? Either Dec 11 or Jan the latest.

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? This will be my first time making it to BSL.

Whats your current length? About .5-1inch from BSL

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Relaxed

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Stay disciplined and focused on my ultimate goal of MBL.
Hey, I've been on vacay. I'm updating the list. Please let me know if I forgot anyone. Thanks everyone for joining!
What is your goal date for BSL? August 2012
I'm in this challenge to hit bsl and I don't really have a story I bc'ed in May 2005
I am arm pit length in the back SL on the sides
prepoo 1x week coconut oil or eucalyptus oil and evoo
CO with VO5 1-2x week or shampoo of my choice 1x week
Detangle with vo5
Moist & Seal 3x week with rosewater, infusium 23, and coconut oil
Put in plaits
Also incorporating C&G Technique

What are you doing to make it to BSL?
Vitamins, protective styling, and low manipulation
Once I make BSL I plan to go on to WL in 2013 after WL I'll maintain there and probably get a relaxer for hubby and call it a day.
I will join,

What is your goal date for BSL? September 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? I have been on my hair journey for a long time...but have had many setbacks. I just want to finally reach BSL.

Whats your current length? Close to APL.

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? I guess texlaxed....

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? I will be wearing a weave most of the time. I am going to start doing full weaves instead of partial weaves, so most of my hair is protected. Weekly deep conditioning treatments with heat. Protein when necessary. I cannot NOT use heat, however, I will try to limit it, or turn the heat down some. Vitamins, lot of water intake and exercising.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? Have a big celebration! lol It has been a long time goal of mine. But I will continue to grow until I get to MBL!

My hair length back in September, I have yet to take a length check shot. I am all weaved up right now.
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What is your goal date for BSL?
September 2012. I hope to make full APL by June 7, 2012 my 21st birthday

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
This is the healthiest and prettiest my hair has ever been. I always thought I had blehhh hair. 2012 will be about keeping my ends healthy and using natural products.

Whats your current length? APL in the back and about shoulder length in the front.

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Natural

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?

Henna once a month
DC once a week.
Shampoo weekly.
Shampoo and condition in braids.
Twist (or braid) with leave in and seal.
Cut splits and knots while twisting.
Bun old twistouts/braidouts
Styles: Braid out, twist outs and buns
Oil scalp w/castor oil or jojoba oil/rosemary/thyme/cedar/lavender
I need to get my products more stable. I've been using Aussie Moist but I need natural products for really healthy hair.
Giovanni Direct LeaveIn
Giovanni Smooth As Silk Conditioner and Shampoo
Aubrey Organics Island Naturals Conditioner
Jamilla Henna
Shea butter mix (looking to change this)
Grapeseed and coconut oil

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Whip my hair back and forth, whip it whip it.
I'll probably do a roller set and saran wrap. Or just a plain flatiron. Some straightened style because I rarely straighten. I haven't straightened my hair once this year.

My hair in an old braidout today, I'll update JAN. 1 with naked hair pictures in the same shirt.


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What is your goal date for BSL?
September 2012. I hope to make full APL by June 7, 2012 my 21st birthday

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
This is the healthiest and prettiest my hair has ever been. I always thought I had blehhh hair. 2012 will be about keeping my ends healthy and using natural products.

Whats your current length? APL in the back and about shoulder length in the front.

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Natural

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?

Henna once a month
DC once a week.
Shampoo weekly.
Shampoo and condition in braids.
Twist (or braid) with leave in and seal.
Cut splits and knots while twisting.
Bun old twistouts/braidouts
Styles: Braid out, twist outs and buns
Oil scalp w/castor oil or jojoba oil/rosemary/thyme/cedar/lavender
I need to get my products more stable. I've been using Aussie Moist but I need natural products for really healthy hair.
Giovanni Direct LeaveIn
Giovanni Smooth As Silk Conditioner and Shampoo
Aubrey Organics Island Naturals Conditioner
Jamilla Henna
Shea butter mix (looking to change this)
Grapeseed and coconut oil

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Whip my hair back and forth, whip it whip it.
I'll probably do a roller set and saran wrap. Or just a plain flatiron. Some straightened style because I rarely straighten. I haven't straightened my hair once this year.

My hair in an old braidout today, I'll update JAN. 1 with naked hair pictures in the same shirt.

Hey Curly Lee, Will you let us know what line you are measuring to on your shirt for BSL? I am confused :lol: Since we can't see your back, your shoulder blade or your bra, if you can let us know. Thanks
faithVA no problem. I'll have my mom take them because I'm horrible at taking pics myself. I'll take one with my shirt off also just so everyone can see the BSL mark.
[USER=195714 said:
Curly Lee[/USER];14582765]@faithVA no problem. I'll have my mom take them because I'm horrible at taking pics myself. I'll take one with my shirt off also just so everyone can see the BSL mark.

I'm definitely not asking you to take another picture especially one with your shirt off. :lol: With the pictures you have I just wanted to see the mark where you think BSL is. Because to me you look BSL. So I just wanted to see where you say it is on your shirt.
I'm definitely not asking you to take another picture especially one with your shirt off. :lol: With the pictures you have I just wanted to see the mark where you think BSL is. Because to me you look BSL. So I just wanted to see where you say it is on your shirt.

ohhhhh. :lol: umm, I'm not really good at adding editing pics to point out where bsl is. And when I stretch it out, my hair is APL (it doesnt look like it, im horrible at doing this myself. Just trust me :lol: )

So where my finger is at is the bottom of my bra strap.
Each stripe is about 2. inches. So I have about 5 inches until the back gets to BSL.

ETA: I think I wear my bra a little low so BSL is fairly close to MBL. I can't believe I'm even discussing BSL, I feel like I just had a twa. :lol:


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[USER=195714 said:
Curly Lee[/USER];14583525]ohhhhh. :lol: umm, I'm not really good at adding editing pics to point out where bsl is. And when I stretch it out, my hair is APL (it doesnt look like it, im horrible at doing this myself. Just trust me :lol: )

So where my finger is at is the bottom of my bra strap.
Each stripe is about 2. inches. So I have about 5 inches until the back gets to BSL.

ETA: I think I wear my bra a little low so BSL is fairly close to MBL. I can't believe I'm even discussing BSL, I feel like I just had a twa. :lol:

I completely trust you :look: :lol:. Girl don't let me stress you over some pictures. I feel you on how hard it is to take pictures. Just stick to your original plan. Ignore what I said. Carry on :lol:
Hi ladies, I'm in.

What is your goal date for BSL?
September 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? (ie. This will be your first time ever being BSL; You were BSL but had a setback, or BC’d or chopped it off for a style and want it back again; You were BSL back in the day and now trying to achieve it again, etc.)
I BC'd after 18 months of transitioning. My hair was MBL relaxed so I'm trying to get back to my long haired self.

Whats your current length?
I had a much needed trim yesterday and I was touching APL then so now I might be an inch or two away.

Natural trying to heat train

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)
This year it was all about protective styling and hiding my hair. Next year will be pretty much the same except that I will be straightening once a month.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc)
Stay focused on MBL after whipping my hair back and forth a bit LOL
I wanna join! I was sitting patiently waiting on this challenge to start, didn't realized it was underway already.

What is your goal date for BSL?
I'm aiming for August 31st (my wedding anniversary) but anytime next year will be just fine.

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
I had relaxed APL hair 2 years ago, was trucking on to BSL but decided to transition and cut it off bit by bit. I BC'd in Oct. 2010 at NL or SL, i waited till i could make a lil bun. I LIGHTLY texlaxed Sept. 25 just to stretch my hair out a bit, don't think i'll do it again.

Whats your current length?
currently i'm 1.5 inches from APL and 4.5 inches from BSL.

LIGHTLY texlaxed, it's just about impossible to tell the difference between my texlaxed and natural hair.

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
Wash and DC weekly, GHE most nights, moisturize and seal as needed, protein DC at least 1x per month. Thinking of incorporating a pre-poo but i like to keep it simple.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
My final goal is MBL or WL but BSL is a big milestone for me so i'll definitely take a minute to enjoy it and whip it like in the Sunsilk commercial, who knows, i might even allow hubby to play in it and pull it a little:rolleyes: then its on to MBL.

I'll post my pic by the time the challenge starts.
Hey guys. Just checking in. I can't wait for the official kick off of this challenge.

I keep fantasizing about doing flexi rod sets with my hair hanging down my back.

How do u guys plan on starting motivated?

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I might join this challenge at a later date. I need to see where my hair is at the end of the year before jumping in feet first trying to make it to BSL next year.
I'm in. Let's do this! :)

What is your goal date for BSL? November 2012

What brings you to this challenge/what’s your length story? This will be my first time being BSL.
What’s your current length? Between SL and APL

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Natural.

What’s your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? Just keeping it simple as possible! Protective styling, little to no heat throughout the year, and extensions. As far as my regimen, weekly DC and moisturize and seal daily. Plus, I will be taking Biotin and a multivitamin.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? I plan on getting a blow and whipping my hair back and forth! Then I will get back on track, focus reaching MBL and then on to WL.

**Please add a starting pic. This is a picture when I got a blowout at the beginning of October. It should suffice though.
I'll be up under wigs until for the rest of the year until I do my final length check in December. Actually quite excited to see how far I've come this year!
What is your goal date for BSB?
BSB by December???

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?

This will be my first time ever being BSB!

Whats your current length?

SL Natural

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSB?
Protective styling, vitamins, ultra low manipulation via C&G, super simple reggie

What do you plan to do once you make BSB?
Stay disciplined and focused on MBL...I'm a bore! I can't too excited until I hit MBL...but we'll see!:grin:
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