BSL 2012 Challenge!!!

I need to be more active in this thread. I have a hard time with goals that aren't immediate. So have to do better.

I am going to do a length check the 1st of each month only to prove to myself that my hair is actually growing. Because of course I swear that it is not. So I have a poorly made length check shirt with marks every .5 inch. So I will just do a pull test to a line I will be able to clearly see whether I have made any progress or not.

Maybe once I do that for a few months I can get it out of my system and just relax. I don't plan on doing any length check pics though until the end of March when I think the APL progress pic is due.
faithVA That's my plan too. I made a length check shirt but the marks are every inch and I'll just check at the end of the month too and do quarterly pics.
I was initially reluctant that I'd hit BSL this year but now I am feeling really optimistic!
I have my hair in mini twists for protective styling. They look nice. I'm keeping them in for a month and I hope to get 1/2 inch or more. I'm like 3 inches from the front of my hair being below my boob, which I THINK will be BSL. I'm excitedddd
I have my hair in mini twists for protective styling. They look nice. I'm keeping them in for a month and I hope to get 1/2 inch or more. I'm like 3 inches from the front of my hair being below my boob, which I THINK will be BSL. I'm excitedddd

Curly Lee : im also in twists this week...not even a week old and are already getting messy ! :nono: gonna have to undo at least the front for work and redo them...

i moisturize and seal every day (my hair sucks all the moisture)! and it then feels dry a few hours later...annoying. i might try heavy sealing that did work on my hair last year.
I've been rocking a bun for majority of the week. I like rollersetting and bunning on dry hair. My plan is to do this for most of this yr. I can't wet bun. I wish I could but I get crazy ssks. Tomorrow I'm going to cowash, DC, and stretch my hair in twist to airdry and then dry bun. If this works I will alternate between that and rollersetting. I will stick to this regimen for a year and see how much I can retain (if this regimen works).

S/N I'm not looking forward to my trim next Sat. with all the SSK's I've had to cut out. My hair was looking good in October it was getting thicker and was so close to APL but I think I've set myself back:nono: from the wet bunning I did.
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MsKikiStar What concoction did you come up with. Please share.

A few weeks back I mixed honey & olive oil, which did wonders. Last week I mixed a bunch of conditioners together after pre-poo'ing w/ V05's Champagne Kiss, washing and using Roux Mendex (I was bored :look:):
  • ORS Replenishing Deep Conditioner
  • 10 en 1
  • Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk
  • and a bit of JBCO

My hair was super dry after spending a week out of state ('s cold there) and having to skip a wash. This mixture was soooo good for my hair.
Ok so I just joined the APL challenge and since I'm pretty close to that goal, I figured I might as well join this one too. I hope it's not too late.

Starting pic December length check.

What is your goal date for BSL?
October 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
I don't think I have been this length before and it would be great to see if I can actually get there.
Whats your current length?
Between SL and APL


Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
Wash and DC with steam 1X a week. Wear twists about 4 days a week and then I wear my hair out in a twistout. Might incorporate a little more heat with blow drying and the occassional flat iron.
What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Straighten it and enjoy it for a bit. Then I will probably twist it up to put some texture back in and also try bunning more in lieu of twisting.
I put a cornrow bun in my hair last wednesday:) Next week I plan cowash, dc, moisturize and seal in the cornrows under a wig. This year I plan on doing less with my hair. I have 4 inches to get to BSL and I think with trims I will get there. After I reach BSL I plan on keeping hair trimmed at that point until the end of the year that way I can get rid of my "pre knowing what I am doing" hair:)
Just finished sptizing my braids w/ aloe vera juice and now massaging my scalp w/ my castor oil concoction. Let's get the challenge cranking. BSL or bust. Where is everybody?
This year I'm not only focused on reaching BSL but also using up my stash in the process. I have way too many hair products and supplements. I've been doing well with using up my supplements (I would like to only two supplements daily instead of the four I currently take). Next I'll be focused on using up my conditioners by doing prepoo treatments.

I'm pretty confident that I will reach my goal of BSL as long as I only trim my ends twice this year.
Keeping my twist extensions up and out of the way over the weekend. One week down. I hope they can last until February...

Started taking my liquid multivitamin and 3-6-9 oil this week.
im trying not to use heat not even for length checks so my starting pic is in my siggy

just incase it doesnt show bc i am rubish wth the pics lol


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I received my length check shirt. Its supposed to start at apl, but mine starts at brastrap...I think its because I should just gone with the medium. Its no matter, though....bsl is what I'm going for. Yeah the first line starts almost exactly at the top of my bra...but I did decide to use a different bra because the other one was going to the ishttter. Dunno why I even decided on that one. Getting thrown away.

The new bra has a thicker clasp to be fair, I'm not gonna claim BSL until my hair reaches the 2nd clasp.

Ill probably just use the shirt as reference. Ill mark where my bra is, so I don't have too many pics of me in my bra hahaha
I need to get a length check shirt. I'm sure seeing the difference in the numbers will keep me motivated.

I had my hair partially braided the week between Christmas and New Years, and I'm gonna keep them in for a least one more week. I think I might start a rotation of cornrows, like wear them for about three weeks, then leave my hair out for about two weeks. Braids make it a lot easier during the school year, but I begin to miss my hair and since my hair is so fine, I can't stay in braids for that long anyway. We'll see.

I have the same goal of definitively being BSL/BSB and using my stash of products. I have too many things BUT a lot of it isn't particularly good for my hair, but it has GOT to be used. Even with this personal challenge to use my products, I truly hope to be a "good BSL" by April. Then its on to MBL.

My hair is currently in twists, but after my BDay I'm putting my hair in poetic justice braids for a month or two. Hopefully I can just leave my hair be and it will grow, grow, grow!
I dont know why I keep thinking I'm going to have some sort of setback. I just cant fully grasp the concept that I will have BSL hair sometime with the next year. lol.
I am baggying, twisting or bunning 6 months straight,lol. My aim is for BSB by summer, but full BSL by Dec this year.

I may stretch my washes to two weeks instead of one, just to cut down on manipulation.
My hair has been feeling really dry lately so I have been cowashing every other day. Hoping this adds some moisture to my hair so I can retain length. I ordered some Silk Dreams because I heard the DC is very moisturizing. It shipped really fast and I should get it Tuesday in time for my next cowash/DC.
Returning to school for the spring semester so I have my hair braided up and ready for my wigs for the next two weeks. I'm feeling a little proud of myself that I can resist touching my hair for awhile, my hair needed a break from me so thats what it did. I trimmed off a 1/2 in all over and now I'll be leaving my hair alone for awhile.
Finally here is my starting pic. Pls excuses the home made length check shirt. I haven't been able to find a commerical one that I like.

So here goes:uploadfromtaptalk1326097878870.jpg

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Sticking to my regi. Sprayed hair with tea, DCd with AO GPB, applied SM Smoothie. Put in 2 strand twists in front and curled with a rod and flat twisted the rest. Right now wearing my hair with curled 2 strand twists in the front and a bun in the back. Will put the back in 2 strand twists tonight.
Adding my starting pic, after a comical trim by my mom I am claiming APL. :lol:

I bunned all of last week and today. Tonight I plan to dc on Dry hair and wear a wng tomorrow.


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I've been working out almost daily and I will be moving in the next couple weeks, so I had extensions put in so that I won't have to deal with my hair. I hope I can keep it in for at least a month, now that I found something that keeps the itchies down. And who knows, if it still looks decent after a month, maybe I'll keep it in for longer. That is, if Hair in Hand disease doesn't takeover.
So I decided to go into the new year with a new styling regimen. I had been on a hardcore twists & braids regimen for 5 months straight...nonstop and I'm sick of it. My hair will definitely still be protected and my ends will still be hidden, buuuuut...I won't be putting 10 million twists or braids in my head that'll take 5 years to put in and 20 years to take out. I will incorporate larger twists that I can put in fast/easily and also take down fast and pin em up in different ways. I will restyle once a week rather than once every 2 to 4 weeks (ends will stay hidden for the duration of the week).

I think I can achieve my goal of having protected hair, but not be bored with it
Last night I finger detangled my hair, and then did a dry dc overnight. This morning I was able to finger detangle almost all of my hair (I had one spot that wouldn't cooperate so I had to go in with my denman). I'm trying to do more finger detangling than I used to because I think I may have been causing some breakage with the comb/brush. I was running late so I did a quick cleanse with CJ daily fix. I'm wearing a wng today, and probably for the rest of the work week. Friday I plan to do a protein treatment and then dc again.

ETA- took my multivitamin.
I dont know why I cant stop doing WnGs!!! I think it has do with 1 part lazy and 2 parts more lazy. Its been my go-to style since the summer and now I cant break out the habit. Also I havent had any setbacks so I havent been seeing the issue with doing them. I think I'm going to go back to doing braidouts soon though.