BSL 2010 Challenge

Is this proof to claim BSB? I've recently claimed it; but, I'm not expecting to hit BSL until September (I'm giving myself a bit time cushion!).


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I'm not doing any more length checks until June 30th ( I'm constantly checking every other day :perplexed ). I'm doing my own personal hide your hair challenge (wash-n-gos and maybe twists) to hide my length so it will hopefully be a surprise June 30th.
Here's my little growth chart I made:
Seeing how long it will take really helps my patience. I got this idea from Southern Tease (but of course, hers look so much better!).


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I don't think I've checked in here in a while...I hope for a good chunk of my hair to be at BSL by the end of the summer. My longest layer is almost there. Then for the rest of the year I'll be working on growing the front out to catch up.
Hi Ladies! I think I've finally done it!!! :drunk: I'm claiming BSL! The point of the V is on my bra strap; therefore, I'm claiming it. I'm in need of a serious trim, so I'll probably be trying to get back to BSL, but whatever...I'm just going to celebrate my milestone for now.
goodness gracious, your hair is beautiful!! congratulations sis!!
Peek A BOO, where are you ladies :( ----> cry

I have been really rocking a pony with twist rolled in a bun. WOW!!!! THE HEAT IS ON LADIES!

What's your plans until June?
Ladies I absolutely LOVE my Hair One Olive Oil I slept on the Olive Oil for the Jojoba and did take them all back for the Olive oil. I love the light feel Jojoba gives but it leave it dry. Olive oil HO is the best for my hair leaving it in a moisturized condition. I actually used it last week as a shampoo, conditioner and deep conditioner mixed it at the end with a little PC under the steamer and it was awesome. :)
Ladies My question of the week is if you could only take ONE item with you on An ISLAND For a year what would it be and WHY? LOL

As you can tell Mine would be my Hair One Olive Oil it is my everything all in one bottle :D
Ladies My question of the week is if you could only take ONE item with you on An ISLAND For a year what would it be and WHY? LOL

Just a wash-out conditioner (hair wise) can double as a leave in
A lighter ( survival wise) start a fire?:look:
It would have to be my V05 Moisture Milks. I could use them as either a co-washing condish or a leave-in. I'm sure if there are coconuts or avocados around, I could make oils.

As for my plans until June, my next relaxer is on May 8th!! I'm not sure if I'll trim or not since my ends look okay to me. Who knows?
If this island had fresh water, i'd take jojoba oil because thats basically all i use now water and oil.
If i only have salt water avalible i'd take my a moisture conditioner as a leave in/moisture and get mad crazy build up lol...maybe shampoo!! Are there coconuts on this island because i could do quite abit with that lol
Ladies My question of the week is if you could only take ONE item with you on An ISLAND For a year what would it be and WHY? LOL

As you can tell Mine would be my Hair One Olive Oil it is my everything all in one bottle :D

Thats a hard one. Maybe some type of shampoo. Giovanni SAS or KBB Herbal Shampoo. I'm sure I can find stuff on the island to whip up for my hair.
If this island had fresh water, i'd take jojoba oil because thats basically all i use now water and oil.
If i only have salt water avalible i'd take my a moisture conditioner as a leave in/moisture and get mad crazy build up lol...maybe shampoo!! Are there coconuts on this island because i could do quite abit with that lol
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I will in the future put some items on this island, LOL coconuts because most stranded shows have them. LOL

Awesome answers, I love hearing what others find as a must have, the PJ in me feels I must have them all since you ladies love them so, but the U1B1 helps to keep that in control. :lick::lick::lick::lick::lick:
Oh my aching hands. I've been taking out my tree braids all day. I was hoping to have them all out tonight,so I could prepoo overnight. Yet, my hands are killing me and I'm so tired. I don't plan on going to the shop until Saturday. I will probably wash, dc, airdry and keep it in a bun until Saturday.
Checking in! I relaxed using the 1/2 and 1/2 method after a 34 week stretch. Then I did a cellophane. It came out good although there were a few under processed areas. Once I flat ironed I looked like I had just left the shop so I was happy :yep: I will never stretch that long again. I'm keeping it at 10-12 weeks.
Checking in! I relaxed using the 1/2 and 1/2 method after a 34 week stretch. Then I did a cellophane. It came out good although there were a few under processed areas. Once I flat ironed I looked like I had just left the shop so I was happy :yep: I will never stretch that long again. I'm keeping it at 10-12 weeks.

Wow! 34 weeks?! I'm always amazed at super long stretches like that. :thud: (<--I'm always looking for a reason to use this smilie. :grin:)
Checking in! I relaxed using the 1/2 and 1/2 method after a 34 week stretch. Then I did a cellophane. It came out good although there were a few under processed areas. Once I flat ironed I looked like I had just left the shop so I was happy :yep: I will never stretch that long again. I'm keeping it at 10-12 weeks.

Well I hope to see pictures (all that talk about salon hair makes me want to :lick: the screen) :)

I think it is awesome that you found what works for you and what doesn't.
Wow! 34 weeks?! I'm always amazed at super long stretches like that. :thud: (<--I'm always looking for a reason to use this smilie. :grin:)

At first I was going to transition but decided to go back to relaxing. I mostly kept my hair under 1/2 wigs through winter. Now that it's heating up I can't have a wig on my head so I went ahead and relaxed. This was only my 2nd time self relaxing and it went better then the first time. :yep:
Well I hope to see pictures (all that talk about salon hair makes me want to :lick: the screen) :)

I think it is awesome that you found what works for you and what doesn't.

Thank you! I'm typing from my phone but I will add pics to this post as soon as I get home. I took some with my phone but they didn't do my shine factor any justice :)

ETA: Here are my length comparison shots. The second one is last weekend when I relaxed my hair, did a cellophane and self trimmed. BTW I now see how ya'll are addicted to dusting and self trimming. It will be a cold day in hell before another stylist comes near my head with scissors!

This was taken on 12/25/2010 (yep Christmas morning I was taking length shots)

This was taken 04/03/2010:
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Well I did my touch up Friday evening using the half and half method. I was one day shy of 17 weeks, and my NG was a beast. I couldn't feel or see my scalp. All I saw and felt was hair, LOL:lachen:. I swear I had a twa on my scalp with texlaxed ends, LOL:lachen:. I was gonna wait and do my touch up next week, but I had to do something now. It couldn't wait. I was so out of line for how my head was looking, LOL:lachen:. I was looking a HOT MESS ya'll not cute:nono:. Any who I believe I am BSB now. I don't have pics yet. I am sitting here with henna in my head. I figured I would get everything out of the way now. I will post pics next week for my 1 year anniversary.

NJoy, I love the baggied bun in your siggy. I'm gonna have to try that out myself. That is cute girl!!!!!:yep:
Well I did my touch up Friday evening using the half and half method. I was one day shy of 17 weeks, and my NG was a beast. I couldn't feel or see my scalp. All I saw and felt was hair, LOL:lachen:. I swear I had a twa on my scalp with texlaxed ends, LOL:lachen:. I was gonna wait and do my touch up next week, but I had to do something now. It couldn't wait. I was so out of line for how my head was looking, LOL:lachen:. I was looking a HOT MESS ya'll not cute:nono:. Any who I believe I am BSB now. I don't have pics yet. I am sitting here with henna in my head. I figured I would get everything out of the way now. I will post pics next week for my 1 year anniversary.

NJoy, I love the baggied bun in your siggy. I'm gonna have to try that out myself. That is cute girl!!!!!:yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I know what you mean. Early congrats on your 1 yr anniversary. Can't wait to see your latest pics. Feels good to tame that jungle, huh? :grin:

And thanks for the compliment on the baggied bun look. That's my standard look nowadays. It gets me by, as long as I use aloe vera gel and a scarf to flatten my edges. Otherwise, I'm feeling you on that twa thing. :grin:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I know what you mean. Early congrats on your 1 yr anniversary. Can't wait to see your latest pics. Feels good to tame that jungle, huh? :grin:

And thanks for the compliment on the baggied bun look. That's my standard look nowadays. It gets me by, as long as I use aloe vera gel and a scarf to flatten my edges. Otherwise, I'm feeling you on that twa thing. :grin:

Thanks for the congrats. It feels good see my hard work paying off. The jungle ain't nothing compared to the Rain Forrest that I had on my head :lachen::lachen:, for real. Its a good thing I work from home. I would have had all kinds of folks giving me the side eye. :rolleyes::lachen: and shaking their head. No more stretching past 13 weeks. Shoot my arms was tired, I started sweating, :lachen::lachen: My NG was not playing :hardslap:

I'm sure gonna do that baggied bun. That might be my summer style. That is cute. I think I will go to the fabric store and all kinds of pretty swatches to cover my bun. I have flowers already. Now I just need some more hair toys. Its hot already in Texas and I know I'm not going to be feeling messing with my hair on the daily. As soon as you walk out side you start sweating.:lachen:I can see now I will be running all of my errands after 8 pm when the sun goes down, smh.