BSL 2008 Graduates! What's ur game plan?


New Member
Hello my fellow soon to be BSLer's...
So I wanna compare notes witcha!
What's ur game plan to reach BSL in 2008.

Don't be modest or shy either, because all u APLer's or soon to be APLer's are most likely gonna reach BSL in 2008. Soooooo, whatcha gonna do to make sure u get there?

As for me:

Protective styling and hiding my hair for 99.9% of 2008 via curly weaves and cornrows.

Using my growth aids at least once per my MTG oil/ MN & avocado oil mixture...also I brought Aveda Scalp Relief, imma use that too sometimes...

Scalp massages when I can remember. My head usually triggers when it needs one tho.

Taking my supplements. I'm trying to cut out some of the stuff i'm taking.
I know I'm gonna continue the viviscal all year long, as well as my flintstone multi vitamin.
I have slew of other stuff that I usually throw in my fruitsmoothies that I make. Guess I will continue to do the fruit smoothie thang.

Well, what about u ladies...
I plan on reaching bra strap in 2008.

The only thing I plan to change about my regimen is relaxing every 16 weeks instead of 12. I will only relax 3 times in 2008 that's my goal:yep:.
I reached the bottom of brastrap length in 2007. :wave: What helped me the most were the following:

1) Letting my mother relax my hair so I didnt have to worry about someone else being too rough or using too much manipulation. :up: So, if u can find a friend to put the relaxer in for you that would be great. Then, u can rinse it out and let it airdry, rollerset, etc. like u normally do w/o having someone else breaking ur hair .

2) Rollersetting :up: I almost always let my hair dry in rollers. :yep: My hair was a lot stronger b/c of it for some reason. :yep:

3) I didn't try any new things that could possibly cause damage ie. color or a new kind of relaxer. Being extra cautious is key, u don't want to do anything that will cause setbacks.

4) Visualization :yep: Believe it or not.

If smthg is working for u, then keep doing it. If there is a problem, come to the LHCF and seek ways to fix it. Also, post regularly on the board for encouragement! :)

ETA: Now, I am on my way to midback/waistlength. :grin:
Just continuing with my current regimen in hopes of being BSL by May/June 2008: Oil or DC overnight prepoo, wash 2 x week with protein or moisturizing deep conditioner, henna gloss every 2-3 weeks, scalp massage 4 x week, baggying every night/bunning every day. BSL here I come!:yep:
Basicly i'm going to do what i've was doing in 2007, stick to my current regime. I plan on joining the 2008 bootcamp and incorporate that into everything else. I am comtemplating changing stylist, i think i will give this new lady a try in 08. And far most importantly quite jumping on every damn bandwagon!
My game plan is to is continue what I'm already doing :grin::grin::grin:
1. Bun 7 days a week (Braidouts once in a while)
2. Moisturize & Baggy Ends
3. Shampoo and Deep Condition once a week
4. Stretch Relaxers 12 weeks
5. Sleep with Satin Scarf

*~*~*~*~*~*~BSL 2008*~*~*~*~*~*~
In 2008, I will be K.I.S.S. I had setbacks this year due to excessive experimentation.

I made it to BSL a few years ago just by DCing and PS (with only drugstore products!). So, I'm going back to basics. Also, I will continue increasing my relaxer stretches by only 1-2 weeks at a time. No trims until I reach goal.
I'm going to step out on faith and join this thread. It's a stretch because I'm about 4-5 inches from BSL--I may not quite make it. But, my plan it to KISS--keep it simple sista. My hair has one rule, that's "leave me alone." When I start doing too much of any one thing, the results aren't good. In 2007, my hair has responded well to weekly washing and dc'ing. For my fine hair, too much moisturizing equals breakage. I'll continue to moisturize lightly 1-2x/wk. I wear my hair down a lot, and I'll probably start wearing it up more--but not all the time. Also, I'll cont. to relax every 8-10 wks. My hair has thrived this year despite weekly blow drying, I'm not going to try my luck with that anymore. I'm going back to my long-standing tradition of rollersetting under the dryer. As one of the ladies said--no experimentation. I know what works, and I'm going to stick with it.

P.S.--Siggy is way out of date. Haven't been able to edit it for some reason. Haven't trimmed since that pic, and hair is fine.
In 2008, I will be K.I.S.S. I had setbacks this year due to excessive experimentation.

I made it to BSL a few years ago just by DCing and PS (with only drugstore products!). So, I'm going back to basics. Also, I will continue increasing my relaxer stretches by only 1-2 weeks at a time. No trims until I reach goal.

I just noticed your post. Now I feel goofy--looks like I'm a copy cat :spinning:.
  1. Bi-weekly Rollersetting
  2. Daily Scritching (5-10 minutes)
  3. Intentive deep conditioning
  4. No Trimming
  5. No Stylists
  6. Sleeping on Satin Pillowcases
  7. No heat on ends
  8. Baggying ends nightly
  10. Daily Protective Styling via Buns & Pinups
Continue with AAA and MN challenge
Stay focused on health rather than length
No hair dye until end of June.
Lo mani(as always)
No More trips to a Hair and Scalp burning blow drying hair factory!!
I reached the bottom of brastrap length in 2007. :wave: What helped me the most were the following:

1) Letting my mother relax my hair so I didnt have to worry about someone else being too rough or using too much manipulation. :up: So, if u can find a friend to put the relaxer in for you that would be great. Then, u can rinse it out and let it airdry, rollerset, etc. like u normally do w/o having someone else breaking ur hair .

2) Rollersetting :up: I almost always let my hair dry in rollers. :yep: My hair was a lot stronger b/c of it for some reason. :yep:

3) I didn't try any new things that could possibly cause damage ie. color or a new kind of relaxer. Being extra cautious is key, u don't want to do anything that will cause setbacks.

4) Visualization :yep: Believe it or not.

If smthg is working for u, then keep doing it. If there is a problem, come to the LHCF and seek ways to fix it. Also, post regularly on the board for encouragement! :)

ETA: Now, I am on my way to midback/waistlength. :grin:

That visualization is real!
I had a dream about my hair being tailbone length. It was great!

My goal is to make BSL by December of to obtain this I plan on doing the following...which it's what I'm doing now.

*No heat; rollersets only
*Stretch relaxers to 8 weeks...I normally go to 6 weeks
*Stick with the products that works
*Only dust ends as needed...and not on a schedule like I use to be
*I wear ponytails alot...not too big on protectiv styles...and I do wear my hair down from to time

And after reading some of these posts...I've learned a few things from you ladies.
I'm going to step out on faith and join this thread. It's a stretch because I'm about 4-5 inches from BSL--I may not quite make it. But, my plan it to KISS--keep it simple sista. My hair has one rule, that's "leave me alone." When I start doing too much of any one thing, the results aren't good. In 2007, my hair has responded well to weekly washing and dc'ing. For my fine hair, too much moisturizing equals breakage. I'll continue to moisturize lightly 1-2x/wk. I wear my hair down a lot, and I'll probably start wearing it up more--but not all the time. Also, I'll cont. to relax every 8-10 wks. My hair has thrived this year despite weekly blow drying, I'm not going to try my luck with that anymore. I'm going back to my long-standing tradition of rollersetting under the dryer. As one of the ladies said--no experimentation. I know what works, and I'm going to stick with it.

P.S.--Siggy is way out of date. Haven't been able to edit it for some reason. Haven't trimmed since that pic, and hair is fine.

SandySea, I like your optimisim :) you are describing me to the T, because I am about 4-5 inches away from BSL as well :yep:
i'm so excited....
and i just can't hide it...( no, no, no, no, no)
On my way to BSL
and I think i like it!

Okay....The Game Plan: ( drum roll, please)
Co wash twice per week with Aveda Brilliant:lick:
Pre-poo (coconut milk), Shampoo (CON), Deep condition (varies) once per week:drunk:
Reconstruct monthly ( Aphogee 2 min or Joico Kpak):spinning:
Moisturize daily (Biosilk, Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum)
Satin Cap Nightly
MN & Organic Coconut oil on scalp every other night:yep:

I will be BSL on or before May 31st 2008. Period.
The Plan:

Low to no manipulation
Low to no manipulation
Low to no manipulation

Moisturizing Daily
Moisturizing Daily
Moisturizing Daily

Stretch Relaxer for 6 Months :grin:
I already wear my hair up a lot and use direct heat next to never. My game plan is:

  1. Stretch my relaxers longer: from 10 weeks to 12 to 16 weeks.
  2. Massage Amla Gold hair oil into my scalp the night before wash days-I am told it stimulates hair growth
  3. Use LOA to visualize healthy, beautiful BSL hair
Thank Goodness, I thought I was the only one excited about reaching BSL :yay:

i'm so excited....
and i just can't hide it...( no, no, no, no, no)
On my way to BSL
and I think i like it!

Okay....The Game Plan: ( drum roll, please)
Co wash twice per week with Aveda Brilliant:lick:
Pre-poo (coconut milk), Shampoo (CON), Deep condition (varies) once per week:drunk:
Reconstruct monthly ( Aphogee 2 min or Joico Kpak):spinning:
Moisturize daily (Biosilk, Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum)
Satin Cap Nightly
MN & Organic Coconut oil on scalp every other night:yep:

I will be BSL on or before May 31st 2008. Period.
1. Wash twice a week
2. Deep condition at least once a week
3. Keep hair braided or in a bun
4. Take my multivitamin everyday
5. Moisturize everyday
6. Keep hair wrapped when I'm sleeping
7. Use direct heat no more than 3 times this year.
Thank Goodness, I thought I was the only one excited about reaching BSL :yay:
Na!!! Ur not the only ones
:woot:BSL 2008!!!:woot:

I plan on doing what I been do for the most part although I like to experiment alittle.

~Herbal treatments
~Wash once or twice a week
~DC once a week w/ moisturizing conditioner
~DC once a month w/ protien and ceramide-3 conditioner
~Roller setting, Braidouts, Wash n go's, Air dry then Caruso steam rollers
~Blow dry or flat iron new growth if need be on low heat with heat protectant
~Moisturize/Seal every other day
~Nightly scalp massages for 15 min daily and with homemade heral oil 3 or 4 nights a week
~Sleep in Satin scarf or cap every night
~Dust every 6 months or less if not needed
~Wear hair up when around the house
~Only use Jilbere Shower or wide tooth comb
~Be more healthy​
I don't plan on doing anything!:nono: I can't be bothered that much with my hair
so I'm gonna let nature run its course........that is until I get really pumped up about it then something might happen. I might not even do any progress pics either until December. Call me lazy if you want. I do intend to be at bra strap length on or before December 2008.
I reached the bottom of brastrap length in 2007. :wave: What helped me the most were the following:

1) Letting my mother relax my hair so I didnt have to worry about someone else being too rough or using too much manipulation. :up: So, if u can find a friend to put the relaxer in for you that would be great. Then, u can rinse it out and let it airdry, rollerset, etc. like u normally do w/o having someone else breaking ur hair .

2) Rollersetting :up: I almost always let my hair dry in rollers. :yep: My hair was a lot stronger b/c of it for some reason. :yep:

3) I didn't try any new things that could possibly cause damage ie. color or a new kind of relaxer. Being extra cautious is key, u don't want to do anything that will cause setbacks.

4) Visualization :yep: Believe it or not.

If smthg is working for u, then keep doing it. If there is a problem, come to the LHCF and seek ways to fix it. Also, post regularly on the board for encouragement! :)

ETA: Now, I am on my way to midback/waistlength. :grin:

I am hoping to make BSL this year. I am 7 weeks post and have lots of new growth due to MN (yea I jumped on that bandwagon!!:grin:). My game plan is to continue to do protective styles: rollersetting and pin ups, shampoo and deep condition, moisture and baggy ends, stretch relaxers, vitamins, no trimming, and no heats.

I am so excited and cant wait!!
my main plan is:

leaving it alone much much more often

protective styling!!!

cleanse/deep condition (in twists)
once a week

moisturize really good

and leave it alonnnnnnne

best wishes!!!
I love the idea of this thread as it doesn't seem like it's a challenge with rules. I already wear my hair up 90% of the time so my plans for this year are to:


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My plan is to keep it simple as well. No jumping on bandwagons this year for me. I have a bunch of vitamins and products that I never use consistently anyway.

I just got a touchup at 14 weeks which is the longest I ever waited. It was out of plain laziness too. I'd just wash my hair, have them blow out the roots, keep it out for a day and then into a ponytail it went. I didn't even realize so much time had passed until my hairdresser pointed it out. The great thing is, everyone at work tonight keeps asking me if i trimmed my ends too because they look so good!

Wash, dc, and set at the Dominicans every two weeks (and stop being lazy). I usually bring my own products.

Relax every 10 weeks which works best for me.

Use Aphogee (the strong one) 1-2 weeks after each touchup.

Trim (dust) as needed. I think my last trim was August.

Wear my hair down for the first few days of it being done and then put it into a ponytail until my next salon visit.

No braids, extensions, etc. My hair is too fine and cannot handle that stuff. Braiding my hair for vacation last year really set me back. Maybe I'll finally learn.:rolleyes:

That's it. I will continue to use my currents products :Keracare Hydrating Detangling poo, either Silicon Mix or Nacidit Avocado for conditioning, and Salerm as my leave-in. I will only alter these if my hair requires it.

Good luck everyone!
I plan to reach bottom of the bra strap this year. Had plans to do it by dec 2007, but I got a little happy with the APL and was doing wayyy too much styling and wayyy too little pampering. As a result I didn't retain much length the last 4 mths of 2007. But now I'm transitioning and my plan is to reach bottom of BSL and then keep it trimmed at that lenght until I reach natural BSL. Lofty goals I know, but aim high and you're bound to hit something. :yep:

My regimen will be what I used to get to APL

wash 2X per week (1 dc, 1 cw only)
take my vitamins
drink plenty of water
low manipulation/heat
I will continue with what I am doing, the only problem I did on my last BSL challenge in 2007 is I got a really nice but much of a set back cut and I didn't make the mark. I will be full BSL in the coming months.