'Brwnskinbeauty' aka 'Hair Crush' shaved a part of her hair.

When I first saw that she shaved that HUGE section I just :wallbash: Whatever floats her boat. It will be interesting to see how long she keeps it that way.
At first I thought I wasn't going to like it but I do. I think it looks cute on her and its not too dramatic.
I have never seen her b4, but she has the most gorg hair I have seen like...ever in life??
The shaved look is a little funky I guess.
Her hair is crazy thick and beautiful! I like the shaved look! She can pull it off cause she can cover it when she needs too.
It looks cute. At first I thought it was just the one little section, but then she showed pics of the cut extending to her nape. Either way, she has so much hair she can easily cover it up. I couldn't get away with that one.
She did this a while ago and I think it looks cute. She has so much hair that depending on how she styles it, you can't even tell that its shaved.
I was actually planning on cutting mine off from the ears down if/when it ever got that long, at least that's what I had planning I'm not sure how if I would now, but its always a possibility
Wow she just inspired me to get serious with my hair care again! Gorgeous hair whoever she is...
Her hair has me Droooooliiinn...I like the shaved bit!!

She looks like Nene Leakes..... is it just me?
I really think going natural has made me more free. I know my hair will grow back because I know how to care for it properly now and I have let the relaxer go. Ladies don't just get caught up in length and don't be afraid to try something new:)
She wrote this in her album and I love it! It will grow back. When I shaved all my hair off in 2009 my peoples thought I was crazy. But if you know how to take care of your hair, then you know what you need to do to grow it back out.

By the way, the first person I saw do this was the infamous Kesh :yep:

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I think it looks great! Plus she said she could wear her hair normally because of all the thickness she got. Her face fits the shaved head look.
This may be the most beautiful head of hair I have ever seen. Wow. Makes me want to extend this stretch indefinitely . . .

I like the shaved section. It adds subtle edge to her look, and she pulls it off beautifully.