'Brwnskinbeauty' aka 'Hair Crush' shaved a part of her hair.

very fly, im thinking about doing this.




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Hey she's my FB friend! And she did this quite awhile ago and ITA with other posters, she has so much dang hair she can just brush it over and it will cover it up; although she's been keeping it like that for awhile now. I like it on her, she has a pretty face and can pull it off

And Newyork20004, these two pics are just gorgeous! But I'm at TWA now and I just can't imagine growing my hair out to BSL just to do this; although I grew it out to APL in 2009 and then mohawked it! So I might! I bet you'd look gorgeous with this!:grin::grin::grin:

very fly, im thinking about doing this.


Hey she's my FB friend! And she did this quite awhile ago and ITA with other posters, she has so much dang hair she can just brush it over and it will cover it up; although she's been keeping it like that for awhile now. I like it on her, she has a pretty face and can pull it off

And Newyork20004, these two pics are just gorgeous! But I'm at TWA now and I just can't imagine growing my hair out to BSL just to do this; although I grew it out to APL in 2009 and then mohawked it! So I might! I bet you'd look gorgeous with this!:grin::grin::grin:

Thanks girl, i think ill wait one more year before i do this; i really want a change, and hey you only live once.
I love it, she's gorgeous as is her hair.

Her hair is so thick, makes me want to step up my hair care regimen.
really beautiful hair. when (yes I'm calling it, no matter how long it takes, lol) I have that much hair I might consider doing that. I agree when she says natural hair is versatile and having half your head shaved one day, then flipping it over the next like nothing ever happened is pretty dang versatile!
just you! nene is :perplexed


Nene's not :perplexed, just her insides are.

OK I see what it is, she's got Nene's (new) nose. I just watched a vid and she doesn't look like Nene at all except the nose.

Good gosh this girl's hair still has me droooling
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Nene's not :perplexed, just her insides are.

OK I see what it is, she's got Nene's (new) nose. I just watched a vid and she doesn't look like Nene at all except the nose.

Good gosh this girl's hair still has me droooling

hmm hmmm!!! i saw her, and i think it was a pic without makeup too and i was like dayum!!!!!!! lmao