I don't think being offended that a bride retracted her bridesmaid invitation means that the offended person is not a real friend. In the grand scheme of things, taking back an invitation 9 out of 10 times is considered to be rude. That's basic etiquette. LOL.
On another note, I would talk to your family off line OP and seek their opinion. No offense, but a lot of the women on here readily admit that they do not have a lot of friends, are quick to cut folks off and are very introverted, so opinions may be skewed.
I don't think this thread is about friends getting offended and that being wrong. OP sounds like she is prepared to deal with whatever emotions or reactions her friends may have once she tells them she is cutting down her numbers. In fact, OP is nervous about it so it shows that she is aware of that possibility.
No comment on bringing in what women have said in other threads here when OP is specifically seeking out advice from the board.