Breathing Challenge 2012 Official Thread

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New Member
The Rules of this challenge are:

1) You must breathe everyday.

2) Your hair journey must be effortless so if you post a regimen or even plan one in your head then you will be kicked out of this challenge forcefully.

3) Your hair must grow faster than the average black woman. So If your hair grows less than half an inch a month then you cannot enter this challenge.

My progress is in my sig. That bald head of mine was back in feb.

I've been breathing ever since....

Just type your name and O2 next to it if you wish to enter this challenge.

Lucille O2
Ooooh oooh! Pick me! I've been breathing for a long time so I know I can do this :D

whiteoleander91 O2
I bet if my sister were a member she would want to join this challenge too, but she has asthma :/ sucks for her.
Ooooh oooh! Pick me! I've been breathing for a long time so I know I can do this :D

whiteoleander91 O2
I bet if my sister were a member she would want to join this challenge too, but she has asthma :/ sucks for her.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

.... Wait just a gosh darn a minute! I have asthma as well :cry:

I'm joining this challenge too! I'm not going to let you all discriminate against me & my short breaths.

*grabs inhaler* I have to do this for my people. My fellow weezers.

SmileyNY O2

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SimJam O2


Ive had good results from deep breathing techniques (but I dont have any pics right now), and its best if you live in high elevations like I do and do your hair enriching deep breaths at baybreak. The clean fresh mountain air is almost magical

I just finished my breathing therapy and though Id add this pic for those ladies who may live in a more urban area and may not have the benefit of mountain air.

I need more info before I join. What kind of breathing do I have to do?

Regular breathing, deep breathing, hyperventilating, etc.

And what type of oxygen, regular air or hospital grade? I have access to hospital grade you think that will give me an increased growth rate?
Oh, and by the way, will visiting high altitudes, possibly inhaling mountain air loosen my curl pattern? :sekret:
Ok... I cheated... I got a little out of breath while jogging with my dog.... But I'm back on track! Breathing once again.


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w o w

i saw your related post in the y'all wrong thread...

why you so bitter tho OP?

... i don't think the breathing is helping the bitter part... :look:
KurlyNinja O2

I'm in! At least until 12/21/2012. Thats when the world ends and I think I may find it a little harder to breath after that.
I need more info before I join. What kind of breathing do I have to do?

Regular breathing, deep breathing, hyperventilating, etc.

And what type of oxygen, regular air or hospital grade? I have access to hospital grade you think that will give me an increased growth rate?

I was gonna say that too. I know I can put a non rebreather on and get 100% O2 a few times a day! I will be WL (from my almost APL) in mere months. And y'all at higher elevations, the air may br cleaner but y'all only get like 18-19% O2 in y'alls air. Ijs. No shade. Us at sea level taking in that good good-21%.

Count me in. WL April 2012 baby!

allmundjoi O2

These dayum phone apps-can't thank, can't readily see notifications, can't see animated gifs, can't see siggies and often can't see avatars.

I hold my breath sometimes...when I'm deeply breathing, trying to get rid of hiccups and sometimes just because I'm bored. Will this affect my chances? I don't swim, but what about those who enjoy swimming underwater? They need to hold their breath, too...will this stunt their growth? I sure hope not. Should we breathe through our noses, mouths or both for the most effective hair growth results? Does smelly breath have a negative effect on hair growth? Can other peoples breathing help MY hair grow faster? Should I breathe really well, but also surround myself with other breathers? Maybe we can start a breathing circle for the best hair growth EVER
I'm in! I plan on doing this anyway. I breathe everyday. It's pretty much second nature. At this point, I don't even have to think about. Shoot, sometimes I even forget that I'm breathing. :lol:

melisandre O2
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I guess I will try breathing though sometimes I don't have time to do it. *takes big hesitant breath* ok. Lets give it a go. I better see amazing growth or I'm not sure I care to try this in 2013

Jnsq 02

I hold my breath sometimes...when I'm deeply breathing, trying to get rid of hiccups and sometimes just because I'm bored. Will this affect my chances? I don't swim, but what about those who enjoy swimming underwater? They need to hold their breath, too...will this stunt their growth? I sure hope not. Should we breathe through our noses, mouths or both for the most effective hair growth results? Does smelly breath have a negative effect on hair growth? Can other peoples breathing help MY hair grow faster? Should I breathe really well, but also surround myself with other breathers? Maybe we can start a breathing circle for the best hair growth EVER

When underwater you need to take deep breaths as the air down there is even richer :yep:

I hold my breath sometimes...when I'm deeply breathing, trying to get rid of hiccups and sometimes just because I'm bored. Will this affect my chances? I don't swim, but what about those who enjoy swimming underwater? They need to hold their breath, too...will this stunt their growth? I sure hope not. Should we breathe through our noses, mouths or both for the most effective hair growth results? Does smelly breath have a negative effect on hair growth? Can other peoples breathing help MY hair grow faster? Should I breathe really well, but also surround myself with other breathers? Maybe we can start a breathing circle for the best hair growth EVER

I am starting research this subject and apparently the most effective form of breathing is rapidly in through the mouth and slowly out through the nose. :look:

Apparently it can help get from this:


to this


in about 12 months. Think about it, floor length 1a hair by this time next year. Merry Christmas:holiday:
^^^ girl how about you address that in the other thread?

this is funny.

tamster O2

Tamster nah man. i don't carry grudges around the forum. it's coming up now because this is the thread that made me realize there's some sort of bigger ish going on since OP brought stuff up in that thread and then created this one.

but whatev. this isn't the first time i'm on the wrong side of funny.

carry on.

Tamster nah man. i don't carry grudges around the forum. it's coming up now because this is the thread that made me realize there's some sort of bigger ish going on since OP brought stuff up in that thread and then created this one.

but whatev. this isn't the first time i'm on the wrong side of funny.

carry on.


nzeee It started with this one
She's not being bitter she's being funny.

Although she removed the pics so it's not AS funny. You'd have to know her history on the board to understand I guess:ohwell:

Anyways, I ain't got time to be breathin so I'll just have to hope for the best with my hair:ohwell:
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Yes! Try it once. You will not be disappointed.

Yes once is all she will need :lachen:


Ive been breathing all morning, and I think Ive grown abt 1/2 an inch. Cant take pics 'cause my camera is broke, but I swear its gonna be a huge reveal (without pictures)
Yes once is all she will need :lachen:


Ive been breathing all morning, and I think Ive grown abt 1/2 an inch. Cant take pics 'cause my camera is broke, but I swear its gonna be a huge reveal (without pictures)

Hmmm...Everybody say that camera broke. i'm gonna need proof of this 1/2 inch growth since this morning for me to believe you :rolleyes: Something tells me you aren't being honest @SimJam. Now if you would have said 1/2 an inch in a day, or said that you had hit up an oxygen bar this morning i would be more inclined to believe you. :perplexed No need to perpetrate. Now as for me, i'm about to go swimming and inhaling at the beach. I think the mix of fresh saltwater plus oxygen will give me a full inch today. The water and salt just pushes the hair out with each gulp you take.
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