Well-Known Member
Hope all is well with everyone!
I'm still taking my Rx iron pills and 1 UltraNourish Hair supplement (serving size is 2 but I wanted to start out slow in case of breakouts). I've noticed that I've gained about 1 inch of ng in some areas and about 1/2 inch in others. This is a huge improvement from the 1/4 that I usually get each month. Starting in March, I will be taking 2 UNH vitamins with my iron and I hope that I get some good growth from it!
This is wonderful news!!! Way to Grow!!!
ok so I have an update, tues is my wash day so I pre poo'ed, shampooed, dc'ed and applyed leave in. When I took my hair down (lol its always in a bun now, I noticed that I had alot of new growth. Im 5 weeks post. Like there was so much, so thick and curly, so I decided to get out the measuring tape and see how much my hair grew. To my surprise, I gained an inch!!!!! At first I couldnt beleive it and thought that maybe I was just underprocessed in that particular section, so I measured the crown, the sides, and the nape, all 1 in. The only part that isnt is the front of my hair, near the hairline, but its all good, Im sooo happylol ok thats my update