***Official Thread for Combating anemia for slow growers Support/ Challenge***

Hope all is well with everyone!

I'm still taking my Rx iron pills and 1 UltraNourish Hair supplement (serving size is 2 but I wanted to start out slow in case of breakouts). I've noticed that I've gained about 1 inch of ng in some areas and about 1/2 inch in others. This is a huge improvement from the 1/4 that I usually get each month. Starting in March, I will be taking 2 UNH vitamins with my iron and I hope that I get some good growth from it!

This is wonderful news!!! Way to Grow!!!

ok so I have an update, tues is my wash day so I pre poo'ed, shampooed, dc'ed and applyed leave in. When I took my hair down (lol its always in a bun now, I noticed that I had alot of new growth. Im 5 weeks post. Like there was so much, so thick and curly, so I decided to get out the measuring tape and see how much my hair grew. To my surprise, I gained an inch!!!!! At first I couldnt beleive it and thought that maybe I was just underprocessed in that particular section, so I measured the crown, the sides, and the nape, all 1 in. The only part that isnt is the front of my hair, near the hairline, but its all good, Im sooo happy :) lol ok thats my update

I hope its not too late for me to join you all.

My hair grows super slow but I'm learning to live with it.

Also, I've been battling anemia since I was a kid. It got to its worst point while I was pregnant last year. It was causing me to have some heart and other health problems. My doctor wanted me to have a transfusion but I just want to try and build my blood back up the natural way.


I have Iron Supplements that were prescribed to me....

Primarily, I take a daily multi-vitamin with 100% iron as well as an Omega 3-6-9 supplement. I'm also trying to incorporate more nutritious as well as iron enriched food into my diet.

My current hair length is 1/4-1/2 an inch long (I just recently big chopped). And I'm a natural 4b.
Of course you can join
congrats on the BC, have you posted pics?

How are you doing now, does your Dr. still reccommend a transfusion?

Hmmm if I could get some good hair growing blood in my veins I would go for it :lachen:

I hope its not too late for me to join you all.

My hair grows super slow but I'm learning to live with it.

Also, I've been battling anemia since I was a kid. It got to its worst point while I was pregnant last year. It was causing me to have some heart and other health problems. My doctor wanted me to have a transfusion but I just want to try and build my blood back up the natural way.


I have Iron Supplements that were prescribed to me....

Primarily, I take a daily multi-vitamin with 100% iron as well as an Omega 3-6-9 supplement. I'm also trying to incorporate more nutritious as well as iron enriched food into my diet.

My current hair length is 1/4-1/2 an inch long (I just recently big chopped). And I'm a natural 4b.
I want to join but, not sure I qualify. I have severe, chronic anemia and take prescription hemapoetin stimulator to increase my red cells. It's a chronic problem, wont get better, only controlled. Can I still join?
Yes of course!
have you noticed that your anemia affect your hair? Does it make you tired all the time?
I want to join but, not sure I qualify. I have severe, chronic anemia and take prescription hemapoetin stimulator to increase my red cells. It's a chronic problem, wont get better, only controlled. Can I still join?
Hey ladies,

After eight months of iron supplements and about 16 of upping my beef intake without results, I'm going to try acupuncture. I chose a doctor who practices out of her basement. In addition to avoiding cold foods she told me that I should eat one tomato a day to increase red blood cells. She says the treatment is going to take four months because that's how long it takes the body to develop new blood. In addition to the acupuncture she will be giving me herbs. I did a lot of research before going and I'm kind of excited So...stay tuned.
I am telling you ladies, this is the only iron supplement that you will need. I have tried everything, Floridix, prescribed pills NOTHING worked. This supplement contains Iron bisglycinate, which has a much easier time absorbing into the blood stream. It will never constipate you!I had my levels checked, and my doctor was like "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!".

May I join this challenge?

I'm so tired of taking OTC iron supplements 2-3x a day (instructions from my doctor) I have a bottles everywhere. (In my purse, in desk at work, in desk at home, in kitchen cabinet and in medicine cabinet) extreme...I KNOW. I'm bad when it comes to taking pills so I have to see them in order to remember especially since I was told to take them 3x a day)

So, I ordered these. If I can take one a day and not have the side effects of the OTC.....I'm all in! (Well at least one side effect was good....my hair started growing quite a bit faster)

So, it would be lovely if this would give me the same growth results without the other side effects.