Breaking Up with Someone Due to Acne


Well-Known Member
So, an associate of mine wants to break up with her boyfriend but doesn't know how to tell him why. The reason she wants to break up, his acne. He hasn't always had it, when they got together, his face was perfect...not a zit in sight, nice and even toned, smooth, etc. They've been together for 4 years and only in the last year or two has his skin taken a nose dive.

So, can anyone give me advice on what to say to her and/or would you do what my associate wants to do?
My ex had terrible acne. Before him, every man I dated had flawless skin. I liked him..nah take that back, I LOVE him, and wanted to see his skin get better.

I oil cleanse my skin often, an one night I was like, "baby let me do your face" and he did..he was like, "ok" He'd always complimented me on my skin and I felt like I could help him. The OCM worked..I'd do it once or twice a week..his skin greatly improved. His skin has taken a complete turn around and I'm happy for him. We're no longer together, but I'm glad it worked out for him.

4yrs is a long time..and if she's willing to walk out the door over something so shallow (not to mention temporary) as acne then she's never loved that man. A woman who loves her man sticks with him regardless of his physical flaws.
Thats pretty shallow....

why not just offer tips or gently try to talk to him about it. Everyone is not perfect. My SO used to have acne and razor bumps but once we started looking for ways to treat it his skin is now very smooth. I could never dump my SO just because of a little acne.
So, an associate of mine wants to break up with her boyfriend but doesn't know how to tell him why. The reason she wants to break up, his acne. He hasn't always had it, when they got together, his face was perfect...not a zit in sight, nice and even toned, smooth, etc. They've been together for 4 years and only in the last year or two has his skin taken a nose dive.

So, can anyone give me advice on what to say to her and/or would you do what my associate wants to do?

she could always tell him that she's ditching their relationship because she's too shallow to help him with what she perceives as a major problem....

to answer the question as to if i would do it, no, i wouldn't... there are 1001 skin treatments on the market and i'm sure that one would work for him...
Wow. That's messed up. Is he a good man otherwise? They been together 4 years and what has she done to help him?
And I thought women broke up with their bf's over drastic cheating and abuse.
Acne...the relationship killer lol :lachen: j/k

Seriously, I would say your friend may want to think abut that. What is considered one womans trash is another womans treasure. There are tons of women who will scoop up her great man in a split second, acne and all. If your friends plans on leaving him over a skin condition are official, then there is no need for her to run back if it clears up. I'm just saying, when one really love and cares for someone its acne, dandruff, psoriasis, 6 toes, cock-eyed, and all. :drunk: lol
^^^ He's a great boyfriend to her and a father to their son. I think she's gotten used to seeing him in a flawless state and now he no longer looks like that.

Seriously? She wants to leave him over a few temporary spots? And she has a child with him. The word 'shallow' doesn't even begin to address this woman's issues.

HE should get rid of HER
...that is unless it's really about a deeper issue....? You said "great father to their son" and four years...but nothing about marriage. Maybe she's annoyed with him for more than that and is just using acne as an excuse.
I agree with Diva...looks like she's tryna find a way out. If it were me...I would try to help him out (a relationship is a team effort)...what will happen if his acne disappears...will she stay? Probably not..
I would hope that its something more than just that acne but she's just using that as an excuse because 4 years and a child is a long time. DH gets razor bumps and since we haven't found anything to smooth it out I spend a few nights a week plucking the ingrown hairs I can't imagine leaving him over something so minor
she's lame acne has multiple factors....hormones, diet, stress,emotional state, a clogged colon, congested liver, candida....i could go on for days with other reasons. naturally healthy skin by stephanie tourles is a great book to help with curing skin issues naturally. i also have an article on my website about acne and colon cleansing ( this chick is not worthy of him if she wants to break up for this reason....somehow i think there more to this story cause acne can't be the end all-be all!!!
Yeah, it seems that she is using his acne as a scapegoat. While I personally would be turned off if my mans face devolved into a pussed pimply mess, I would try to help him with alternative, cleansing, etc. To break up with someone over that is jacked up.
I can't even begin to wrap my mind around leaving my SO because of acne. Even if she has tried to help him and nothing worked, this is just not a legitimate reason to leave someone. I mean, we all change as we get older so is she gonna leave him when he starts to get wrinkles? What about when his hairline recedes
and he starts getting grays?

I always wonder how people like this handle their own children going through stuff like this. Like, if a woman is willing to dump her SO of four years and father of her child because of acne, what will she say when her son comes to her crying because folks make fun of his acne, weight, hair, etc.?

If she does leave him I hope she'll be honest and say that it's because she's shallow and insensitive instead of lying and making him feel like he did something horrible to deserve it. He deserves to know that he did nothing wrong.
As an acne sufferer, he is aware that he has acne, she needs to not do anything. He is a grown man and he doesn't need her shallowness as a reminder. I am with the other poster's who said, it isn't the acne, there is another reason she wants to break up with him and she is doing a serious punk move. She better hope her game stays tight forever.
Well maybe she feels like her undying devotion should only apply to her husband? When people have fallen out of love, the smallest thing becomes an annoyance. If she's fallen out of love with him, his declining physical attractiveness exacerbates her desire to leave. She's probably been ready to bounce. Is it shallow? Yes. Should she feel bad for falling out of love with her four-year boyfriend? Not really? Why stick around and continue to hurt that person?
Is there any more to the story?

Is he depressed and not willing to do anything about it?

I'm wondering if he is on any meds for the acne. Something that could be causing him to have emotional issues.

I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, and hope there are some other issues here.

Otherwise I might think that she just found someone else and needs any excuse to get out of the relationship...
WOW, is she serious??? She fell in love with him before the acne now she ready to break up with him. Acne can go away with the right treatment, and she will be left alone looking stupid, then people gone ask "why did you break up with your boyfriend?" ..."umm because he had acne"...yall feel me???
Please, this is not about acne. I'm sure the acne bothers her but that's not the root cause of her wanting out.

If she doesn't want him anymore, then she should just get out.

git da phuck...she wanna get rid of him cuz HE got acne. where they do dat at?

da hell her face look like? tell her dumb azzz to get some Proactive, start washin her wash clothes n bed linen more often n call it a day. dayum. she prolly da reason why he got da dayum acne....if it was flawless when she met him and now it's messed up...u do da math. he prolly 'llergic to her dizzy azzz..
Seriously? I really wouldn't know what to say to that. Acne is not fun but it's treatable so as stated by everyone else, there is more to this situation. Sounds like she is seeing someone else...

I wonder if her body looks like it did before she popped out his son? I mean..what if he dumped her because she got a few new stretch marks or something. What are their ages?