Breaking Up - How Do You Do It?

-Love Love*

New Member
How have YOU broken up with a guy?

Do you let the guy down easy?
Simply stop answering calls/texts?
Change relationship status?
I guess I am kind of old school. I will talk to the person (face to face). And I expect the same. No bxtchazzness. I don't necessarily want to be enemies (or friends) so most times we can end it like adults. Honesty and truth usually work best for me.

Of course there are exceptions...
If I am breaking up with you because you put your hands on me, I have caught you in the act of cheating, etc., then all bets are off.
I just broke up with someone. We had a tiny very tiny disagreement he decided to pout and I guess thought he was going to put me on pause until I got the message. When he came off pause I was out.

My commo to him was a brief phone message where I simply said "Your behavior these past few days is not what I need in my life. Take care."

I can work with alot of things but men who insist on being control freaks and acting like children will never be one of them.
Tell em. Things are not working out. I just don't like you any more. I liked your representative more than the real you.

IrrationalThoughts ^^^Exactly the bolded. Why do people send in their sales rep to close the deal and when you finally get the man, it's someone entirely different.

If you know you don't open doors and pull out chairs why fake it? If you know you can't handle an adult communication without pouting, catching an attitude, or holding a grudge why pretend you can?

It's all going to come out sooner or later. Why not just wait and find someone who will appreciate that nonsense or better yet act the same way?
I called off my engagement to my ex-fiance and it went a little like this...

1. I gave him 30 days (required eviction notice) to get his $hit and get out of my house. During that time, he slept in the extra bedroom.

2. He was gone by 2pm on his move out date, I had a locksmith at my house by 4pm.

3. He tried calling me and e-mailing for months after...and I ignored them all. I had absolutely no intention or desire to maintain a friendship after the breakup.
Say I don't want to be in this relationship anymore. Hug and keep it moving. I've dumped two long term partners and both times it had been fading out for a while or just not healthy anymore, so it wasn't a massive shock hopefully.
SO told me that his ex broke up with him after a date. After he paid for dinner and a movie AND bought that chick a gift. That's the wrong way to do it. :nono:
I just broke up with someone I was dating for 4 month. I first told him via text message that it wasn't working out and I wish him the best of luck with his future. He immediately called and I elaborated why it wasn't working for me.

I had already talked to him about my unhappiness with him, but I saw no change.
Ladies I missed ya'll!!!! My subscription renewal kept me away from you! All is well now.

I'm not a good breaker-uper because I don't break up with people easily even friends! My first real one was early last year (I wrote about that situation here.) I was in a relationship for years and was not happy...when I finally got the courage to leave, I did so. At first I thought we could be friends. Then, LHCF ladies suggested I cut it off, I did. He was really hurt and wanted me in his life at least as friends. I said OK. THAT didn't last long. JUST yesterday, he went OFF on me, accusing me of all kinds of mean things and said I wasn't a good friend etc etc.

I haven't aswered his calls since last night and today I finally sent an email saying adios! It's sad to me because this person was in my life for YEARS and at the very least, you would think ya'll can be respectful! Some people are just NASTY when they're hurt! Even putting doubt in my head about my new relationship! What THAT situation taught me is the best way to break up is to do it either face to face or phone call saying PEACE OUT! Start gathering pictures, clothes and all personal belongings you might want to keep and bounce.

Sharp, clean and swift should be the motto...eventually, folks get over it.
No friendship necessary please.

Gosh I missed ya'll.....who's married now?