Breaking the addiction from the man who takes you for granted


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had an on-going off again/on again "relationship" with a man who never made you a priority and took you for granted? (I use the term relationship very loosely.)

I keep going right back to the one person I need to walk away from. I've wasted a year of my life on someone who doesn't truly appreciate all that I have to offer. Yet, even when I walk away, it's only a matter of time before I'm right back where I started.

Please share your stories. What made you move on for good?
OMG!! I'm in exactly the same kind of "relationship". But it's been going on for over 10 years!!. On again off again. We've gone from being girlfriend/boyfriend back in the day to being FWB just recently. We'll not talk for a while and when I think I'm over him he pops back into my life. It's a total addiction that I've recently decided that I'm going to quit cold turkey. I say run while you can because 1 year can easily turn into 10.

ETA: Actually the friends with benefits thing has been going on for years. Its just now we live in the same city so it's been more often and the addiction became so much worse.
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OMG!! I'm in exactly the same kind of "relationship". But it's been going on for over 10 years!!. On again off again. We've gone from being girlfriend/boyfriend back in the day to being FWB just recently. We'll not talk for a while and when I think I'm over him he pops back into my life. It's a total addiction that I've recently decided that I'm going to quit cold turkey. I say run while you can because 1 year can easily turn into 10.

ETA: Actually the friends with benefits thing has been going on for years. Its just now we live in the same city so it's been more often and the addiction became so much worse.

We're FWB too. Big mistake! I'm currently ignoring him, so we'll see how long I can go.

My biggest fear (like you said) is that one year will turn into many more. I need all the strength I can get to end this NOW...permanently.
We're FWB too. Big mistake! I'm currently ignoring him, so we'll see how long I can go.

My biggest fear (like you said) is that one year will turn into many more. I need all the strength I can get to end this NOW...permanently.

I"m actually ignoring him too. I've gotten to a point where I want so much more and I know he either can't or doesn't want to give it to me. My advice is to occupy yourself with postive people and activities. And keep reminding yourself that you deserve more and the right man will come along when it's time. Keeping the FWB status will only keep you tied to him emotionally.
Have you ever had an on-going off again/on again "relationship" with a man who never made you a priority and took you for granted? (I use the term relationship very loosely.)

I keep going right back to the one person I need to walk away from. I've wasted a year of my life on someone who doesn't truly appreciate all that I have to offer. Yet, even when I walk away, it's only a matter of time before I'm right back where I started.

Please share your stories. What made you move on for good?

I've been through this with one of my exes so I totally understand this. I finally realized that he was full of crap and all his lies about getting a divorce and wanting to start over me were crap.
You have to go cold turkey...That means no texts, no calls, if his dog dies..he needs to tell someone else...DO NOT HAVE ANY CONTACT WITH HIM.
I was in a similar situation. I moved on when I couldn't take the pain anymore. I also had the feeling that my family was tired of hearing me cry and complain about it lol. Theres only so much you can take from a person before you realize its just not worth it anymore.
You have to try to keep busy.

Replace the time you spent with him doing other things. Friends, sports, going out. Sitting bored in a room, depressed will *force* you to check the message ..then later respond.

Also delete all contact from/of him, phone, msn etc, Go all the way, not half.
You'll move on when you stop putting yourself on the backburner and realize/admit that this FWB relationship is not blossoming into the loving relationship you seem to want with him.

Until then you're stuck like chuck. :look:
This dude I met in college - he had me with guilt. I believed him back then that he just loved me so much and I "messed up" moved away and he married someone else. I carried the "guilt" of that mistake for all this time.

He just got divorced 2 years ago and comes back to me, or so I thought.

Either his attitude toward me has changed, or my standards have. I know how men act when they are "into" you. He is showing he is not by his actions, but his words are all about "You know I've always loved you, girl. Everything about you. You're still so beautiful. If you liked me back in the day, we could have had a good life by now. I should have been your first. We're going to be together."

I had to finally start "listening" to his actions. I know I deserve better, have had better and can get better.

Sometimes "all those years" is all you have. That's nothing to build on. He's not making me a priority. He's not putting in the time and effort to be with me. Another man will.
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i was once in a situation like this until I relalized our relationship was not going anywhere. I finally kept busy and stopped dealing with this person.
Come to the realization that he is using you and refuse to be used! I know I hate being used, and if I sense that anyone's trying to use me for any reason, I'm out!
If you dont remove him soon then it will get worse and you'll find yourself at the point of no return.

Pregnant, an STD/HIV, caught up with the law over him, letting 5 years past only to STILL not get it right with him, etc.

For many people it takes something that drastic to realize they need to break the addiction....instead of waiting around for the inevitable.

I know someone who already had an abortion because she couldnt break the addiction of dealing with a man....that abortion did not stop can you imagine what more it will have to take?
OP, I have seen your picture and you're really pretty (inside and out it seems). We can tell you all day long that you're worth so much more...

But I think you'll leave when you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. You won't like what u see in the mirror after a while :nono:
This dude I met in college - he had me with guilt. I believed him back then that he just loved me so much and I "messed up" moved away and he married someone else. I carried the "guilt" of that mistake for all this time.

He just got divorced 2 years ago and comes back to me, or so I thought.

Either his attitude toward me has changed, or my standards have. I know how men act when they are "into" you. He is showing he is not by his actions, but his words are all about "You know I've always loved you, girl. Everything about you. You're still so beautiful. If you liked me back in the day, we could have had a good life by now. I should have been your first. We're going to be together."

I had to finally start "listening" to his actions. I know I deserve better, have had better and can get better.

Sometimes "all those years" is all you have. That's nothing to build on. He's not making me a priority. He's not putting in the time and effort to be with me. Another man will.

How was his actions different than his words?
I was in a situation like this for four years and finally ended it recently, for good this time. I just got SO TIRED of being sick and tired. I allowed myself to suffer for much too long in a "relationship" that only made me unhappy and insecure. I finally just had to put on my big girl panties, REALLY look at the situation for what it was, forgive myself for making bad choices, and MOVE ON. It's only been a few months since it's been over, and I feel so good about myself for finally being able to kick my addiction from him. I'll never allow myself to get so lost in a relationship where I'm being completely taken for granted and advantage of again. I know now that I'm the one in charge of putting ME first. So many men out here will take all they can from you while only contributing the bare minimum to keep you around. If he hasn't made you a priority by now, HE NEVER WILL! You deserve so much more.
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You have to go cold turkey...That means no texts, no calls, if his dog dies..he needs to tell someone else...DO NOT HAVE ANY CONTACT WITH HIM.

It's so true. I know two women who are in this very situation.

The first woman, who is a friend of me and my husband, has/had (you know how these situations are) been dating a guy for two years. On New Year's Eve, he broke up with her. No explanation, no nothing--he just broke up with her. On New Year's Day, she slept with him because she thought that it would make him take her back. They hang out and sleep together, but he's told her that they are no longer in a relationship. He knows that she wants to get married and have children. He won't marry her, he won't have children with her, and he's dissuading her from adoption.

The second woman, who is my husband's friend, has been dating a guy for seven years. He knows that she wants to get married and have children. He won't marry her, and she thinks he's sterile because she's never gotten pregnant from him (she's gone to the doctor, who has told her that she has no fertility problems). She's also never met his mother. He gave her some B.S. excuse about how his mother dislikes Latinas and he doesn't want her to be insulted. In October, she told him that she wanted an engagement ring for Christmas. She told him that if she didn't receive a ring by December 25, they'd have to see other people. Unsurprisingly, there was no ring under the Christmas tree, so she dumped him. Shortly after New Year's Day, she took him back. Things have not gotten better in their relationship; in fact, they've gotten work.

The point of my telling you about these two women is to help you to find the courage and strength you need to remove these men from your lives--ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

Don't ever let someone make you miserable or waste your time. You can make yourself miserable, and you can waste your own time. The people in your lives are supposed to enhance it, not detract from it.
Girl you are beautiful. He will realize once you have moved on and are so over him. He will realize what he has when its gone. You are a beautiful person. screw him.
Thank you all for your stories and suggestions. I'll have more to contribute tomorrow...I left my laptop battery charger at work. :ohwell:
i've posted this elsewhere :- change your phone number. After 3 1/2 years, 3+ other women amongst a huge amount of crap i decided i needed to take no contact to the extreme so i changed my number...without telling him.
In the last 7months since the change, he's emailed me a couple times, put a note on my car, added me on facebook a couple times etc and I'm standing strong!
Honestly, I've tried the whole avoid his calls and texts but this is the only method thats worked. goodluck!
Sometimes "all those years" is all you have. That's nothing to build on. He's not making me a priority. He's not putting in the time and effort to be with me. Another man will.

That's a line in Love Jones. :look:
I love that movie.

But anyway, I understand you OP. Going on year 7 and I'm only 24. Apparently, it's all "my fault". I moved away, even though we lived twenty minutes apart before I moved and it still didn't work out. I don't love him, I feel like love has to be reciprocated and we don't treat each other well at all. Sometimes he can bring out the worst in me and I hate seeing that side of myself.
I need a distraction, hopefully it will come soon. On the outside he's exactly what I want but we both have a lot of growing to do. We're really close though, like best friends basically. We speak often and I don't know how to just cut him off. I don't want to hurt his feelings. Which is strange since he doesn't seem to worry about hurting mine. :perplexed Ugh, growing pains.
Yesterday I had lunch with a Director from my job. Background: He is very attractive, very intelligent, and very charming. Although he is married, he used to cheat on his wife on the regular with random women.

I began lamenting about my current situation and how I always seem to go back and forth with the man mentioned in the OP.

He asked me about the things I like and dislike about him, so I spill the beans. He says, "So let me reiterate what you said to me. You like that he is attractive, successful, and you have fun when you're hanging out. What you don't like about him is that he's rarely affectionate, sleeps with other women, doesn't call you often, and doesn't include you in his weekend plans."

At this point I'm feeling like Boo-Boo the Fool! The Cons clearly outweighed the pros, and the pros were miniscule and could be found in many other people.

He tells me that most single men have women on the side based on certain physical characteristics. They have Girl1 for the big boobs...Girl2 for the nice butt...Girl3 who likes to go downtown...Girl4 has nice long legs. Depending on what they desire that specific day, that's who they'll contact. If that first choice is not available, they'll go down the list. At that point, I was sitting at the table with my mouth wide open. Call me naive.

I began to tell him how I've broken it off and then go right back to him.I said, "Sometimes I feel like I've already re-lapsed, so what's the point of breaking it off again? It's too late. I never thought I'd be this weak and allow someone to treat me this way."

He said, "If you fall in the mud, does that mean you have to stay in the mud? No! My mom always told me that there's a diffence between committing a sin and living in sin. Pick yourself up, forgive yourself and then continue to move on"

He also said, "It's funny how we can't change other people. Yet, he's changing you. He's changing you, but you're not changing him."

I sat on that comment for a while and I felt like I had a moment of clarity.

I wanted to believe that I was special to this man, but I was only fooling myself...and I didn't need to waste anymore time trying to prove that I was worthy.

I left the lunch feeling sad for all that I'd been through...and angry at myself for allowing it to happen.

But I'm allowed to a start new beginning, and it begins today.
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Yesterday I had lunch with a Director from my job. Background: He is very attractive, very intelligent, and very charming. Although he is married, he used to cheat on his wife on the regular with random women.

I began lamenting about my current situation and how I always seem to go back and forth with the man mentioned in the OP.

He asked me about the things I like and dislike about him, so I spill the beans. He says, "So let me reiterate what you said to me. You like that he is attractive, successful, and you have fun when you're hanging out. What you don't like about him is that he's rarely affectionate, sleeps with other women, doesn't call you often, and doesn't include you in his weekend plans."

At this point I'm feeling like Boo-Boo the Fool! The Cons clearly outweighed the pros, and the pros were miniscule and could be found in many other people.

He tells me that most single men have women on the side based on certain physical characteristics. They have Girl1 for the big boobs...Girl2 for the nice butt...Girl3 who likes to go downtown...Girl4 has nice long legs. Depending on what they desire that specific day, that's who they'll contact. If that first choice is not available, they'll go down the list. At that point, I was sitting at the table with my mouth wide open. Call me naive.

I began to tell him how I've broken it off and then go right back to him.I said, "Sometimes I feel like I've already re-lapsed, so what's the point of breaking it off again? It's too late. I never thought I'd be this weak and allow someone to treat me this way."

He said, "If you fall in the mud, does that mean you have to stay in the mud? No! My mom always told me that there's a diffence between committing a sin and living in sin. Pick yourself up, forgive yourself and then continue to move on"

He also said, "It's funny how we can't change other people. Yet, he's changing you. He's changing you, but you're not changing him."

I sat on that comment for a while and I felt like I had a moment of clarity.

I wanted to believe that I was special to this man, but I was only fooling myself...and I didn't need to waste anymore time trying to prove that I was worthy.

I left the lunch feeling sad for all that I'd been through...and angry at myself for allowing it to happen.

But I'm allowed to a start new beginning, and it began when I got up from that lunch table.
Heeeyyy. I like him!!!! But I agree with the ladies. You are beautiful. Change your number. A couple of times I had to move.
Yesterday I had lunch with a Director from my job. Background: He is very attractive, very intelligent, and very charming. Although he is married, he used to cheat on his wife on the regular with random women.

I began lamenting about my current situation and how I always seem to go back and forth with the man mentioned in the OP.

He asked me about the things I like and dislike about him, so I spill the beans. He says, "So let me reiterate what you said to me. You like that he is attractive, successful, and you have fun when you're hanging out. What you don't like about him is that he's rarely affectionate, sleeps with other women, doesn't call you often, and doesn't include you in his weekend plans."

At this point I'm feeling like Boo-Boo the Fool! The Cons clearly outweighed the pros, and the pros were miniscule and could be found in many other people.

He tells me that most single men have women on the side based on certain physical characteristics. They have Girl1 for the big boobs...Girl2 for the nice butt...Girl3 who likes to go downtown...Girl4 has nice long legs. Depending on what they desire that specific day, that's who they'll contact. If that first choice is not available, they'll go down the list. At that point, I was sitting at the table with my mouth wide open. Call me naive.

I began to tell him how I've broken it off and then go right back to him.I said, "Sometimes I feel like I've already re-lapsed, so what's the point of breaking it off again? It's too late. I never thought I'd be this weak and allow someone to treat me this way."

He said, "If you fall in the mud, does that mean you have to stay in the mud? No! My mom always told me that there's a diffence between committing a sin and living in sin. Pick yourself up, forgive yourself and then continue to move on"

He also said, "It's funny how we can't change other people. Yet, he's changing you. He's changing you, but you're not changing him."

I sat on that comment for a while and I felt like I had a moment of clarity.

I wanted to believe that I was special to this man, but I was only fooling myself...and I didn't need to waste anymore time trying to prove that I was worthy.

I left the lunch feeling sad for all that I'd been through...and angry at myself for allowing it to happen.

But I'm allowed to a start new beginning, and it began when I got up from that lunch table.

I'll bet he told you you were special to him and tried to make you believe it with his words, but his actions didn't show it. Typical of a lot of men. :rolleyes:

Good luck getting over him!
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I would also buy "He's just not that into" and "It's called a break up because it's broken". They arre both full of great advice, easy reads, and very funny.