Breakage spot.. how long did it take to catch up?


Active Member
I think most of us have encountered a breakage spot either on the crown or edges. I have one now in the back of my head :(. Just wondering how long did it take you ladies to grow yours out and what did you do? I just trimmed that area to avoid it breaking off later. I hope that wasn't a mistake :perplexed
I tend not to time anything I am doing. I just stick with Nike's order to "Just Do It" whatever the task necessary is to achieve my goal; then one day I wake up and I'm surprised to see that I reached my goal while I wasn't paying attention. This is more like falling out than breakage but I had this bald spot in Dec 2003:

In Sept 2004 it was this length (pics to the right):

I dust my hair every now and then so when this photo was taken in December 2006, all my strands were about the same length. I wasn't really taking this photo as a progress pic for the bald spot, but it does show (bottom left) the general area that was bald and the plaits are all the same length:

Keeping an eye on time while trying to achieve something can be very discouraging.
For mine it hasn't necessarily caught up but to "blend" without it looking like "wtf happened?" to that part of my head ...took about 6 to8 months.
Good thread OP. I was about to start one on this topic because I'm have an area breaking in the back, but not too bad. I hope it fills in by summer!
i had severely broken off my hair in the back and luckily the top of my head was long enough to cover it but honestly it took about a yr to catch up. Then my edges were broken and its been about 6 or 7 months to blend well.

Braiding it under wigs and a good reggie helped a lot. Plus a much needed intervention by my dermatologist b/c of my seborrhic dermatitis
^^^Blessed, how is your breakage spot doing. I had a spot in the back of my head that is growing in slowly, but since I have fine hair that is not very dense any breakage is noticeable. I need it to fill in a little faster!!!

I have to trim one section 2-3 inches shorter than the rest of my hair, and I'm hoping it will "blend in quickly." I'd rather do this than cut all of my hair to make it catch up.
my crown due to illness, i'll say it had taken it 6 months to start growing back, it was never bald but just shorter than the rest of my hair, one day all my hair was one length the next it was broken,

now it's a few inches away from the rest of the back of my hair, and it's made alot of progress in a yr i'm very happy about it :)

all the protein, dc's and great leave ins have really brought my hair back to health regardless of thyroid issues.

as I have a "breakage spot" (towards the nape, behind my R ear) as well.......:cry:

My ? is: why does this occur--esp. if you transitioned/followed your regimen correctly (relaxed/natural/transitioner)???
I posted on this earlier so, this is pretty much just and update.

It took about 3-4 months for the breakage spot to blend well and then I trimmed all of the hair about 1 inch so now you can't tell that I even had a trouble area. So as far as "catching up" I didn't give it enough time before I got tired of looking at it.
I have a (dry) jheri curl & apparently the fact that I've really upped my moisture/steam treatments & I'm stretching has caused some of my chemical hair to snap at the line of demarcation. I have 2 or 3 small places like this in the top of my head (I think it's the top only because this is also the area where I have old highlights.). Because I have been straightening only about once a year, the thickness of my hair hides the breakage. Unless it starts to be noticeable, I will just let it do what it does.
It took my breakage spot about 2 years to really catch up to the rest of my hair in thickness, length and health
I had a breakage spot on my left side edges after a hot comb accident in early 08. The left side of my head tends to grow faster than my right it caught up sometime in late '08/early '09.
About 2 years ago -- prior to finding LHCF -- the areas behind the left and right ear broke after I started wearing glasses. These areas broke off so short it was about the length of your pinkie finger and the rest of my hair was APL. The temple area where the glasses rest even thinned. To date, my length is right at APL or maybe slightly shorter and the broken areas haven't fully caught up. The broken areas are almost SL and my temples have thickened up. It took about 6 months for all previously broken/thinning areas to blend in well with the healthy hair.

Recently I suffered a setback from a touch up incident where hair broke at line of demarcation from stretching. I will definitely track growth progress closer this time.

What I want to know is how do I get the nape area to grow and catch up when I'm doing everything right! Aargh. I didn't experience breakage that I can remember, that part of my hair has always been short!


as I have a "breakage spot" (towards the nape, behind my R ear) as well.......:cry:

My ? is: why does this occur--esp. if you transitioned/followed your regimen correctly (relaxed/natural/transitioner)???
Mine came from wearing glasses (I think).