Brandy getting a divorce


New Member
I heard it on tv. They said that they been together for 2 years and I know they had a baby last year. I wonder what happened, well if it is true.
After watching her pregnancy special on tv, I could see that. They didn't seem in sync like a married couple should be.
Good grief. I can hear her mother going, "I told you so!"

I can't wait to hear Brandy's explanation of this if it is true and she decides to talk about it. She annoyed me for a lot of reasons, particularly when she was on Oprah last year. To me, she acted like she was Buddha or somebody at peace with the world, blah, blah, blah. I know she has been through a lot of issues, but the way she discussed them, it was like she thought she knew everything she had to know about life from just those experiences, as young as she is.
Yes I am sure that her mom wasn't too happy about her sneaking off to get married. She seems to want to be involved in Brandy's life. Like when she was mad that Brandy wasn't coming to her for advice on her pregnancy but hired someone.
Do you think its because of their age? My boyfriend and I (both 24) have been together for 5 years and we plan to get married in a few years. We feel that we don't need to rush into it, especially as they say that people who marry young tend to have a higher divorce rate. What do you think?
Not so much age, but just immaturity. I think young, mature, responsible people can get married and stay married.

I don't know if she was pregnant before or after they got married or what, and I don't think it should've mattered. I think Brandy got married for the wrong reasons, plain and simple, even if the rumors aren't true. I don't know her personally, but just judging from that vibe she gives off when I see her, it's like she thinks she knows everything she has to know now, compared to when she was younger.
Here's an article... And yes she is pregnant again.

June 27, 2003 | Former "Moesha" star BRANDY is reportedly ending her two-year marriage to music producer ROBERT SMITH. The 24-year-old singer/actress is about eight months pregnant with her second baby. Brandy's first pregnancy experience was shared with fans on the MTV reality series "Brandy: Special Delivery." That resulted in Brandy and Robert's one-year-old daughter, SY'RAI. A source is quoted as saying the two will remain friends and raise their daughter jointly. Brandy's next album is in the works.
Pregnant again!!! damn. Robert is the father??????

What a time to go through this. I hope a lot of her actions isn't to do with being pregnant. Even though I haven't been there myself, I know it's a very stressful time JUST being pregnant and hormones are all over the place.
I thought she was pregnant, but I wasn't sure. She was being interviewed by some guy, and she looked like she could be pregnant, but she had on a really big sweater, so I wasn't sure.

I can't wait to find out what happened to cause that at this particular time.
I could also tell from the special that they'd end up in divorce. Compared to her he seemed like such a big kid, like he wasn't ready for marriage at all!
I hope she never got pregnant as a last resort to try and save their marriage. If she's been depressed in the past, it really wouldn't surprise me.
I hope she never got pregnant as a last resort to try and save their marriage.

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Makes alotta sense, although I hope that wasn't the case.
I do not like Brandy. She acts like a big baby and thinks she knows everything. It all just seems like she rushed into everything cause she felt to be all grown up is to be married and have children. I could tell she wasn't ready in the first place. Eben though she tries to come off grown, eveytime I see her, I see a child. She's just a big crybaby.

I didn't know about the 2nd pregnancy until today? I just hope her mom is NOT on that "I told you so stint!" From what I hear, the 2nd child does NOT belong to Robert. Maybe that's the reason for the split.

I wonder if this will change her career & will her fans look at her in a different way.

I too did not know about the second pregnancy until this moment. You could have knocked me over with a feather with that news. I was not a proponent of her marriage to Robert, however I do know what it's like to be young trying to make adult decisions. I hope they will successfully raise the kid(s) with love and most of all with maturity. Unlike a babydoll, their baby(s) can't be placed on a shelf and forgotten.

Aww, no, say it ain't so. She's having another child AND getting divorced? She didn't need the 1st one. She's too young for all this drama.

That I gotta be me. Just like my Momma said-"Every time you lay down you do not have to get up pregnant".

I'm very sorry to hear that Brandy is getting divorce. If young people are mature enough, they can and should get married. How many so called mature people who get married in their late to early thirties, still end up divorcing. I am one of them, I was 26 and my ex was 38 and we still ended up divorcing after seven years of marriage, whereas three girls I know, Sharon, Caroline and Naina Sharon got married when she was 18, Caroline was married when she was 17 and Naina got married when she was also 17 and they are still married to the same man. It is to do with the maturity of the individuals.

She is also expecting another baby. Well, all I can say, that Brandy has a lot of money and she will be fine. Her album will be a success. I was very happy, when she got married. They looked to me such a nice couple.
Doesn't belong to Robert?
Oh my, my, my.

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My thoughts exactly.....

What is she thinking? Conceiving again only 4 mths after giving birth to her 1st baby?.... and by another man? I really hope that she's able to handle all of this... ON TOP OF her other unresolved issues....

I'm wishing her the best for the sake of those precious lil babies...
I hope they were separated or something when she went out and had this baby. I wonder who the father is. And isn't her father a minister, very religious or something. And you said she conceived 4 months after her daughter was born DAMN. That would be a reason to divorce her. I think that if this is the case she will suffer from some embarrassment but she will be fine. It is just messed up for her daughter. Never thought Brandy would be another JLo but at least JLo doesn't get pregnant when she creeps.
Access Hollywood reported that Brandy isn't pregnant. She didn't look pregnant at all when she was out at an event with Kelly Rowlands from Destinys Child. The event was recently. Let me see if I can find the pictures.