Christina Dior
Well-Known Member
If someone wants to stay with a husband( playing like they want to be married) for the sake of their kids and they clearly arent in love than its cool BUT NOT ME hell no. Taint no way.
There is love for the children. How is that wasted?
Women stay for for selfish reasons, why not stay for a selfless reason?
There is love for the children. How is that wasted?
Women stay for for selfish reasons, why not stay for a selfless reason?
I guess we all bring different life experiences to the table. I grew up with both parents in a somewhat dysfunctional situation and I wish my mother had left- as much as I love my dad (he was an awesome father, bad husband). I don't see how it benefited us more to have both parents in the home when there was dysfunction.
Maybe I'm just selfish, but I know I couldn't live like that. It isn't about just sex either, it's the fact that there really is no relationship between the husband & wife. What's that all about? I can't say I would never do it because I've learned to not say what I would never do, but I think it would be so hard to live like that. How does one learn to function living like that? And, how does it really benefit the children? Would the money be that drastically impacted if they went their separate ways?
I don't know, I just don't. There really is no reason to leave- there's no adultery, no abuse- so maybe they are doing the right thing. I don't know. *** shrugs**
It truely is in most cases. Several month ago a house caught a fire and a woman's young children were inside. She ran in several times to get her kids with flesh falling off her everytime she would come out the house. She went back in time after time to get her babies. The babies died and that woman is still, to this day at a burn center in Alabama. Even in all that pain she was thinking about and concerned for her children.
I don't know why that situation came to mind.
As a child that grew up in a situation VERY similar to yours Ladybelle. It's kind of naive to think that the children don't know what's going on in their parent's marriage...I wish my mom had left too. And when she did leave, it was HELLA ugly, cause after all those years, he felt like "she was his" and shouldn't be with anyone else..SMH....
My parents waited until I was grown and it still devistated me. And still does till this day.
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there is never a right time to divorce. I think if you do it while the kids are still home, or even after they moved out, they would still be divorced.
Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. I think allowing them to view a loveless marriage sets them up for disaster with future relationships. Kids need to see their parents affectionate! That is how they learn how to show affection to their mates when they are older.
I don't see anything wrong with why she's staying. She's doing what she feels is right for her and her kids. Her husband does sound like a jerk.
Now I would stay with my husband in a loveless marriage, as long as there is no cheating until the kids are grown. I want them to have both their parents in the home until they move out. During that time, I'll be trying to figure out how to get my husband fixed. Because I don't want any other kids coming into this world ,through him, once we divorce.
I recently learned of a situation that made me wonder how many women "stay for the kids" when they want a divorce.
Someone that I know has been married for 17 years and has 4 kids with her husband. The kids are 16, 14, 12 and 10. Both parents work full-time and the kids are very active in sports and school activities as well as being active in the community. They have a beautiful 5 bedroom home and a very nice lifestyle.
I always thought the husband was a jerk, just based on the way he acts when I'm there or on the phone. He treats his wife like Cinderella while he sits on his butt most of the time and does not help much around the house or with the kids or the family dog. She does literally everything around the house except maybe clean the pool. This was all confirmed recently in addition to the admission that they have not had sex in 5 years. They live as roommates and the 10 year old sometimes still sleeps with them. I knew something was wrong but I never thought it was that bad.
They know that their kids lifestyle will drastically change if they divorce so they are staying together until the kids are all grown, at least 8 more years. Neither spouse is dating anyone or actively trying to leave the marriage.
Are you or do you know women who are making such a sacrifice? Care to share why?