Braidouts 24/7 for Fastest Growth?

I did my very first twist-out last night. That in part to this thread. I did six 2 strand twists going straight back and put some magnetic rollers on the ends. I will be taking them out very soon. I will let you guys know how it turns out. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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Douglala, did you make flat twists all the way back, or just normal twists? I want to experiment but not sure how.
O.k so i've just completed so far 5 weeks of twisting 2days third day twist out and wash, and iv'e noticed and solved a few things:

1) This method does help to grow your hair with the right maintenance.

2)Mix together some of your best cremes and oils, with Organics twist and gel to make your own moisturising creme and to hold twist pereventing them from unlocking.

Use this to re twist loose twist or when twisting

3)Where your satin scarf, keeps in moisture, and flattens down twists.

4) Do not use heating tools, you don't need to if your doing twists. Twist your head once you have towel dried your hair.

Remember this style is not about showing length as it does sisguise, its about groowing hair. Because once you hold out on the heating tools, when you finally do relax or press your hair you will notice the growth.
Great thread! I haven't been to the site in awhile but its great to see some fresh tips from everyone and all the new members.

I've been doing braid-outs for the longest (years, years) simply because I'm usually too lazy to roller set, and if my hair air drys loose it is a dry frizzy catastrophe.

I normally just do this to avoid heat damager = growth. But the only way that it turns out decently is if I take the time to detangle and comb each section carefully and smoothly, and a light balance of oils and leave-ins. I make ths smoothest braids possible, place a small magnetic roller on the end (heavier product treatment on ends), and tie up with a silk scarf. This gives me a really nice braid out. The following days I wear it in the wavy bun. The latest product line I found to work well for me is Aubrey Organics Seabuckthorn Line (plus my regular wildgrowth oil afterwards. I used all three products as recommended, and it came out with great slip and instant detangling, perfect for braid outs!

I don't know if this is the fastest way to obtain growth, but its a great way to reduce stress and breakage on your hair.
I have been doing braid outs since i stumbled upon this website and i must say that i absolutely love it. I'm wondering how i ever got along without it!!! i do have a question though, how do you maintain the style every night, do you rebraid it or sleep with it braided out? please let me know... today i washed and deep conditioned my hair with Creme of Nature Shampoo and Le Kair Cholesterol. I then used infusium 23 leave in conditioner and WGO. i parted my hair vertically six rows and cornrowed my hair and used the method peachtree described (thanks sweety!) and i am wearing a satin cap to protect my hair from breakage. my sister did a braid out yesterday and took her braids out today. she's wondering what she should do to it. Thanks and God bless!!!!
What I do is bring my sides and back toward the top of my head. Some times in this position it pin it and then always tie a scarf around it. Then when the style looses the look I want I do either my shampoo or conditioner routine ( I alternate every 4 days) making sure to use a conditioner that has a good slip/detangler (like Lekair, green one). When rinsing the conditioner out I detangle at the same time with the shower comb that's sold at Sally's. HTH!

Check out the "How to's" thread for other twistout tips.
Can someone give me instructions on the braid-outs. I saw a link but its not valid anymore..I think this maybe my answer to blow drying... also, what do you do the second night? I'm excited.. I want to try it on Friday since I will have 3 days off to experiment..

I appreciate all the help..
You guys are great
I second Andrea's request... I'd love to see that link with the directions! It sounds like it got a lot of people all fired up!!!
I wear the braid-out style all the time. My hair has grown tremendously! My hair grew from 16 inches to 23 inches in 12 months. I wash my hair twice a week. With the initial braid-out after a wash, I moisturize my hair with Dew, Elasta QP Mango Butter or whatever I am using that week. I always use ISO Bouncy Creme to develop the curl pattern. With all of these products on my hair I use my blow dryer with the diffuser (always with the diffuser) and scrunch my curls into place. (There is no shrinkage with this method) My hair comes out beautifully! Before bed I moisturize again with all three products, put my hair in four braids and use castor oil to moisturize and seal the ends, I twirl the ends between my fingers and fold them over. That gives me a little curl when I take the braids down the next day.(no roller needed this way) Some nights when I don't feel like braiding my hair I always moisturize and put my hair up in a clip and sleep in a bonnet. The growth benefits are similar to having a Jheri curl-keeping your hair moisturized ALL THE TIME. This particular regimen work for me. It took trial and error to find the right products and method to help me achieve this look. I am always looking for ways to enhance and challenge this regime.
I love this thread! I see that Dutchess had and is still having great success growing her hair out with braidouts.

How has everyone else been doing with this style, especially those who started several months ago? How has your hair grown since you first started?
This is a great thread, I was thinking about how I could style my hair when I take my braids out so I could give my hair a break from extensions, and I think this will work perfectly. Thanks for the tips, ladies!!!
Yep, I'll be doing this also when I take my braids out. It's a very flattering style for me, both my mom and b/f love it on me.
I've had my braid-out in for nearly a week and I like this style because there is hardly no manipulation. I will be doing this one next week!
I'm so glad I found this board!

I am in the braid-out challenge! My hair has grown so much since doing the braid-out. I did it for two years straight only relaxing 3 times a year, it was unbelieveable how much my hair grew. At that time I didn't know this website existed. I just washed, deep conditioned and braided with Lottabody. I never knew about moisture, vitamins, oils, leave-ins, Surge.... My hiar just grew on it's own. I've started back doing the braid-out since Dec. b/c I knew do that is what makes my hair grow the most and it's working. I can't wait until March to get my touch-up and see how much hair I have. I will most def. post my pics. I will recommend braid-outs to anyone!
I definitely love braid-outs and thought about the same thing... I would like to begin the braid-out challenge as well... I have a problem braiding wet hair though... I need to get into a good routine... I guess I could c/o wash let it air dry and then braid it.
I am new to this and am sporting my very first braid out today. But I am ready to join you ladies! How and when do we get this thing kicked off?
Today I am rockin’ my braidout!
This is day one after washing and doing my hair regime last night!
It’s not perfect, one of my braids was looser than the rest so that part isn’t as wavy, but hey, I’m in LOVE with this style!
My hair has a lot of body and is shiny, soft and moisturized. And it isn’t sticking out like it was before! I can’t stop looking in the mirror or swinging my hair (hope this affliction eventually stops LOL!). I would have commented earlier today but I had to wait and experience it first! I even turned some heads today! Thank you so much ladies for inspiring me with your posts, pictures and excellent advice!!
Hi, ladies! I wear braidouts most of the time(last perm feb 2003) I get the best results if I flat-iron my hair and then braid for braid outs. I want to eliminate the heat but my hair draws upand my ends are very frizzy when I air-dry and looks like a big fro (not a look I'm trying to achieve) How can I stretch my hair out after my wash w/o blowdrying or using the flat-iron?
Bee, what I'm also experimenting with is airdrying my hair with rollers using the ponytail method (keeps the roots straight) and then doing my braids after my hair is straight and airdried. This way it should turn out with no frizz and showing more length.

Here is the latest thread I posted on about the ponytail rollerset:
Thanks, Isis, I'll try that. BTW, do you think the hair has to be completely dry to keep the roots and ends from frizzing?
Hi, Ladies

I joined about 3 days ago and I'm so excited to meet more women like me. I also started the " Braidout" challenge which I hope will help me grow my hair waist length.

Good Luck Ladies!
bee said:
Thanks, Isis, I'll try that. BTW, do you think the hair has to be completely dry to keep the roots and ends from frizzing?

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Yes Bee, I do think so, that's how the rollerset "straightens" the hair. Removing the rollers while even a little bit damp will make the hair frizz. Also make sure you have your leave-in and oils on your hair before the rollerset and it will be moisturized, shiny and bouncy.
Aw shucks, a braid out challenge. This sounds like fun. I love sporting braid outs. I think it is a very becoming hair style and is not as damamging as wearing your hair straight.
I may have posted my regimen before but here goes.

My stylist normally does gel twists in my hair which gives it a more waver look. She adds setting lotion and mousse to my hair and sits me under a dryer for twenty minutes to set the braids. she also rolls the end of the braids with rod rollers. I usually keep the braids in for a couple of days. I then unbraid and tease as I go. Which gives it more wilder look. I pull my hair up at night in a pony tail and sleep with a satin bonnet. I oil my hair expecially the ends everyday so the style does not dry out quickly. Check out my braid outs on my website.
I'm starting this challenge tonite. I only have 6" of natural hair so I hope it looks presentable. I sat under the hair dryer after washing and oiling my hair, then used sponge roller with papers on the ends to curl the ends. I will be sleeping in a satin bonnet tonite also. I hope this work, but it will be a style that'll I'll sport often. It'll be nice not having to wet my hair in the morning everyday, I'll just do it in the evenin and let it airdry at night.
My braidout today came out great!!!! My hair is natural and it looks like a wavy bob. I'm so glad to have this style. It's easy, it's elegant, and it will help me to get the length I want. Thanks Peachtree!!! Thanks ladies!!!