Braid Takedown, First Henna, and my return to hair...


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, Im back for more schooling from you lovelies. I have received so much great info from you ladies in the past, that whenever theres a problem I turn here first.

I have had micros in for what seems like forever... since about April, with 2.5 installations. I am FINALLY removing and returning to my hair. I cant wait. After some researching here on the forum, tell me what you think of my plans.

  1. I will remove the braids tonight and prepoo.
  2. Tomorrow morning, I will shampoo using (not sure yet) either AO HSR shampoo, or QB
  3. I will make my first ever attempt at Henna.
  4. After a few hours with Henna, I'll DC with steam. Im not sure which DC yet, but probably AO HSR or HE HH
  5. After the DC, I will rinse, use some kammaytube, and seal and twist.
What do you think?
If this sounds like a good plan, then I need to come up with a henna mix.

I am considering, henna/green tea brew/ aloe juice/ olive oil/ AO GPB condish

I am thinking to mix this tonight, for use tomorrow morning after the shampoo.
Sounds like a good plan, but id personally hold off on the henna until next week when your shed hairs will most likely be under more control.
westNDNbeauty said:
Sounds like a good plan, but id personally hold off on the henna until next week when your shed hairs will most likely be under more control.

Yea, I thought I might be doing too much. Ok, so I'll probably just use AO GPB to DC after shampooing. Ill leave that for a while, then steam with something moisturizing.
The revised plan sounds good to me.

I have never henna'd, but I don't know if adding AO GPB to your mix will be too much protein for your strands. I would use a lighter, but purely moisturizing conditioner instead.
NappyNelle said:
The revised plan sounds good to me.

I have never henna'd, but I don't know if adding AO GPB to your mix will be too much protein for your strands. I would use a lighter, but purely moisturizing conditioner instead.

I'm gonna leave the henna til next week so I'll do a lil more research. I was originally planning to use a moisturizing conditioner, but then read some successful stories of ppl using it with protein. I am hoping the steaming afterwards will offset any dryness.

Hopefully I will be able to get re-acquainted with my hair over this week and then further assess what it needs in a gloss.