Boundless Tresses, aka, Odorless MTG... How's it working for ya?

I need to use mine more often, I have been doing it every other night, but some nights I forget. I used a needle to poke the hole in mine, and I have to shake it really well to make sure its all mixed up. It only smells of perfume, so after the first time I used it, the smell didn't bother me at all. It is very moisturizing too. Will my hair be greasy if I use it each night?
Yes, it does leave my hair oily. But I wash or rinse at least once every two days, so it doesn't leave my hair too oily.

I did poke a hole in the bottle, and it's still a mess when it comes out. I wish there were another way to apply it. I hate when I jsut get out the shower and then I've got BT all over my face. :ohwell:
raeshan said:
I usually wear my hair back in a protective style.

I can see a little bit of sulphur at the bottom.
I'll pop mine into the microwave for 13 seconds if it's solid. I do this right after I brush my teeth. I get in the shower after that and wash off anything that has gotten around my ears or runs down my neck.

2007 is dedicated to Boundless Tresses!!

I run hot water over it for about 30 seconds and its fine....make sure you shake it really well a few times. Also, I don't apply it from the nozzle cause I find I was applying way too much this way. I squeeze a little over the tips of my fingers and massage it all over my scalp. This way I control the amount and my scalp gets a good massage. It will last a lot longer this way and I'm finding I don't have to use a lot to get good results. I'm lovin this new growth has never been this soft.
It is working for me, I have been using it for a month and I can see and feel the difference. At first I saw an increase of shedding but I am all good now. I am only applying it to an area on the right side of my scalp that has thinned out due to stress from work. So far so good, it is filling in with thick new growth.
danimani said:
My only two problems with BT...
1) It runs all over the place when I apply it. I gotta quickly massage it into my head or it'll make a mess.
2) Half the time I go to pick it up, and it's solid! It must freeze at a high temperature, cause it's been in the 70's all week.

I still can't tell if I have growth, since I'm natural, but I took before pictures, so we'll see where I am in a month!

1) it means your applying too much at a time, as soon as you apply rub it in then it won't go anywhere.

2) Place it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Coconut oil melts very easily.
Like a dummy, I used my BT after getting my cornrows done (3/15). I just knew it would be easier to oil the parts in my hair! Well, now I have PLENTY of new growth and my cornrows are a hot mess. But, at least I know BT really, really works! I always knew that it worked, of course, but since I am natural, I can't really see the change in length. Gotta get more cornrows!
You know..........I never understood the whole PJism thing.............until now!!I said I was done after I ordered my Elucence products on Friday, now here I am again. Just placed my first order for BT!! :D :D :D
I am hoping for the same wonderful results you ladies are experiencing, so wish me luck!! I was on the MTG bandwagon but fell off quick!! Couldn't take the smell or all that dang greasiness!!

Dang! Just when I thought I had finalized my regimen!!
:perplexed :spinning:
Just recieved my 2nd bottle today. I still have some left from the other bottle, just wanted to make sure I have for when I run out.

A little does go a long way, people. Words of advise...don't use from nozzle, use on finger tips and massage into works really nice this way. Nozzle equals a runny mess!
Nice & Wavy said:
Just recieved my 2nd bottle today. I still have some left from the other bottle, just wanted to make sure I have for when I run out.

A little does go a long way, people. Words of advise...don't use from nozzle, use on finger tips and massage into works really nice this way. Nozzle equals a runny mess!
That is so strange b/c mine is never runny. I use mine strait from the bottle like on the tutorial and mine goes on very easy. I poke a very small hole in it and I can control how much comes out.
OK, I'm sold. I just ordered a bottle and can not wait until I receive it. I have read nothing but wonderful things about BT. I'm transitioning and am so excited. I will definitely keep you guys posted on my results.
Ok, I ordered mine last Sat and received it today. I love the scented smell. I didn't have any problems applying it. I'm ready to GROW!:beach:
I ordered mine a week or so ago and got it in 7 days. I love how it softens my newgrowth. I like the scented smell too. :)

I cant wait to see some growth
For the users that had success with MTG and now stopped using it and switched to BT, is the growth with BT noticeably quicker than it was with the MTG?

Whilst I'm waiting on my BT order I'm using MTG mixed with Vatika oil to cut the smell (thank god it works) and was wondering. Cause the BT raves sound more astounding than when MTG came on the scene and other than it stinking to high heaven, was a good product.
I just got mine today and just applied it 20 min' ago. I got 2 bottles of the scented and I love the smell. For the longest I've wanted to buy some sulfur 8 because I knew how it helped grow my hair after my mom started using that and the shampoo for a scalp infection I had. The infection went away and my hair grew in thicker and faster. I just can't go around with my head smelling like any old thing though, so this product is a Godsend!

I'll check in with growth results at the end of April. My hair has been braided for 1 month and I got an average of .5 inch of growth, using no growth aids. By the end of April my vits should have kicked in as well, so I'll be reporting.
Thank God I only ordered a small bottle of the MTG. That stuff burned the hair right off my edges and nape. BT has brought it back and it's soft and has length to it. God answers prayer!!

I just ordered two more bottles of the unscented. You ladies have me wanting to try the scented version. Hmm.......
BT is doing a fabulous job of bringing back my thinner left side edges. Overall, all of my hair is thicker and I've gotten about 2 inches in 2 months. So it's definitely growing.:D
queenspence said:
How did you guys get your bt before me? I ordered over two weeks ago:perplexed

You might want to try sending an e-mail. I just ordered my second bottle last week and have already received it.
I've been using BT for nearly a week and I can say that I've been feeling the "creepy crawlies" all over my scalp for the past few's definitely growing. :yep: When I was a little girl my grandmother used Glovers Mange on my hair, I remember playing with the waves in my scalp and buggin' out on how big they were just after one month (my grandmother pressed my hair relaxer straight so seeing new growth was very easy...hindsight being 20/20 my hair grew about an inch a month). I suspect that BT will have the same affect as Glovers Mange did. :yep::up: The only problem I foresee is the fact that I don't press or flatiron (at the moment) so I might not be able to tell exactly how fast my hair is growing or how many inches I'm getting from BT. :ohwell: What's going to end up happening is that I'm going to wake up one morning and *all of a sudden* notice how huge my hair is :eek: and then is when I'll be able to tell what BT is doing for me. :lachen:
I was thinking about purchasing this product, but had a quick question for you ladies.

The website says that you are getting 1lbs of the product. 16 oz. for $12.00.

Are you ladies really getting 16oz of this product?
Never mine. I answered my own question. When I clicked on the link under the picture it said it is 8 oz but I guess including the container it is a 1lbs product:confused:
brownsugababe said:
Never mine. I answered my own question. When I clicked on the link under the picture it said it is 8 oz but I guess including the container it is a 1lbs product:confused:
The one pound is the total wieght of the package when it comes to you. The actual product is 8oz. HTH!
I am loving my BT! I have got quite a bit of new growth. I self-relaxed last night and now my hair is a few inches past shoulder. I will see how much new growth I have in a month now that it's relaxed. I am so excited about my hair because I am really starting to see a difference. It's getting thicker too. I started on my hair journey about a month ago and I'm getting good results. Can't wait to see how long it will be. Thanks to everyone here at LHCF. THANKS soooooo much Naturallady!
Okay! Now I am gonna have to order me some, these reviews are too tempting, I am really wanting to get out of my Twa stage, I really just want to be able to cornrow it down and attach a comb attachment bun to the back. But with all these good things I will have to order. I tried MTG & it did work but the smell was just too overwhelming and it just got over everything making my pillowcases stank. So Naturallady I am gonna order Today, My Twa is probably an inch and a Half right now so I will try to track my progress.

Now I am natural and I know I can tell when my hair grows because it gets Bigger & Bigger by growing up and out LOL!!! Okay I am gonna go order right now and give it a shot. I am spending my last $20 on this product so I am gonna take a chance LOL!!!!!!
Okay I ordered the Fragrance one so I guess it takes A week? Does it come by USPS? Okay I guess I will just be looking for it in the mail later on this week.
Ok, with all of these reviews, I am sold on purchasing this. I can't wait to see if I get the same results
When do you apply the serum. after you moisture at night, or morining after shampooing and conditining and placing a leave in

I just purchased the scented one.