Well-Known Member
@CaraWalker, @hopeful explained it 10x better than what I came up with.
I know for myself every time that I've let someone trample all over my boundaries I ended up resenting them. What helps me is to ask myself: "Would I rather have that person be mad at me or would I rather be mad at myself later?" I discovered that it's a lot easier to have them be mad at me.
What I've seen is that the better we get with boundaries the slicker people get. When people want something from you that they know you won't want to do they try to find any way in. That's why firm boundaries are so important. If there is a hole somewhere in your boundary, a loose plank if you will, slick people will find it.
Good thoughts ladies!
Besides my relationship boundaries the most difficult boundaries in my life right now is with a nanny I had back home. My mom paid her for her work as I grew up. Then she became the housekeeper. When we moved to the U.S., I guess either my grandmother or mother still sent her money. She lives in my great grandfathers home. She calls for money a few times per year. And recently, for the first time, her daughter called me asking for money! It's a heavy burden for me because they are poor. I struggle with saying no. When the daughter called me, I even went into explaining how my next paycheck is such and such date and that I'll send her money then. But why do I feel obligated to send them money? They don't love me or care for me. The calls are very clear, it's about money. It hurts but I said no....
When the daughter called to ask me I got nervous and told her I would send it. But then they called again since they hadn't received anything and that's when I told her mother no. The daughter who is my age never called me back. Sent her mom instead.
Yes because without the support of healthy people who have your best interest at heart it is really hard to maintain your boundaries. We are wired to connect with others. We can't change that about ourselves. Having a healthy support network is crucial because you don't have to put up with bad treatment because you're afraid to lose that bad relationship. A bad relationship is better than no relationships at all right?They said that is why it is important to build a support network first so that if a relationship falls apart, you don't feel unloved and alone
@Fine 4s I second that. I understand that they are poor and need help. This is a really difficult situation to be in. Don't give them the shirt off your back while you freeze to death. That's not love. That's guilt. Btw are you Haitian? Sounds like something my people would do. I swear this situation happens to me so much that I dread calls and texts from back home. A couple even asked me for $ on Facebook! I say no a lot now though. Must be why the calls have stopped.Ok good. Stand strong. They have no right to your money.
One point that I found enlightening was that "Creating boundaries involves a support network" and that "Attachment is the foundation of the soul's existence." The authors say that one of the reasons it is so hard to set boundaries and follow through on consequences is because it hurts so much to not feel loved and supported. They said that is why it is important to build a support network first so that if a relationship falls apart, you don't feel unloved and alone.
I had a boundary situation come up last night. One of my long time friends texted me asking to borrow money. She knows how I feel about lending $ to people. Neither a borrower or lender be. She said that she was ashamed to even ask me but she needs $ to pay for her plane ticket to go see her fiancée. She then said that she sent all of her $ to her siblings instead. I tried to tell her that it was normal to feel shame in that situation and that I'd feel like that too if I were in her shoes. She got mad at me and basically called me a lousy friend. Oh well.
She was not expecting that answer to her sob story. I'm crying with laughter here. Stand strong!!
Ex-actly!!how the hell you going to see your alleged fiance (who should be funding the trip) and aint got the funds, AND the funds you did had you gave away, THEN you ask someone with nothing to do with it for the funds?
ALL the way foolish!