Blessings of Tithing -- "Support Thread" for Tithers

:Rose: Be Encouraged :Rose:

Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.

--- Joshua 21:45
Still have my tithes in an envelope at my home for this month...I've been taking it out biweekly when I get paid amd refuse to touch it But please pray for me as I am confused where to give this money to...still waiting for a clear answer on a home church to sow into This has been an encouraging thread Love yall
stephluv if you're visiting churches you can sow at the visiting church.

I'm searching for a church home now as well. But in the meantime I've watch a lot of Joel Osteen and may sow into his ministry.

I'm sowing to whomever is giving me what I need at the moment spiritually.
@stephluv if you're visiting churches you can sow at the visiting church.

I'm searching for a church home now as well. But in the meantime I've watch a lot of Joel Osteen and may sow into his ministry.

I'm sowing to whomever is giving me what I need at the moment spiritually.

Still have my tithes in an envelope at my home for this month...I've been taking it out biweekly when I get paid amd refuse to touch it But please pray for me as I am confused where to give this money to...still waiting for a clear answer on a home church to sow into This has been an encouraging thread Love yall

God will always lead and guide you, no matter what. Thank you for your love and sacrifice. It's not unnoticed. :love2:
movingforward (WHAT A FITTING NAME of what I am doing) and Shimmie

Testimony Alert-

Thank you ladies... I finally joined the church I've been an honorary member at... it was pressing on me for awhile and i've been going through struggles but I took to heart the scripture "Be still and listen" and I did for a few minutes lol Then I continued to do my devotional and read ...Boom... do not be afraid to step out and go to a church that feeds you spiritually because your church home is familiar... LOOK AT GOD! Then it came to mind...well i'll wait a few days and God said you've been waiting on me with all your fasting and praying...well ive been waiting on you to step out like Abraham...GET OUT!

So i did...i contacted the Pastor of my "honorary home" and waited. I was given the acceptance later that day. Will bring all my tithes on Sunday and keep everyone posted
When I saw this post about tithing, I got excited! I have been a tither for so many years, and have so many testimonies of God's faithfulness. But I just wanted to share a few to encourage those who may need it.

I was always a giver but not a tither. When I felt the Lord was leading me to trust Him in this area, I was not excited, to say the least. I was unemployed, and single with four young children. I just graduated from a program at a local college and volunteering at a place I hoped to get my foot in the door for employment. And I was battling an undiagnosed thyroid disease. I stepped out on faith after many failed attempts and much conviction. Within months my life turned around. I got the job where I was volunteering; my health issue was diagnosed and was being treated; even though I worked at the job for four years and had no health benefits, my children and I never got sick. I went from trusting Him from tithing off the net to tithing off the gross income.

That job led to a related job with benefits and twice as much pay. I was able to purchase a house and buy a new car. We were able to take family vacations out of town! Lol (this was always I dream I never thought would be possible). Times get hard in between but I never stop tithing. And God always came through.

Several years ago I went to a seminar about financial planning. The gentleman who was looking over my budget said that he was the son of a preacher so he understood the tithe and would never tell me not to tithe, but that was the biggest expense outside of my mortgage and he didn't want to get struck by lightning. But adding up the numbers, it made no natural sense that I could maintain my lifestyle expenses. That's God!

This past year was difficult in many ways, including financially. I am blessed to be married to a man who is also a firm believer in tithing. He was a minister at his father's church when I met him. Through quite a rough road in our marriage (another story, but his father wasn't happy about our marriage, and didn't come to our wedding )- he is no longer a minister at his father's church. My husband took odd jobs here and there and we never stopped tithing 10% of all increase.

Family trials, health trials and financial trials really whipped up on us throughout 2014. Roof problems on our home caused damage to ceilings, flooding in our basement, roof collapse on our garage, two ruined boilers, etc. But we never stopped tithing! Lord, should we file for bankruptcy and just call it done?! No, Trust God and His faithfulness.

September 2014, 2 checks in the mail from settled mortgage and insurance issues totalling just over $6,000.00! In October, I recieved a telephone call regarding my unclaimed child support from my ex for just over $14,000.00. November, my husband starts working for a man in our church who is a general contractor. Our home is being fixed and our roof repaired. My husband was also doing side jobs with another man from our church who does plumbing and heating. Our boiler situation is being taken care of. We now have 3 cars and no car notes.
My father in law now loves and respects me and our marriage. My children are working wonderful jobs and are doing well in their lives with their partners.
Prayer, Love, forgiveness and Tithing! :grin:
F8THINHIM....thank you so much for your loving testimony and for encouraging others.

May God continue to bless you and your family. Always. :yep:

When I saw this post about tithing, I got excited! I have been a tither for so many years, and have so many testimonies of God's faithfulness. But I just wanted to share a few to encourage those who may need it.

I was always a giver but not a tither. When I felt the Lord was leading me to trust Him in this area, I was not excited, to say the least. I was unemployed, and single with four young children. I just graduated from a program at a local college and volunteering at a place I hoped to get my foot in the door for employment. And I was battling an undiagnosed thyroid disease. I stepped out on faith after many failed attempts and much conviction. Within months my life turned around. I got the job where I was volunteering; my health issue was diagnosed and was being treated; even though I worked at the job for four years and had no health benefits, my children and I never got sick. I went from trusting Him from tithing off the net to tithing off the gross income.

That job led to a related job with benefits and twice as much pay. I was able to purchase a house and buy a new car. We were able to take family vacations out of town! Lol (this was always I dream I never thought would be possible). Times get hard in between but I never stop tithing. And God always came through.

Several years ago I went to a seminar about financial planning. The gentleman who was looking over my budget said that he was the son of a preacher so he understood the tithe and would never tell me not to tithe, but that was the biggest expense outside of my mortgage and he didn't want to get struck by lightning. But adding up the numbers, it made no natural sense that I could maintain my lifestyle expenses. That's God!

This past year was difficult in many ways, including financially. I am blessed to be married to a man who is also a firm believer in tithing. He was a minister at his father's church when I met him. Through quite a rough road in our marriage (another story, but his father wasn't happy about our marriage, and didn't come to our wedding )- he is no longer a minister at his father's church. My husband took odd jobs here and there and we never stopped tithing 10% of all increase.

Family trials, health trials and financial trials really whipped up on us throughout 2014. Roof problems on our home caused damage to ceilings, flooding in our basement, roof collapse on our garage, two ruined boilers, etc. But we never stopped tithing! Lord, should we file for bankruptcy and just call it done?! No, Trust God and His faithfulness.

September 2014, 2 checks in the mail from settled mortgage and insurance issues totalling just over $6,000.00! In October, I recieved a telephone call regarding my unclaimed child support from my ex for just over $14,000.00. November, my husband starts working for a man in our church who is a general contractor. Our home is being fixed and our roof repaired. My husband was also doing side jobs with another man from our church who does plumbing and heating. Our boiler situation is being taken care of. We now have 3 cars and no car notes.
My father in law now loves and respects me and our marriage. My children are working wonderful jobs and are doing well in their lives with their partners.
Prayer, Love, forgiveness and Tithing! :grin:
I gave my 3 bi-weekly tithes and now have a church I can tithe to starting this Sunday! I have had a few financial troubles ever since I had made a decision that I wanted to tithe more and these last few weeks i've been at an account of negative but I refuse to not tithe. This will not set me back but it will push me forward I need a better job with higher wages lol
I'm still tithing faithfully. Truth be told I do it automatically I put no thought into it.

But I wanted to mentioned that I belong to a Facebbok group that supports one another in budgeting and paying off debt, etc.

Anyways, someone asked does anyone budget to their pay tithes. In one days time there were all these stories from faithful tithers and how God has blessed them.

Such beautiful stories about how God has blessed them. It made me think of this thread.

Just wanted to share.
I'm still tithing faithfully. Truth be told I do it automatically I put no thought into it.

But I wanted to mentioned that I belong to a Facebbok group that supports one another in budgeting and paying off debt, etc.

Anyways, someone asked does anyone budget to their pay tithes. In one days time there were all these stories from faithful tithers and how God has blessed them.

Such beautiful stories about how God has blessed them. It made me think of this thread.

Just wanted to share.

You know what? Your post just warms my heart. God is faithful and so are you. You see, in spite of all of the negative things occurring ($65 million jets and those who despise the tithe) you yet still are faithful and God is blessing you inside and out. It's God in whom you trust, not man, but in God.

@movingforward truly you are doing just that... moving forward.

God bless you richly and for always... :grouphug2:

I like what you've shared about the support group on Facebook.
I would like to tithe, but I don't go to church right now. Would you guys advise that I give to charities or just wait until I feel comfortable going back to church.
I would like to tithe, but I don't go to church right now. Would you guys advise that I give to charities or just wait until I feel comfortable going back to church.

Hi @Xaragua

The best thing is to follow your heart and allow God to lead you. Please don't ever feel pressured, just be gently lead of God. When your heart is lead to give, you will do so in peace.

One of the things I use to do {while I was transitioning from my former Church) is make donations to ministries who feed the hungry and clothe them. I still do so.

You can also donate to a food pantry, a family shelter, a hunger foundation or even to a children's hospital. All of these places is where Jesus would give and He did so in the Bible.

Jesus fed people; He healed them, He gave them comfort and peace. Jesus said that whatever we give unto others, we've also given unto Him. So just follow what Jesus did and it will all be a blessing to those you give to and to you.

God bless you Xaragua :rose::rose::rose:
Bumping this up again.

I am still paying my tithes faithfully. It does get difficult. Especially when I could use that money to pay off my credit cards quicker. But I continue to trust God and not worry about it.

I do want to get to a point where I'm not a slave to debt or never enough, always have bills to pay , etc etc.

But its all good. God is going to handle it.
Hello ladies, I recently read a profound biblical analysis by a man named Leke Alder on tithing. It was posted on fb/twitter over 7 weeks and I by popular demand it's been made into a free e-book.

You can download the free book here.

It would be great to hear what you think of it if you do read the book
@movingforward it's so funny that you bumped this thread... I was just rereading my devotional for today and the topic for the last 4 days has been on tithing and I swear I was going to look for this thread and post the devotional because it blessed me. I attached it.... hopefully it can bless someone else as well!
I have a question. I live on a fixed income of (way) less than a thousand a month for me and my boy, but God has blessed us for even that. The question is: Are we supposed to tithe the 10% every time we go to church or can we break it up so we'll have something to give every time we go to church? I just want to make sure I'm not cheating God.
@whosthatcurl the 10% is just 10% of your total income. So if your income for example is 1,000 dollars a month 10% of that is 100 dollars a month. So if you want, you can give the 10% or 100 dollars on first Sunday if you get paid the first of the month. Or if you'd rather break it up... give 25 dollars first Sunday of the month, 25 second Sunday, 25 third Sunday and so on forth. (If there are 5 Sundays in a month you'll just determine how you're going to break it up) Just be sure not to touch that tithe money.

That's just what *I* would do. This is something you should definitely pray about because God will direct you when it comes to giving.

I get paid biweekly so I generally pay my tithes biweekly.