Blessings of Tithing -- "Support Thread" for Tithers

Well I'm still gonna tithe :look: if I really believed I could buy blessings, I would be one angry woman. I tithed the majority of last year and was still broke :lol: the only place where you and I differ is the tithe itself. I believe that tithing is important because it helps to support the church. If tithing was abolished today, I could probably count on one hand the number of people who would actually put an offering in the church. If not tithing is working out for you, then by all means, continue to do so. However, I intend to give my 10% regardless of if I receive a blessing. To me it's just the right thing to do.
Re: Tithing Challenge

It is true that we cannot 'buy' God's favor. To be honest, God doesn't need anything from us 'materialistically'. He only wants our hearts.

'Tithing' in its self is not bondage; no it's not. :nono:

The bondage is in the heart of one that doesn't want to trust God and let it go. Money means a lot to people... a GREAT Lot. Folks go to great lengths to get it / keep it / spend it / on what they want to spend it on. Money is such a 'god' in people's lives that folks will kill, steal, lie, cheat.... and withhold ... to have it in their possession to distribute at their will.

For one to give up which is truly such a small part -- i.e. 'The Tithe' -- of what is so cherished in our lives, such as money, shows that we choose to put God first and ourselves after. For is this not what God did? He gave what He cherished most... a part of Himself to save us; to protect us and to heal us and recue us from ourselves in sin.

Another gift God has so lovingly given us is His Gift of 'Free Choice' (Free Will). Totally free and one of which He will never interfere nor trespass nor trample upon.

One's choice not to tithe is that and only that. It is One's most treasured, Free choice...God's gift to each of us. It is not God's Word to not tithe.

No where in God's Word does it say not to tithe and Jesus, Himself (who is God -- in the flesh) did indeed say that it is right to tithe and to continue to do so. Therefore, no one can say -- in God's Truth -- that tithing is 'Old Testament' and no longer a part of the New.

To use the Old Testament as an 'escape' clause, still does not change God's word that tithing is indeed what He says to do in both redemptions, the Old and the New Testament.

Humans will go to great means to alter God's Word to justify / validate what they do not want to do. ESPECIALLY when it comes to their money which is their life (which is actually God's money for it is He / God who has blessed and has given us the power / the ability / the energy and the strength to obtain wealth.

The gay activists are using this very same tactic (untruth) to validate their gay lifestyle and gay marriage. They misuse the Bible and declare with such heresy with 50-11 Jesus never 'saids' ... that Jesus never talked about marriage being solely between a man and a woman when indeed Jesus did make this clear regarding marriage as between a man and a woman. All to validate their choice of lifestyle rather than acknowledge what God truly says.

It's the same strategy by those who oppose tithing. They seek to validate their choices by altering the true meaning / rebelling against the truth of God's Word to validate their choices.

No one can alter God's Word. It's not changing just because someone chooses to do the opposite of what He says.

If someone doesn't wish to tithe, that's fine, it's their choice, however leave God out of it. Humans must simply admit that it's their choice and not try to ease one's conscience by saying God's Word doesn't support it. God's word is not changing to appease one's life's decisions.

God is not going to force Himself nor His word upon any of us, not even the consequences of our choices will He enforce. Consequences simply happen, for each seed produces after its own kind. The seeds of life we plant, nurture and water are the fruits one will harvest.

With that being said, the blessings of tithing come naturally which is why they cannot be bought for Jesus already paid the price for them as part of our redemption. Therefore the blessings of tithing are not bought nor bargained. They are simply the consequence of putting God first.

Jesus said...

Render unto Caesar what's Caesar and unto God, God's. (Mark 12:17)

Caesar has been cleaning up and cleaning people out far and long enough.
Re: Tithing Challenge

Tithing works! I noticed that there is someone citing stuff that isn't true. When you have a relationship with God. Tithing works. The people who don't tithe do seem to live it up, but there's protection for a tither. You will be tested as a tither. In all my years of giving my tithes, even when things were tight, God blessed me with ideas, concepts, human help, protection and speared my life. If you don't tithe, God will still show you mercy.

There are unsaved people that I know that were experiencing all manner of harm and cars totaled, etc.===but when they gave their seed to a Christian to carry into church on a regular basis that it stopped. There are saved ones that give 10% and they are blessed in their careers. However, I know one Christian woman that was a Treasurer on a church board and she only gave $15 dollars within three years of church attendance. She appears blessed, but has problems paying her bills and other kinds of calamities. It's false to say that tithing isn't in the New Testament.

When you know God's blessed you, you are eager to give him back stuff. It's not just giving, but doing it in faith and understanding the principles behind it.

Such a beautiful post... :yep:
Re: Tithing Challenge

Well I'm still gonna tithe :look: if I really believed I could buy blessings, I would be one angry woman. I tithed the majority of last year and was still broke :lol: the only place where you and I differ is the tithe itself. I believe that tithing is important because it helps to support the church. If tithing was abolished today, I could probably count on one hand the number of people who would actually put an offering in the church. If not tithing is working out for you, then by all means, continue to do so. However, I intend to give my 10% regardless of if I receive a blessing. To me it's just the right thing to do.

So lovely... to stand and to commit because your heart is in it. :yep:
Re: Tithing Challenge

It's false to say that tithing isn't in the New Testament.

Thank you for your entire post! I was once listening to brother Zac Poonen and he said that the stakes in the New Testament have actually been increased. If in the Old Testament you were an adulturer because you slept with someone else's wife/husband, then in the New Testament Jesus said that you are an adulterer for just looking or thinking about sleeping with another woman/man. Same thing for tithing, in the Old Testament only 10% was required, in the New Testament God requires much more of us.
Re: Tithing Challenge

Regarding this line "the stakes in the New Testament have actually been increased." from @Maracuja

This is absurd....if this is the case then why did Jesus die on the cross, why would be an atonement for our sins if the stakes are increased when we sin/don't follow the laws.....That kind of teaching takes away hope in the finished work of Christ!

I'm sorry, maybe I worded it the wrong way. I don't mean that the stakes are increased in that we have to do more works to earn our salvation. But simply that God does expect more from us, complete obedience so that He can do a thorough inner work in us. And yes, I believe that also includes our finances.
I'm sorry, but anyway you try and twist it, you are paying tithes expecting a financial return in the end....I know, I did it! Yes I tried to say, "I'm showing God my obedience" because that's what I was taught. By my mom and my pastors......this is simply not true. Can and will God still bless you if you do pay tithes, of course he will, because that's who he is, He is faithful, he cannot be unfaithful towards us! His blessings are not hinged on our giving monies to a church organization. I really strongly encourage you all to do an in-depth study on actuality, it was much more than 10%, there were different tithes to be paid during certain years and finally I would ask you. Was tithe ever currency??? Regarding this line "the stakes in the New Testament have actually been increased." from Maracuja This is absurd....if this is the case then why did Jesus die on the cross, why would be an atonement for our sins if the stakes are increased when we sin/don't follow the laws.....That kind of teaching takes away hope in the finished work of Christ!

Can you please start your own thread? This isn't the place for you to go on trying to convince others to go back on a commitment they made to God for a year. This is a place of support for those who want to tithe. You can start a new thread about the merits of tithing where we can discuss why we do or do not tithe.
Re: Tithing Challenge

Why commit to doing something that isn't even required..... and it was being toted as a "challenge", very different from a commitment!

Commit to helping a widow in your community, a foreigner and an orphan. Commit to sowing into a family member who's struggling to take care of their family, about to lose their home, need a vacation to relax and go crazy from being overwhelmed.

Please do a study before you make this Commitment/challenge! Get a full and complete understanding on why you're doing what you're doing!

Why are you trying to stop people from tithing? If people choose to put their money into church, why is that such a big deal? I give to others, in addition to giving to the church. I don't see the problem. If your problem is with the "intent," that's one thing. But to tell people not to tithe because of your own lifestyle choices is another. Would you feel better if this was called an offering challenge instead?
We should just ignore people who want to derail the thread and make it about them. This is the equivalent of going to the hair forum's waist length challenge and arguing the merits of a TWA. If it isn't a challenge or commitment you want or agree with keep it moving.
Re: Tithing Challenge

I've tithed and I've not tithed and as for me and my household we will tithed according to our beliefs. Yes I am still going to tithe. We may all get to heaven and find out we were right and wrong about some things. It's not up to us to try to convince someone what not to do or what to do in this thread. Those who do will and those who don't won't.
Re: Tithing Challenge

I was mainly referring to the testimony of the individual that you shared, that I would guess kinda pushed you to want to start the challenge. Encouraging people to tithe (based on that testimony) is not good. Adding insult to injury, (buying the blessings), we as NEW COVENANT/ Gentile believers are not required to tithe.

Christ only mentioned tithing once and it was towards the Pharisees, who were admonished more than a little bit by Christ.

I give, trust me I do, I pray and ask God for people to bless, and let me tell you, He will constantly puts people in my life to give to. He will put people in your heart to sow seeds of love and finances to. You do not have to give a min-max percentage to a church for God to show out in your life. And when I do it, I do it and forget it, not expecting anything in return. I don't quote scriptures like "press down, shaken together, running over"........ His word won't return void, my 10% has no bearing on that !

I agree with you, but the OP respectfully asked if you would please start another thread. Please do so if you would like to continue making your point.
Re: Tithing Challenge

ANYWAYS..........It has always been a challenged for me to tithe. I don't think I tithe past $1k a year; although I should have tithe a few thousand more.

But last year, I tithe half the amount I "owe". That is a big come up for me! So, I'm committed to tithing 10% of my annual salary this year......Lord willing.
Re: Tithing Challenge

ANYWAYS..........It has always been a challenged for me to tithe. I don't think I tithe past $1k a year; although I should have tithe a few thousand more.

But last year, I tithe half the amount I "owe". That is a big come up for me! So, I'm committed to tithing 10% of my annual salary this year......Lord willing.


Your name speaks volumes "Moving Forward" :yep:

God bless you as you do so. In Jesus' Amen.
Re: Tithing Challenge

I left my church a few months ago (for many reasons which made me very sad because I really did love this church) and still have not found a new church (because I haven't been actively looking - let me be honest). That still doesn't mean I won't tithe. I was listening to Dave Ramsey's daughter the other day on her YouTube channel and she was stressing how important it was to stay in the mode of giving even while you're saving. If you didn't, then once it was time to give, you would be less likely to give. This is true. I just need to find a worthy cause until I can give. I'm thinking St. Jude would be a worthwhile charity since I am in Memphis after all :)
This is a thread for Christians to discuss Biblical tithing and share encouragement.

The posts from a previous tithing thread have been moved into this thread in fairness to the members who posted there.

Going forward:

:Rose: Please post scripture (or scriptures) to support your views

:Rose: Please remain respectful

:Rose: Share Biblical facts and personal experiences; however

:Rose: Please avoid debating

Thanks and please be blessed abundantly. :Rose:
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My aunt passed in September. She was my special advisor and I renewed my walk in Christ to help ease some of the pain of her passing.

One thing she'd say is April if you don't obey anything, tithe. I was a rampant backslider who would camp on the altar the times I did come to church. But I wasn't obedient in ANYTHING.

This time, the first thing I did was to tithe. I didn't expect anything, gift or punishment. God metes out grace, he's not Santa Claus though. That's human understanding. I just obey.

Currency has changed shape over time. Coffee beans used to be currency. Silk and spices as well. So when scripture states 10% of the storehouse, they meant of financial increase. Cows, gold, salt, etc.

Even if, which I don't believe, but even if it isn't required, I believe this. I like electricity. I like air conditioning. I like soft seats and instruments. That stuff ain't free. I have a hard time paying $50 to watch a round ball go in a round hole. I don't have a problem giving so that the microphone works at church and I can hear the Word. Give, not grudgingly. He don't want that. It's like, here God, take this, shoot, and you better bless me for some people. I'm grateful for my ability to go to church, worship freely and listen to an amazing word from pastors who can dedicate their lives to shepherding us and doing mission work. Our tithes and offerings pay for that.

An earlier 'church' I was attending had prayed for those who'd given $1000 in a special side group. I felt less than and unfaithful because I didn't give. I challenged God once I was home and said Im not giving you no more money. I laid down on the couch and started crying. I heard the response so clearly that I peeked over the edge of the couch to see who was there. He said to me, 'Then don't. That's not Me that's them. I dont need it. I want your heart.'

Next day: Lost my job and my purse with that not tithed tithe in it. I was like OMG literally. I'm cursed. I went to the Christian bookstore bought a new bible and a wall hanging with the names of God on it. Ancient of Days is my favorite. :)
Straight the next day after that. Got a call for better job more suited to my new life and more pay and respect. Drug addicted lady called me and I went and returned my purse intact. I had left it on the bus stop. In the hood. Said she wanted to take the stuff and money but didn't. Just took a pen for her son's homework. I gave her $10 and all the pens, we cried and prayed together. I had money, credit cards, jewelry and the purse was worth something too. I saw her walk down the street with the $10. I was praying she didn't buy drugs but if sooo, hoping she'd stop soon. I could've given her more. I was just hoping she'd call for prayer.

Take away: God is not a celestial Santa Claus blessing us whether we're naughty or nice. He just wants us to love Him more than we love our money. He is Jehovah Jirah and tithing is a testament to His role as my provider. I trip over myself to tithe. Where's the bucket? Where's the envelope? Where it's at? Lol.
Re: Discussion Thread for Christians: "Tithing"

I tithed for the first time 2 years ago. This was while I fasted for the first time. I experienced many blessings: in my ministry, with my walk/relationship with God, financially.
Malachi 3:8 - 3:10
8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

9 Ye [are] cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, [even] this whole nation.

10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough [to receive it].

I realized I'd been holding back. The Lord has favored me and my household but I'd robbed him of giving myself fully to Him. We were experiencing financial hardships and were anxious about money. I complained because we were not spendthrifts but always seemed broke. Since my money was funny, I held it close and only gave the Lord a little. I knew something had to change, but what??? When I decided to join the Daniel Fast, I resumed daily bible reading and prayer, attended the prayer gatherings and for the first time, prayed about my finances. As I prayed in the sanctuary one evening, I poured out my heart to the Lord and felt something pop out of my mouth. I was astonished but immediately felt at peace.
Psalm 34:8 "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." came to my mind. I committed myself to tithing and we've been blessed in many, many ways since then. My husband and I have been used by the Lord in different ways and my daughter has grown spritually.
My aunt passed in September. She was my special advisor and I renewed my walk in Christ to help ease some of the pain of her passing.

One thing she'd say is April if you don't obey anything, tithe. I was a rampant backslider who would camp on the altar the times I did come to church. But I wasn't obedient in ANYTHING.

This time, the first thing I did was to tithe. I didn't expect anything, gift or punishment. God metes out grace, he's not Santa Claus though. That's human understanding. I just obey.

Currency has changed shape over time. Coffee beans used to be currency. Silk and spices as well. So when scripture states 10% of the storehouse, they meant of financial increase. Cows, gold, salt, etc.

Even if, which I don't believe, but even if it isn't required, I believe this. I like electricity. I like air conditioning. I like soft seats and instruments. That stuff ain't free. I have a hard time paying $50 to watch a round ball go in a round hole. I don't have a problem giving so that the microphone works at church and I can hear the Word. Give, not grudgingly. He don't want that. It's like, here God, take this, shoot, and you better bless me for some people. I'm grateful for my ability to go to church, worship freely and listen to an amazing word from pastors who can dedicate their lives to shepherding us and doing mission work. Our tithes and offerings pay for that.

An earlier 'church' I was attending had prayed for those who'd given $1000 in a special side group. I felt less than and unfaithful because I didn't give. I challenged God once I was home and said Im not giving you no more money. I laid down on the couch and started crying. I heard the response so clearly that I peeked over the edge of the couch to see who was there. He said to me, 'Then don't. That's not Me that's them. I dont need it. I want your heart.'

Next day: Lost my job and my purse with that not tithed tithe in it. I was like OMG literally. I'm cursed. I went to the Christian bookstore bought a new bible and a wall hanging with the names of God on it. Ancient of Days is my favorite. :)
Straight the next day after that. Got a call for better job more suited to my new life and more pay and respect. Drug addicted lady called me and I went and returned my purse intact. I had left it on the bus stop. In the hood. Said she wanted to take the stuff and money but didn't. Just took a pen for her son's homework. I gave her $10 and all the pens, we cried and prayed together. I had money, credit cards, jewelry and the purse was worth something too. I saw her walk down the street with the $10. I was praying she didn't buy drugs but if sooo, hoping she'd stop soon. I could've given her more. I was just hoping she'd call for prayer.

Take away: God is not a celestial Santa Claus blessing us whether we're naughty or nice. He just wants us to love Him more than we love our money. He is Jehovah Jirah and tithing is a testament to His role as my provider. I trip over myself to tithe. Where's the bucket? Where's the envelope? Where it's at? Lol.

❤❤❤❤❤ :love:
Re: Discussion Thread for Christians: "Tithing"

Sharing an Article :yep:

Is Tithing for the New Testament Believer?

Cortni Marrazzo

A few weeks ago I wrote an article called "Why it's Important to Keep Tithing in Tough Economic Times" and, quite frankly, I was surprised by the many follow up comments from Christians who don't believe that tithing is for today.

Many expressed the belief that tithing was only done in the Old Testament and thus it shouldn't be a part of a believer's life. Their comments made me wonder: Whether tithing is restricted to the Old Testament or not, is the practice of tithing such a bad thing for today's believer?

Matter of the Heart

First, let's look at the purpose of the tithe.

The main principle behind tithing and giving is the fact that what we do with our money shows where our heart is. Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

When we are able to give 10% or more of our income instead of keeping that money for ourselves, it shows that our heart isn't tied to our money and that we love God more than our money.

The Bible mentions money over 800 times and of all of Jesus' parables, more than half of them talked about money. Why? Because that is where so many people get tripped up! When we are able to release at least 10% of our income back to God, our money doesn't have as tight of a hold on us because we realize that God is in control of our finances. We remember that everything we have has been given to us by Him. Even though most of us probably work for the money we make each month, even God has his hand there - He has given us the ability to do our jobs. Many who grasp what God has truly given them seem to agree that 10% doesn't even feel like enough!


Many readers who responded took issue with idea of tithing being "mandatory" or "required" - as if it is something that keeps believers in bondage. But do God's standards really keep us in bondage?

Just like God tells us to keep sex within marriage, to love one another and to seek first His kingdom, tithing is a blessing to our lives and something that will help better our lives (as well as help the lives of others).

We are not saved by works, thus failing to tithe will not necessarily send you to hell, but doing so will help improve your life and strengthen your relationship with God.

I personally don't believe that God will curse us if we don't tithe, but I do believe He will help us escape the curse that is already in the world if we do.

I also understand that there may be some church leaders who try to guilt and coerce people into giving, but studies show there are plenty of church leaders honoring God in this area -- the majority of them want to share God's best with the people they love and have been tasked to lead.

Old Testament vs. New Testament

Whether the tithe is only for Old Testament or if it is also included in the New Testament is probably the most debated issue. The scripture most frequently referenced regarding the tithe is indeed in the Old Testament (Malachi 3:10-12), but the tithe is also referenced in the New Testament.

In Matthew 23:23, Jesus talks to the Pharisees, condemning them for tithing to the penny but neglecting the more important issues of justice, mercy and faith.

He then goes on to tell them that they should in fact tithe, but that they shouldn't neglect the more important things. Jesus recognized the importance of keeping the tithe and we should, too.

There are many practices in the Old Testament that don't make sense to us today, yet many of these ancient ways carry over to the New Testament law of grace as part of Christ's promise to not abolish the law, but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17).

For instance we no longer sacrifice animals but as believers we are called to offer ourselves up as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1).

Men no longer are required to be circumcised, but we all have a circumcision of the heart through the Holy Spirit (Rom 2:29).

Most of us don't have grain and produce to bring to the storehouse, but we do have incomes that we can bring the first tenth of into the church.

In other words, just because something is written in the Old Testament doesn't mean it lacks application to us today in some way or another.

One member, Zoe4Ever, left a comment on my previous article regarding this principle that I found insightful:

When I think of Christians asking themselves whether "tithing" is commanded in the Bible, is an Old Testament or New Testament teaching, I wonder how many of these Christians "send back" the many scriptural blessings God has given His people in the Old Testament.

How many people when they are blessed and given hope through the mention of God's works, words etc. through the Old Testament Scriptures say ‘I don't receive this or that blessing or confirmation because it's in the Old Testament'?"

While it is true that we are no longer under the old law, that we are under grace, we must not forget the purpose of grace: to help us live for God and do the things He wants us to do.

Romans 8:4 tells us that Jesus came that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, not so that we could altogether dismiss it.

And Romans 3:21-31 talks about how we have righteousness through faith and not through following the law, but verse 31 adds "Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law." God's grace gives us the power and ability to tithe!

(continued next post) :Rose:
Blessings of Tithing - Discussion Thread for Christians:

Article continued: :Rose:

The Number 10

Most of us are aware that we as Christians are to give, but many people get hung up on the 10% part of the tithe. The fact is that God knows we can not all give an equal amount because we all have different resources, so He gave a percentage ensuring it would equal out.

"Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on." Mark 12:41-44

Jesus understood that even though this widow gave a small amount compared to the others, her heart was more giving because she gave a larger percentage of what she had than all the others. This verse is also interesting because this widow gave all she had to live on. There are many people today who say they can't afford to tithe but this woman realized she couldn't afford not to.

God knows we are naturally inclined to be selfish and will want to keep our money. So while, yes, we should give cheerfully, sometimes we need to take the step and actually give regardless of our internal feelings. The act of giving allows God to change our hearts so that ultimately we end up doing so cheerfully. Many of us, if we let our natural minds decide how much to give, would likely opt for a lot less than 10%. Having a standard keeps us accountable.

Trusting the Church

So what if you don't take issue with the concept of giving or even the concept of giving 10%? What if you, like many of the commentors, take issue with those you hand your money over to: the Church. Those who express this concern reveal two potential problems that need to be addressed:

1. This individual's trust isn't in God (and the church He's placed them in).


2. This individual is attending an untrustworthy church and should consider finding a new one.

The truth is, church leaders are responsible for using church money in a responsible way - they have more accountability for that than we do. And as mentioned previously, most of them do a pretty good job of this. Still, it's worth bearing in mind that our accountability as believers is simply to give and trust that God will take care of the rest. Hopefully you are in a church where you can trust your leaders to do what is right.

If you are unable to find such a church, then it would be beneficial to work on your trust in God, asking Him to help you trust the leaders He has placed you under (or pray to help you find a solution if there is a genuine problem of corruption present). But just remember, you're responsible for what you give and for your heart, and the church leaders are responsible for how to use it.

In closing, I'd like to point out that the percentage you ultimately give is between you and God, however there are many who do give 10% and want to offer encouragement to others to do the same.

Think about it: If some individuals are willing to give 10% of their income (or more) to their church -- the place that feeds and teaches them -- and if some individuals are experiencing the blessings of giving away income to care for the needy and want to encourage others to experience the same blessings they've been experiencing - is that such a bad thing?


Cortni Marrazzo currently resides in Spokane, Washington with her husband Jason. She and her husband successfully paid off over $11,000 worth of debt in their first year of marriage and she desires to help others reach their financial potential.

Cortni has an Associate's Degree in Biblical Discipleship from Dominion College and is currently pursuing her passion for writing while running her own home-based business, Essential Excellence.

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Re: Blessings of Tithing - Discussion Thread for Christians

Yes we should give to help but Jesus never instructed gentile believers to tithe.... He NEVER did.

Giving and being held to a tithe requirement are two different things.

That is just another pro tithing article, I posted an in-depth study guide that will not just appease us as far as what we've always been told from the the church, but going scripture by scripture and Holy Spirit to help us understand.

Dear Sister in our Lord... @sunnysmyler

Tithing is not a sin. This thread was purposely re-titled "The Blessings of Tithing" so that those who 'Tithe' can share and encourage one another.

The previous thread was sadly derailed and even more sad I was asked by the member who created the original thread (Tithing Challenge) to have it moved from this forum to the Off Topic forum in order to 'protect' it. :nono:

Although you are responding your objections that I posted above (on yesterday, 1-18-2015), you have already have a separate thread where you are welcome to share your personal views 'against' tithing. In order to keep peace among the 'division', I would like to keep both threads separate by moving your post into your personal thread.

It appears that your views on tithing come from a place of hurt and disappointment; the orientation of your passion against tithing is definitely not from scripture. I'm sorry that it did not go well for you financially. I mean this heartfelt.

To tithe or not to tithe is still one's personal choice; the gift of 'freewill' which God has given to each of us. The best thing for each of us is to respect that decision and to live in peace with each other whether we agree or disagree.

Please be blessed; I mean it. :love2:

ETA: Regarding the in-depth study guide which you posted in your thread, I downloaded the booklet and after reading it, it still does not support your views on not tithing. It actually encourages Christians to give more which still includes caring for the Church as well as others outside of the Church. :yep:
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Re: Blessings of Tithing - Discussion Thread for Christians

Thank you for starting this thread OP. It's even more confirmation for me. I truly believe that tithing is a powerful way to keep the spirit of poverty away from your household.
:Rose: Be Encouraged... :Rose:

"And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.

So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”

Luke 21:1-4

:Rose: Be Encouraged... :Rose:
This thread was created today (1-19-2015) exclusively for support of those who choose to 'Tithe'.

This thread is for discussion and encouragement; it is not for debates, arguments, attacks, disparagements upon those who do choose to tithe.

The same rule applies in the thread which is opposed to tithing.

Be Blessed Ladies :Rose:

Please note that many of the posts were transferred from the original 'Tither's Challenge' thread which has to be closed to avoid the heavy controversy regarding this topic. The posts are in the chronological order that they were originally posted from the previous thread.

I apologize for the confusion. It just did not seem fair to eliminate the wonderful posts made by our members who shared their heart in the original tithing thread.
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I'm still going strong with tithing.

For myself, so I don't see or touch the money. I have the money automatically transferred out of my "main" account into a different one. So the only thing I have to do is authorized my church to deduct the amount.

Don't even miss the money or think about it.
I'm still going strong with tithing.

For myself, so I don't see or touch the money. I have the money automatically transferred out of my "main" account into a different one. So the only thing I have to do is authorized my church to deduct the amount.

Don't even miss the money or think about it.

movingforward.... :yay: Good for you.

Keep 'Moving Forward'. Jehovah Shammah (which means, God has gone before you) is always with you. God will always be ahead to 'meet' and 'secure' you in your future.

Your love is helping to bring 'life and healing' to those who need a place to know and love God. There are thousands and thousands of Churches, Ministries and Precious Lives of People who need help to survive in this life and a place to call 'home'.

I thank God for blessing you with much 'Favor' and with Blessings that money cannot buy. You'll understand what this means. :yep:

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
:Rose: Be Encouraged :Rose:

:Rose: For those who are being 'mistreated' at work:

"For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
In my faithfulness I will reward my people
and make an everlasting covenant with them.

"For I, the LORD, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
I will faithfully reward my people for their suffering
and make an everlasting covenant with them.

For I the LORD love judgment,
I hate robbery for burnt offering;
and I will direct their work in truth,
and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.

Isaiah 61:8
I have increased my tithing. I have been missing money. There is a thief. I just pray that God restores what I lost.
I have increased my tithing. I have been missing money. There is a thief. I just pray that God restores what I lost.

Country gal...

Mark 4:22

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Joel 2:23-26

23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.
25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.