BKT users- Another Curly Top woman needs help


New Member
Hey everyone,

I need some information.

There is a co-worker at my job with super curly thick hair...She is Polish...I think:ohwell:....I don't believe she has any African ethnicity in her but these days it's hard to tell....


Her hair is borderline 3c/4a long and very thick (I love it, she hates it) She recently got a BKT about a week ago. Her hair looked beautiful straight and silky...however....this week...Homegirl's hair is already starting to revert back to those tight curls. I looked at her hair and started chuckling thinking, "Dang, I guess it's not just us sistas that go through it with their curly hair.":look:

I saw her in the ladies room fussing over her hair. She was obviously very frustrated and upset with her already fizzy-trying-to-curl-up-again hair. She told me she got the Brazilian Kertin Treatment and she did what the woman told her to do about taking care of it but her hair is still fighting to be curly again.

Since I've hardly know anything about a BKT, I told her I would ask the ladies here if they have any advice about what type of products or regimens she might be able to use in order to keep her BKT longer than 1 week.

Please ladies, help another curly top woman with her hair troubles. I know she's using the wrong products for her type of hair because her hair is very dry. I want to tell her about the products we use but since she's 'whyte' (I think) I don't know how to tell her without it being....awkward. :ohwell:Any advice is good advice. Thank you
Hey Oreoday, that's so good of you to run down some information for your co-worker. BKT doesn't normally last as long on virgin hair. Do you know if she's had any sort of chemical process? Does she color, perhaps? If she has virgin hair, she may want to consider doing a semi permanent color (same as her hair color, if she wants) before her next bkt.

Even if she has a virgin head of hair, 1 week is still crazy early for her hair to be reverting. :nono: Makes me wonder if she's using products without sodium chloride, as she should. To be on the safe side, I also use a natural shampoo with a ph balance of 5.5 that's sulfate free. She should use products that are good for color-treated hair. The BKT is a product that coats the outside of the strand similar to semi permanent color and responds well to "color-safe" products.

Lastly, she should have a healthy dose of keratin in her reggie. A reconstructor like the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor would be a good one. The keratin fills holes in the treatment as it wears, helping the treatment to last longer.

To sum it up, the things she may want to consider before her next treatment are as follows:

- a semi permanent color (the same color as her hair is fine) should help results to last three months or so; alternately she could reapply the bkt every month until she has the desired result and then go to maintenance applications of once every 2 to 3 months from there

- use a natural shampoo that is sodium chloride free (for sure), sulfate free (if possible) and color safe. I like to alternate between co-washing with Vo5 clarifying conditioner and Mill Creek Biotin shampoo

- use a sodium chloride free reconstructor (like aphogee 2 minute reconstructor) to refill any holes in the treatment

Also, I should hope she understands that the hair does not get slick smooth with BKT, alone. She still has to use products to tame the hairs, in some way. You mentioned her hair is dry. This is a problem! Dry curly hair will frizz, even if it's been bkt'd.
I agree completely with everything above. Only to add that I suspect she may have washed her hair to early or her stylist played her. After traditional BKT you have to wait 4 entire days to wash. So BKT monday. Wash friday night. You said it was frizzing after a week, so 2 days after she first washed? That's not right. She definitely needs to check her shampoo for sodium chloride and sulfates.
I wonder what makes BKT so resistant on virgin hair.

Virgin hair is said to be less porous and the cuticles more closed so it is difficult for the bkt to penetrate and adhere. Most semi-permanent color has ammonia that will raise the cuticle and allow the bkt "in".
Hey Oreoday, I totally agree with Sheba1 and addaboutmyhair. Can you also adk your co worker what brand of BKT dhr used? Did she have it done at a salon? Is she using the recommended shampoo and conditioner that comes with the treatment?

It is great that you're helping your coworker. I'm sure once we find out some more information, we can assist you more.
Sheba1, how is your BKT treating you? I just want to thank you for all of your comments and reviews in the BKT threads. It was because of you that I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I also did a 2nd treatment after a week like you.

I want to thank you because the results were EXCELLENT!!!!!

OP sorry that I high jacked your post. I just wanted to give a shout out to a lady who has doe alot of research and giving in reference to the BKT process.
Sheba1, how is your BKT treating you? I just want to thank you for all of your comments and reviews in the BKT threads. It was because of you that I decided to go ahead and give it a try.

Oh my goodness, your post came as such a surprise to me. Thank you for your kind words :blush3:

I'm still loving my bkt'd hair. I have 5 minute detangling sessions, and now I can cowash my hair and gently comb with my fingers before bunning. I have no tangles and have not spotted any single strand knots since my first bkt and trim.

I also did a 2nd treatment after a week like you.

I want to thank you because the results were EXCELLENT!!!!!

OP sorry that I high jacked your post. I just wanted to give a shout out to a lady who has doe alot of research and giving in reference to the BKT process.

You are so welcome! That second treatment in close succession is the bomb on natural hair. :yep: My detangling improved after the first bkt but after the 2nd my hair had so much more movement and shine! My treatment has shown no signs of wearing and it's now been a month. :)
Is it possible that she may be washing her hair too often (i.e. daily)? what brand is she using? I don't know much about bkt, but from my understanding, not all brands are equivalent.
Sheba1, how is your BKT treating you? I just want to thank you for all of your comments and reviews in the BKT threads. It was because of you that I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I also did a 2nd treatment after a week like you.

I want to thank you because the results were EXCELLENT!!!!!

OP sorry that I high jacked your post. I just wanted to give a shout out to a lady who has doe alot of research and giving in reference to the BKT process.
Allow me to jump in with the shout out Sheba1 :notworthy
Hey Oreoday, that's so good of you to run down some information for your co-worker. BKT doesn't normally last as long on virgin hair. Do you know if she's had any sort of chemical process? Does she color, perhaps? If she has virgin hair, she may want to consider doing a semi permanent color (same as her hair color, if she wants) before her next bkt.

Even if she has a virgin head of hair, 1 week is still crazy early for her hair to be reverting. :nono: Makes me wonder if she's using products without sodium chloride, as she should. To be on the safe side, I also use a natural shampoo with a ph balance of 5.5 that's sulfate free. She should use products that are good for color-treated hair. The BKT is a product that coats the outside of the strand similar to semi permanent color and responds well to "color-safe" products.

Lastly, she should have a healthy dose of keratin in her reggie. A reconstructor like the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor would be a good one. The keratin fills holes in the treatment as it wears, helping the treatment to last longer.

To sum it up, the things she may want to consider before her next treatment are as follows:

- a semi permanent color (the same color as her hair is fine) should help results to last three months or so; alternately she could reapply the bkt every month until she has the desired result and then go to maintenance applications of once every 2 to 3 months from there

- use a natural shampoo that is sodium chloride free (for sure), sulfate free (if possible) and color safe. I like to alternate between co-washing with Vo5 clarifying conditioner and Mill Creek Biotin shampoo

- use a sodium chloride free reconstructor (like aphogee 2 minute reconstructor) to refill any holes in the treatment

Also, I should hope she understands that the hair does not get slick smooth with BKT, alone. She still has to use products to tame the hairs, in some way. You mentioned her hair is dry. This is a problem! Dry curly hair will frizz, even if it's been bkt'd.

Thank you so much.This information is very helpful. I wonder if I can print this. I'm definitely going to give her this information. I believe she may have washed her hair too soon and I think her hair is virgin curly so this is probably why the BKT isn't lasting that long. Thanks again for the info.
I'm Sicilian/Mediterranean and I have a similar hair type... and just did BKT myself. Maybe I can help?

If her hair is dry, she may be washing her hair too often. From my experience, a lot of white women feel uneasy about not washing their hair every day. I wash once a week with sulfate-free shampoo (some people in my family continuously comment that my hair must be dirty all the time).
I use olive oil as a pre-poo very often. I also DC approximately every other week.

Anyway, I just did a BKT by myself. My hair is extremely porous because of all the chemical treatments I used in the past, so I assumed the treatment would work well. My hair felt great for the first four days until I washed it. Now, it still feels smoother, but the curls are coming back (and quite unpredictably too). Maybe your friend would have better luck if she embraced her curls but tried to remove her frizz... I heard there are some formaldehyde-free BKTs that do NOT straighten hair but instead just remove the frizz and allow the client to wear their hair curly. If she truly wants to wear her hair straight, she can try a mild relaxer or a texturizer... I know a lot of white women opt for Japanese straightening but I would avoid that at all costs.

OP: Luckily she has someone from LHCF to help her! :grin:
I agree with sheba1.

I would also recommend Organix shampoos and conditioners; the conditioners at first feel very thin and light, but when used as DCs they work really well.
Awesome advice Livesoundtech! I'm loving the mild relaxer or texturizer idea if she really does want straight hair. Veejee was able to get her texturized hair to air dry straight after she bkt'd. She says it's like she's relaxed bone straight but her hair is stronger instead of weaker. That might be a really good option for the young lady if she's certain she no longer wants curls.
I'm Sicilian/Mediterranean and I have a similar hair type... and just did BKT myself. Maybe I can help?

If her hair is dry, she may be washing her hair too often. From my experience, a lot of white women feel uneasy about not washing their hair every day. I wash once a week with sulfate-free shampoo (some people in my family continuously comment that my hair must be dirty all the time).
I use olive oil as a pre-poo very often. I also DC approximately every other week.

Anyway, I just did a BKT by myself. My hair is extremely porous because of all the chemical treatments I used in the past, so I assumed the treatment would work well. My hair felt great for the first four days until I washed it. Now, it still feels smoother, but the curls are coming back (and quite unpredictably too). Maybe your friend would have better luck if she embraced her curls but tried to remove her frizz... I heard there are some formaldehyde-free BKTs that do NOT straighten hair but instead just remove the frizz and allow the client to wear their hair curly. If she truly wants to wear her hair straight, she can try a mild relaxer or a texturizer... I know a lot of white women opt for Japanese straightening but I would avoid that at all costs.

OP: Luckily she has someone from LHCF to help her! :grin:

Thank you very much.

I actually gave her all the advice you ladies sent me and to my surprise she's doing everything that's been suggested. She said that her hair is reverting because it's virgin hair. She's never had any type of chemicals in it before so she's just going to get another BKT in a month or so. The stylist told her it should take better the next time around. She also said she bought some heat protectant products that actually smooth her hair out (today it looked better, the frizz was pretty much gone).

I was pleased to hear that she does try to use products that work well for her hair. I laughed when she told me it takes hours for her to buy hair care products because she reads all the ingredients to make sure they don't have the 'bad stuff'. I said, "GIRL, ME TOO!"

Thank you again for all the wonderful advice and she thanks you too.