BKT curl reversion stories


New Member
:wave: Hey ladies!

I've always been really suspicious of BKTs and if curls really reverted to their natural state 100% when the treatment wore off.

I'd love if you ladies who stopped BKTing could share your curl reversion stories.

Right now, I'm looking into ordering the Softliss, and only doing one application, just to change things up for the summer (I'm trying avoid cutting and colouring and need a change) Anywho, if my curls won't return 100%, then I'mma have to find something else to do with my hair ...

TIA ladies :)
I stopped BKTing, and my last one was the beginning of March. My hair is slowly reverting (I can definitely tell the difference). I have been using Sulfate shampoos to help the reversion process along. If this thread is still around in 2 months, I post again with pics.
I'm relaxed (transitioning) and I've BKT'd twice. My new growth completely reverted back. Matter of fact, I'm about to play in my new growth in...5, 4, 3, 2....
My hair has never had a problem reverting - at the given time 3 month from use, on both my unrelaxed and relaxed hair. My hair is not/was not suffering from any damage or breakage issues at the time I had the keratin or nano-keratin done.

I did go through a "fear" period and tried to "wash" the keratin out...I still had no problem with either the low formaldehyde or form. free formulas. I use form. free exclusively now every now and then on relaxed hair.
I'm transitioning and did my first BKT (Qod max) 2 weeks ago. My new growth has reverted but I can still see it on the relaxed hair.
After looking at the video, I wouldn't do if I were you. If you do you better not use a lot of heat.
She seems very confused at the end of the video, she says she will do it again, then in the next statement she won't because her hair in the back didn't revert. I'm glad I'm not that confused about my hair, it is what it is.
My softliss BKT (chocolate) should be here tomorrow. I am a 4a/b kinky curly with highlights. I don't really post ever but I can post my before/after and then keep you updated on whether my kinks come back. It will be my first treatment
I stopped BKTing, and my last one was the beginning of March. My hair is slowly reverting (I can definitely tell the difference). I have been using Sulfate shampoos to help the reversion process along. If this thread is still around in 2 months, I post again with pics.

Why did you stop?
My hair reverted back with no problems. I don't have any pics because I don't know how to attach them. Anyway, I got my BKT in January with Global 2%. My hair type is in the 2's which is wavy and not curly. When I got the treatment done my hair was a lot smoothier, not as dry, easier to comb and it dried very fast after washing it. I plan on doing another one next month but this time I'm going with the 4% because my treatment wore off really fast with the 2%.
I got my first BKT in Sept 2007. It reverted back with no problems. It was the "original" formula with the formaldehyde. I paid $$$ for it at a fancy salon in ATL, I think it was the Marcia Texiera brand.

My second BKT I got in April of 2008. My ends, like the last 5 inches of my hair, didnt revert. They were bone straight. While the BKT was fresh all my hair was bone straight. I hated it. But slowly it started reverting, except for that last 5 inches or so. That was a formalydehyde free BKT I got because the stylist I asked to do it was scared of the formulas with the formalydehyde.

The third BKT I got was July of 2009. That was OK Keratin, I got it off ebay. I think it has formalydehyde in it. Anyway my curls were back by December of 2009.

By reversion I mean, unmanageable or harder to manage and straighten. My first and last BKT my hair was always curly, it was just smoother and easier to straighten, it really helped with rollersets and blowouts. I didn't have to use as small of sections as I do now. The second BKT was a nightmare and I'm glad most of it did revert and those ends are almost all snipped out. I only have about 1.5 inches left of bone straight ends.
I did the BKT for 2 years and I just stopped at the beggining of the year. Curls did not revert nor did I want them to. I just heat train now which is a better option for me.
Thanks for your input ladies :)

I wonder if the non reversion for some people has more to do with other factors beside the Keratin :scratchch
Thanks for your input ladies :)

I wonder if the non reversion for some people has more to do with other factors beside the Keratin :scratchch

i wonder too. too much heat? not evenly coating the hair?

I did the BKT for 2 years and I just stopped at the beggining of the year. Curls did not revert nor did I want them to. I just heat train now which is a better option for me.
why do you think heat training is better?
Mine didn't revert so well in the back of my head. I think it was because the hairstylist used a lot of heat. If I ever do it again, I would do it myself and keep the heat low.
I stopped BKTing, and my last one was the beginning of March. My hair is slowly reverting (I can definitely tell the difference). I have been using Sulfate shampoos to help the reversion process along. If this thread is still around in 2 months, I post again with pics.

Why did you stop?

I hope she doesn't mind if I answer for her (since she won't be checking for two months). She posted her reason here:

I'm also going to stop doing BKTs in preparation of BCing sometime this summer...I need to let my hair fully revert.:grin:.
I think I've had the treatment for about a month now, and I think my hair has definitely started reverting. It doesn't feel the way it did when I first got it done. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that I've still been using my own shampoos/conditioners. I'll post pics if I remember.
there is 5% of me that wants to try this, but every time I do research, I see words like leukemia and cancer and it totally freaks me out. I rarely wear my hair straight anyway. . . . yea there is formaldehyde present in other places in our lives, but even that small exposure is bad for us as well. It doesn't make BKT any more safe. It's kinda scary, even though it looks good on most people I have seen
Softliss Strawberry formaldehyde-free user. I just did another BKT May 9 and before this one I BKT'd March 4. I ended up going so long between applications because I braided my hair around mid-April. Been BKTing randomly since September. My hair reverts without any problems.

Side note: In the Keratin Treatment Thread, it has been discussed that high heat is a big culprit behind hair not reverting. Getting ready to update fotki soon.