BKT curl reversion stories

Softliss Strawberry formaldehyde-free user. I just did another BKT May 9 and before this one I BKT'd March 4. I ended up going so long between applications because I braided my hair around mid-April. Been BKTing randomly since September. My hair reverts without any problems.

Side note: In the Keratin Treatment Thread, it has been discussed that high heat is a big culprit behind hair not reverting. Getting ready to update fotki soon.

Yeah I could see myself applying more heat, flat ironing/straightening more while BK treated, so perhaps there would be more likelihood of heat damage. Or do you mean the hair gets heat damage from the 450 degree heat to seal in the keratin?
Yeah I could see myself applying more heat, flat ironing/straightening more while BK treated, so perhaps there would be more likelihood of heat damage. Or do you mean the hair gets heat damage from the 450 degree heat to seal in the keratin?

The hair gets damaged from the 450 degree heat to seal the treatment. I lowered my temp to 400 (the highest temp on my 1/2 in. HAI) and it has works just as well with 3 swipes. The 6-10 swipes at 450 is not necessary and has contributed to breakage and reversion problems.
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Brittanynic, if you're still following this thread, do you mind sharing why you stopped BKT? Forgive me if you've already answered this somewhere else. TIA...

I only did the treatment to help me grow out the chemical damage I had by making my hair easier to straighten. Two years later the damage is gone and I can get the same style/look without it. After I stopped the treatment my hair was wavy and straight at the ends. I decided to continue to use high heat on my roots in order to "heat train" them and get them to look like the rest of the hair. It has worked great and my hair is in wonderful shape.
I did the BKT and my hair still reverts when its wet, its just a looser curl pattern.

In my opinion, if you get curls while wet (with the BKT on your hair), chances are that you will get your original curl pattern back once the treatment wears off.

I straighten my hair everytime I wash it now, but I don't treat my BKT hair any differently than I do my non-BKT'd hair (and I think this is where most people go wrong.) I still use heat protectorants, deep conditions, etc. for preventative measures.
I only did the treatment to help me grow out the chemical damage I had by making my hair easier to straighten. Two years later the damage is gone and I can get the same style/look without it. After I stopped the treatment my hair was wavy and straight at the ends. I decided to continue to use high heat on my roots in order to "heat train" them and get them to look like the rest of the hair. It has worked great and my hair is in wonderful shape.

At some point I want to use the BKT to transition back to natural. However, I don't want the dreaded straight pieces once I'm fully natural. I actually would just like to use the BKT to soften my texture some.

I understand that you want heat trained hair but do you have any advice for those who actually seek full reversion or in your opinion, do you think it's a gamble? TIA...
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I used QOD Gold 2% and NO it did not wear off.

I was/am upset because I can't wear the hair in a wavy wash and go style now, only stick straight. There is also now an obvious difference between the new growth, the last new growth that was relaxed (texlaxed, whatever), and the rest that is silky smooth STICK STRAIGHT. It does seem to be healthy, tho.

I am considering doing the BKT again on the new growth to grow out my hair; but just the new growth that hasn't been relaxed. After I treated a year ago the ladies told me that they handn't thought my texlaxed hair would revert back, that it would be basically bone straight.
I used QOD Gold 2% and NO it did not wear off.

I was/am upset because I can't wear the hair in a wavy wash and go style now, only stick straight. There is also now an obvious difference between the new growth, the last new growth that was relaxed (texlaxed, whatever), and the rest that is silky smooth STICK STRAIGHT. It does seem to be healthy, tho.

I am considering doing the BKT again on the new growth to grow out my hair; but just the new growth that hasn't been relaxed. After I treated a year ago the ladies told me that they handn't thought my texlaxed hair would revert back, that it would be basically bone straight.

I dunno if I'm understanding correctly. So your natural new growth reverts? But your texlaxed hair became bone straight and won't revert?
I've had no issues with my hair reverting....in fact, the last BKT I did practically didn't "take"! I heard that if your hair is healthier and you use a lower heat while doing a BKT, it will not last that long. When I washed my hair after the setting stage of BKT, my hair was still curly. My hair was just easier to detangle and had smooth looking curls rather than frizzy. I'ts been about 3 weeks since I did my last BKT and only my relaxed ends are straight.
I'm relaxed but I recently BKT'd on Saturday and I washed my hair for the first time after the treatment yesterday.

Here's what my NG usually looks like

Here's my BKT Pin Str8

Here's my NG Post BKT 1st wash

curled right back up, has a slightly looser appearance.
my siggy is post BKT. the front layer of my hair is mine, i bkt'd my whole head and after a month did a rinse before my sew in. my hair still pulls back smooth into a pony tail but if I treat it like crap it acts as such. bkt is just a coating its not a miracle LOL
I'm a 4a but the front section of my head seems to wave instead of curl like the rest of my hair. I bkt'd last year and I found that if I wanted to wear a wash ang go, the front had become kinky straight without any curl although the rest looked fine. I had another bkt after that but got bored and I wanted my curls back.

I made my hair revert pretty easily by washing with a sulphate shampoo then following up with my normal conditioner with about 5 tablespoons of salt. I think I kept the condish in for an hour before rinsing. The curls came back straight away. I was so relieved!!

There hasn't been any long term damage and now I do bkt more like a 'protein treatment' kind of thing whenever I remember (without the crazy heat).
I stopped BKT-ing in January and didn't do another treatment till last week (June) my hair FULLY reverted. I didn't realise how much the BKT helped until I had to deal and style my hair once it wore off.

I believe the amount of heat (passes and temperature used) is what prevents people's hair from reverting and not the treatment itself.

ETA: I did about 7 treatments with my first treatment being April/May last year 2009
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I believe the amount of heat (passes and temperature used) is what prevents people's hair from reverting and not the treatment itself.

ETA: I did about 7 treatments with my first treatment being April/May last year 2009

I agree:yep: I'm at BKT #2 and things seem a lot more different compare to my 1 st time. The first time I applied BKT in my hair , I didn't do it properly. My hair was straight but it reverted like crazy when I washed it. I also didn't use a good deep conditioner before doing the BKT. so the places that were niceley moisturized where great and the others not so great.

This time. My second BKT came out incredible. My hair is soft and I did my first wash yesterday and it come out superb. My hair reverted a lot less. I know I did a better job applying the BKT and a part of me is starting to wonder if the hair gets easier to manage or gets straighter with each BKT?

I'm planning to change brand of BKT and I think I will be happier with the second brand.

As for health hazzard Worries... Just like with any type of product get equipped right. I have everything: gloves, mask, fan, fume extractor, coloring brush, comb, conditioner and deep conditioner. I also verified months ahead of time how to apply the product correctly.
If you want to complety revert before it it wears off you could #1. use a Poo and conditioner with sulfate to graduately remove the keratin or if you get super desperate and want it out STAT, just use the shampoo that comes with the BKT that remove all the bulid up(step 1 on the BKT process). I use that shampoo out of desperation once because like a dummy I put castor oil in my hair(to each its own) and could not put up with the greasy feeling, so i tried to wash it out unsuccessfully(I cried like a baby). I got mad and use that shampoo to strip my hair completly and of course the BKT was striped completly also. HTH anyone.
I bkt one time w/ softliss chocolate. I didn't let it sit long b/c I didn't want straight hair just to loosen the curl. At first I was happy but quickly wanted to wash it off so for a couple of weeks I was using sulfate shampoos (undiluted) and using conditioners w/ salts in them. My hair completely reverted back so I'm glad. I think I do this when it gets cooler.
I'm back. It's almost 3 months and my hair has fully reverted. I have some sections that haven't and it's because I don't think my hair was fully coated, so I do have some heat damage. I'll do the treatment myself the next time to avoid that.