BKT alternative?

naheda72 they used the elongation mousse on me because I wear my hair curly more often than straight. I actually washed my hair today because they overloaded it with product for the show and detangling was much easier than before. I look forward to seeing how it will do over the next few weeks.

Did you notice a major difference in shrinkage or was it equivalent to a deep conditioner?
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was there any smell? how were the fumes when they were blowdrying and flat ironing? Is it the same process as others where you wash, blow dry, flat iron, wash again, condition and then style?

Kurlee No fumes, there was a slight smell but only in areas where there was there was a little too much product. It wasn't strong or over powering at all. Yes this system also required that the blow dry and flat iron process be repeated after washing the system out of the hair.

Did you notice a major difference in my shrinkage or was it equivalent to a deep conditioner?

yodie, No there wasn't a major difference in the shrinkage but the difference is mostly noticeable when my hair is wet, my curls are more defined when wet now as compared to before. For example I have never been able to pull off a decent wash n go in the past because of lrg sections of my hair that have almost no definition. However it looks as though I may actually be able to do that with this system, but I will have to try it first to be 100% sure

One other thing that I think is worth mentioning is that DE states that the system will last on average for 12 weeks. However after asking more questions I learned that it can last that long provided that 1) you are only washing your hair every 2 weeks 2) only washing with sulfate free shampoo (of course they recommend that you use theirs).

For me that means that I will have to alter my routine as well as change up my normal styling so that I'm not using as products that are going to require me to clarify as much as I do now. HTH, but I'm kind of glad that they system can be removed for the hair by simply washing the hair several times.
I'm still half-way side eyeing. It's hard to find information about the new active ingredient (glyoxyloyl carbocysteine aka oxoacetamide carbocysteine). From what I have deduced, it seems ok and it's highly acidic vs. highly alkaline like relaxers, but I'm still side-eyeing till i find more info.


Did some searching and found this MSDS for a 20wt% slution of oxoacetamide acids (Carbocysteine/Acetamide Mea). I don't like what I'm seeing so far :nono:


Did some searching and found this MSDS for a 20wt% slution of oxoacetamide acids (Carbocysteine/Acetamide Mea). I don't like what I'm seeing so far :nono:


That just means it has a low hazard. the chemical formation for bleach probably has a moderate hazard level.

yea, that's basically the gist of it. low hazard, don't get it in your eyes. the only part that concerns me is this:

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BY-PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde.


So it CAN potentially break down into formaldehyde. I was right:yep:. And carbon monoxide? Doesn't that odourlessly kill folk:look:. The question becomes, in what concentrations? For the MSDS to give it such a low rating + acute toxicity, it must be in trace amounts, no more than walking behind a car, or the formaldehyde that we are normally exposed to on a regular basis; but still, this is definitely a wait and see.

*puts arosci at the back of the cupboard*
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yea, that's basically the gist of it. low hazard, don't get it in your eyes. the only part that concerns me is this:

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BY-PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde.


So it CAN potentially break down into formaldehyde. I was right:yep:. And carbon monoxide? Doesn't that odourlessly kill folk:look:. The question becomes, in what concentrations? For the MSDS to give it such a low rating + acute toxicity, it must be in trace amounts, no more than walking behind a car, or the formaldehyde that we are normally exposed to on a regular basis; but still, this is definitely a wait and see.

*puts arosci at the back of the cupboard*

The health hazard rating for the solution is 3/4 (as I remember, can't view the pdf right now) and that is what made me decide against it. Keep in mind that they probably aren't putting that high concentration in the product and the amount of formaldehyde produced is probably less than that found in traditional BKTs. Curious to know what they consider excessive heat. I'm so disappointed :nono:
k, so I looked at the other tests for the quality of air and formaldehyde is released but in very little ppb (parts per billion), it doesn't meet the the threshold to count it as there. The minimum ppb is 18 and the ppb counted is 13. . . .

so from my understanding, the oxoacetamide carbocysteine is basically an aldehyde group attached to carbocysteine. This aldehyde (not all aldehydes are bad are harmful, btw) group when decomposing (like through excessive heat) can break down into trace amounts of formaldehyde and other compounds. IMO, unless ingested or in the eyes, it APPEARS no better or worse than a relaxer as far as safety and health hazards go. But I would like to see a more comprehensive investigation done by someone like OSHA.

So, i now see why Organiq doesn't want to call it formaldehyde free because it doesn't contain formaldehyde, but is still an aldehyde that works in a similar way, and with heat, releases very small amounts of formaldehyde (trace amounts). So it's like they'd be lying but not really, but they probably don't want to break down all the chemistry.
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Kurlee said:
so i blow dried and flat ironed one side and only blow dried the other. The blow dry only side gave me a slightly looser curl patter and a pinch more shine, but meh, but my hair does that with a heavy gel, so meh . . . .

The other side that was flat ironed was pin straight and very soft and shiny. After I washed and conditioned it, it seemed like it wanted to stay straight, so I panicked and did not do the second blow dry and flat iron. it curled back up but was looser and shiny. So now i'm just gonna wait to see if my hair fully reverts. basically the serum just defined my curls a teeny bit more, whereas the foam, loosened me from 4a to 3c and the hair straightens very easily. No tangles, coating and it's very soft, shiny and strong.

The treatment smells like nothing and I flat ironed with 4 passes at 356.

Hope this helps someone:look:

ETA: Oh and it did nothing to my hair colour

Thanks for the feedback
Kurlee said:
k, so i'm doing a test spot right now. Left side is the serum and right side is the foam. I just did a teeny slice at the nape on each side. smells like nothing and i'm waiting for the 15 minutes to be up so i can blow dry the serum side and then blow dry and flat iron the right side.

Stay tuned


What product did you spot test with DE or Arosci?
are u frigging kidding me. A company is bim is doing this! I was going to go home with Arocsi and let my sis apply it. Maybe instead I will try Naked by essations....

tresses by naked seems a little bootleg, can't find any proper reviews, there videos are basic, only showing results not the actual process or the essential befores.
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Kurlee, is your hair still responding well to the treatment? Is it still stretched? Any dryness, breakage?

no dryness. more shine and still stretched. My hair basically looks the way it looks with fantasia IC (heavy gel), but with a little less effort. It's strong. My hair feels/looks like a strong henna treatment.
i dunno if i'll put it on my whole head. Still a bit scurred. the info seems to point to it being safe, but because it's new, it may take some time before we know the real deal. I wish some hard core chemists on the board would chime in.
^^well it was the doctors and the scientists laughing at our fears of formaldehyde in the bkts. As they are/were exposed to higher levels for longer periods of time during studies or current jobs.
Ok so having serious doubts about Arosci, I bout soft-liss had the same sort of issues but excused them because of the obvious language barrier. SO here's the story so far

Buying Arosci for my sister and myself. She is either a long term stretcher or transitioner depending on the success of the product, I am natural

Initial questions sent in the email

I am transitioning(relaxed-natural), looking to buy the IRS foam, but I just have a few questions beforehand?

Is there a mimimum time that you recommend between treatments? Or, can I apply the treatment as often as I want until I achieve the desired result? e.g. If I apply the treatment for the first time, and it is not what I expect, can I apply again without waiting for 3 months until the treatment wears off, like the CHI Enviro system?
How would salt water affect the product, I'm going on vacation the week of the appointment and would like to go the sea?
Do instructions come with the foam?
Will this affect the highlights I had done last year?

Her reply was to send her number and inform me that she can't wait for my call to discuss any questions I might have.

Ok kinda strange my sis, said she doesn't want a paper trail.

So I call yesterday during normal business hours 3 times between 9-12, got the voicemail service each time. She did send me her direct number( should add this is the global director of education) but the voicemail was automated.

Today I emailed her again, to ask when would be a good time to find her in office I was told between 9am- 6pm. Then she adds could you provide your number so I can recognise it when you call.

Is she screening calls? What business screens potential customers? How big/small is this company. The FB page was last updated sometime in January. The wall is fll of posts from interested stylists wanting to use thier products but receiving no response or asking general questions.

'm gonna call and get back with her answers but the story thus far.
I'm scared. Design Essentials is having a sale (visiting relatives) and I want to try this but don't want to destroy my progress....anyone use this that can report back (after a month or two of treatment). How is the quality of your hair?

Hi Yodie. Just flew in tovisit the relatives. My parents drove to Fort Knox (retired military) and they have it there. My mom called yelling in the cell all excited because she heard me mention it from reading the threads. So they have it for 70% off if you do it within a certain time frame. I was like whaaaa? Uhm....so I set an appointment for a week from now so I could think about it.

This is supposed to be a strengthening product and I like that concept. And she says they put the heat on 375 so I was like...that can't destroy my hair...hmmmmm? And no formaldehyde as it's a protein...but again my hair is not a fan of protein except silk protein so that may be a problem.

I have a week to make up my mind because the sale will go off really soon. So ah well. We will see. If I do it I'll take pics. I know that I needed to do a yearly update anyways.
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luckiestdestiny. We have to catch out (outside of this thread - smile).

Let me know what you decide about the product.
My stylist that I havnen't been to since January uses all DE products. I'm not going to the salon like I used to. Thank the Lord. Wiggin' and weavin' it until the end of next year.

I'm going to ask him about this product and maybe I'll do a test patch to see how it works. Will let you all know.
See that's the thing. I'm all for test patches. I don't like to rush into anything. I'd love to do a test patch on my bang but then I'd want to watch it for months lol

Ah but by then I'll be back in NY and I don't know of any place that does it there so (shrug).
Hi Yodie. Just flew in tovisit the relatives. My parents drove to Fort Knox (retired military) and they have it there. My mom called yelling in the cell all excited because she heard me mention it from reading the threads. So they have it for 70% off if you do it within a certain time frame. I was like whaaaa? Uhm....so I set an appointment for a week from now so I could think about it.

This is supposed to be a strengthening product and I like that concept. And she says they put the heat on 375 so I was like...that can't destroy my hair...hmmmmm? And no formaldehyde as it's a protein...but again my hair is not a fan of protein except silk protein so that may be a problem.

I have a week to make up my mind because the sale will go off really soon. So ah well. We will see. If I do it I'll take pics. I know that I needed to do a yearly update anyways.

luckiestdestiny, Where/what is on sale. Is a stylist going to do it or are you going to buy the product and do it? What city is this sale?
A stylist on the army base at the px the have a salon . They gave a % off their regular price. I'm thinking it's a no go as I really need a test area...ah well