so i blow dried and flat ironed one side and only blow dried the other. The blow dry only side gave me a slightly looser curl patter and a pinch more shine, but meh, but my hair does that with a heavy gel, so meh . . . .
The other side that was flat ironed was pin straight and very soft and shiny. After I washed and conditioned it, it seemed like it wanted to stay straight, so I panicked and did not do the second blow dry and flat iron. it curled back up but was looser and shiny. So now i'm just gonna wait to see if my hair fully reverts. basically the serum just defined my curls a teeny bit more, whereas the foam, loosened me from 4a to 3c and the hair straightens very easily. No tangles, coating and it's very soft, shiny and strong.
The treatment smells like nothing and I flat ironed with 4 passes at 356.
Hope this helps someone
ETA: Oh and it did nothing to my hair colour