Birthday Gift Ideas for relatively new significant other


Active Member
So i'm currently dating this guy and his birthday is coming up but i'm not sure what to get him. And this is because our 'relationship' has not been a very smooth one so i wouldnt consider it serious. I, therefore, dont want to make too much of an investment at this time till i'm sure it's actually going somewhere and at the same time, i dont want to be too frugal cos it can make me look bad (first impression). This would be the first "gift giving" between us and so I want to set the right tone.

I'm looking for some gift ideas from u ladies. He's turning 31 and LOVES volleyball.
I would get him a birthday basket. I would put in some inexpensive stuff like Carol's daughter body lotion for men, his favorite candies, a new volleyball. Something that shows you really put a lot of thought into the gift. My latest SO had a bd early in our relationship. I just got him a shirt and Bath and Body works men shower gel and spray. He was very pleased. I did a VDay basket for a guy I was dating and he was really pleased by it. It showed I put a lot of thought into his gift.
Country Gal that is a great idea. Depending on how new the relationship is, I'd get him a card and giftcard to a sports store. I have a friend that ALWAYS gives her new man expensive gifts. I FEEL that as the relationship progresses, then shall the gifts. This is just MY opinion though.
yeah those are good ideas! at least i dont feel absolutely hopeless. other suggestions are also welcome.

quick question, dark hair. about how much would be put on the gift card (value)?
In this situation, I just give a guy a giftcard and keep it moving... I'm not going to put too much effort/cuteness/thought into a gift for a man early on if he hasn't committed to an exclusive relationship with me and we're still just "dating."
yeah those are good ideas! at least i dont feel absolutely hopeless. other suggestions are also welcome.

quick question, dark hair. about how much would be put on the gift card (value)?
I'd put $25 to $50 (however much a nice volleyball is). Some men aren't 'frou frou' like us.
I'd pay for dinner/breakfast and some drinks. I don't do gifts on fresh relationships esp. if we aren't official yet.
^^^Plus, if this relationship does develop into something more, you've got Christmas coming up to do more gift-wise, if that's your style.

Start small right now, I'd say.
Country Gal that is a great idea. Depending on how new the relationship is, I'd get him a card and giftcard to a sports store. I have a friend that ALWAYS gives her new man expensive gifts. I FEEL that as the relationship progresses, then shall the gifts. This is just MY opinion though.

I agree. Never give a man more than he is willing to give to you. They feel that they sometimes can't compete or compensate when you give them more than they are willing to offer or give.
good points and ideas, guys. I probably have to find some time to go to a sports store for either the gift card / volleyball etc.

The dinner is a good and easier idea for me as well. But he doesnt want me to pay when we go out to get something to eat. But maybe on this occasion, it'll be okay.

I'm going to look into all these. Any other ideas are also still welcome. thanks a lot so far, everyone. I really appreciate it.
I am also in a similar situation to this. I am giving him 2 designer ties I got at the goodwill for $3 total and a card, lol. I know for a fact he has shirts to match the ties I am giving him and he is into his appearance, so I think it is a good gift, if a little boring, lol.
well, guys, a sad end to this tale. I am done with him. Its over. He blew me off 2 weekends in a row for no reason and any guy who does that is not worth my time. I'm glad this happened before I wasted my money to buy anything for him. I'm still glad i started this thread cos i've gotten ideas i can use the next time i'm in a pickle about what to get someone. Thank you all for your help and contributions. I REALLY appreciate it. And thats the honest truth.
I would not give him a gift, I would give him a nice card from Hallmark. It's too early to be spending money on him. I don't get down like that and I'm definitely not paying for dinner. The men I date wouldn't even allow me to pull out my credit card. Maybe you bake him a small cake. But naw I couldn't imagine footing the bill on a date no matter the occasion.

My SO had a birthday about 2 months into are relationship and his friends threw him a party and I bought him a sweet card and he was elated. He said he was just happy to have me for his birthday.
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well, guys, a sad end to this tale. I am done with him. Its over. He blew me off 2 weekends in a row for no reason and any guy who does that is not worth my time. I'm glad this happened before I wasted my money to buy anything for him. I'm still glad i started this thread cos i've gotten ideas i can use the next time i'm in a pickle about what to get someone. Thank you all for your help and contributions. I REALLY appreciate it. And thats the honest truth.

He was a jerk, good thing you didn't waste money on him. I still stand by my post, give the next one a nice card or bake him a small cake. But don't go out of your way if it's just dating or a new relationship.
He was a jerk, good thing you didn't waste money on him. I still stand by my post, give the next one a nice card or bake him a small cake. But don't go out of your way if it's just dating or a new relationship.

thanks for the support! you make a good point :-)
He's an idiot. Some men don't a good thing till it slaps the in the face. Here you were, thinking of presents for his birthday and he treats you in this manner. He's an idiot (oh I said that before didn't I :) )
In a new relationship, I would buy him tickets to some event (concert, car show, comedy club, etc.) that we could enjoy together!

You don't want to go overboard wih too- sentimental or pricey gifts, which could make some guys feel uncomfortable.

I just read your update - sorry!

Treat yourself, and don't even acknowledge his b-day.
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hi all, thanks a lot for your support. Honestly i've weeping since i woke up this morning because i know he's always felt that i was way out of his league and i'm pretty sure deep down, he acted the way he did because he was afraid i was going to hurt him so he was protecting his heart. He even told me like 2 days ago that I am the perfect girlfriend; i'm beautiful, smart, he can take me anywhere knowing that i'm not gonna embarass him, i can carry a decent conversation with anyone, i always know the right things to say ... and even when we went to a hous party like 3 weeks ago, all his guy friends were telling him the same thing and how they wish I was their girlfriend. And he knows that in his mind but he doesnt understand why somehow his heart isnt connecting and that he's been trying to get his mind to make his heart realize that but the heart just isnt allowing it. And he doesnt know why and he even spoke to a friend abt it...

And honestly, that hurts me because its like even though i'm not the kind of person who would just use and hurt him cos he's not in my league, he's shutting me out of his heart.
And he knows that in his mind but he doesnt understand why somehow his heart isnt connecting and that he's been trying to get his mind to make his heart realize that but the heart just isnt allowing it.
he's shutting me out of his heart.

aaaaand w/ all that said, no gift :nono: and move on beautiful lady. :yep:

send him a card w/ your best wishes and "we'll always be friends" then lose his number.
Well unfortunately we have no control over whom our heart desires. He sounds like he's a great guy and he realized that you'd be a great catch, but for some reason he just wasn't feeling you on that level. It could be someone else on his mind, or a certain 'type' that he is used to dating or maybe the chemistry just wasn't there,etc etc. But it sounds like it's HIS issue, so don't make it to be an issue of "what's wrong with me".... but it doesn't make him a bad guy. I wish you luck in finding the guy that is ready to be the man that you need him to be!!!
Thanks, all of u for support. I really hope it gets better soon cos currently, it hurts quite a bit. I wont lie. It really sucks!