Bipolar Disorder & Hair Care

What is manic, hypomanic, and mixed mania?

How is being bipolar different from having normal depression?

I'm asking out of sincere curiousity. No offense intended.
Taking care of my hair (protein, prep-ooing, DC's, etc.,) cleaning, yoga, using perfumes, oils, body butters, having baths, massages, and a bunch of other things are all therapeutic, relaxing and put me in a positive mood-- that's when I'm normal though

When I'm depressed, it's almost like I'm in a coma, can barely think let alone think about my hair. The most I can do is get up to go to the washroom and walk to the door when the delivery man arrives with food.

When I'm hypomanic, I consider many things unproductive, a waste of time (like eating, sleeping, getting ready, which would be done in 5 minutes-- rub conditioner in my hair and rinse myself with water, hair in messy ponytail, brush teeth for 15 secs)

With mixed mania, there's too much of everything-- severe anxiety, racing thoughts, can't make a decision for the life of me, rage, sex, intense workouts, self-medication, etc. Can't deal with my hair.

Sometimes I'm surprised I don't have free formed dreadlocks :laugh: But I have shaved my hair off on quite a few occasions.

Anyway OP, I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. Talking care of yourself can definitely help. Have you tried meditative yoga or other forms of relaxation/clearing your mind?

eta: whoa, sorry for the long post lol

First...let me say when it comes to MY threads.....DO NOT apologize for long posts....i ask questions to get info and don't feel bad about a long post:hug3:

But everything you listed here i am accustomed to as well...but the way you describe hypomanic and mixed mania....i seem to always BE like that until something makes me sad....its been a while since i've had a real deep depression...which is good...but then i get alot of mixed mania and hypomania lately....i'm always tensed up and "ready".:perplexed

I like to write...i honestly wish i could write movie scripts....i write in my journal when my friends get tired of texting:laugh:....i write poetry....which brings another thought to mind...since i've been taking meds i've seem to have lost my great poetic i the only one? Like i'm not as creative as i used to be when i was really depressed.

Besides that i like to eat and shop and sometimes draw and paint and do puzzle type games like word search, bejeweled and sudoku...sudoku is VERY challenging:yep:
First...let me say when it comes to MY threads.....DO NOT apologize for long posts....i ask questions to get info and don't feel bad about a long post:hug3:

But everything you listed here i am accustomed to as well...but the way you describe hypomanic and mixed mania....i seem to always BE like that until something makes me sad....its been a while since i've had a real deep depression...which is good...but then i get alot of mixed mania and hypomania lately....i'm always tensed up and "ready".:perplexed

I like to write...i honestly wish i could write movie scripts....i write in my journal when my friends get tired of texting:laugh:....i write poetry....which brings another thought to mind...since i've been taking meds i've seem to have lost my great poetic i the only one? Like i'm not as creative as i used to be when i was really depressed.

Besides that i like to eat and shop and sometimes draw and paint and do puzzle type games like word search, bejeweled and sudoku...sudoku is VERY challenging:yep:

It seems like your doc may have got your meds right for you you are definitely coping. All the writing and drawing and such is working for you. If you have lost your poetic ability maybe you can come down a little off one of your meds talk to your doc. I have more depression than anything, depression is easier for me to look normal. I am off the rocker when I am manic ever you really love me or your gonna really hate me. Or what I used to do to peak my creative freestyle write for ten minutes about whatever came to my mind. This really helps get it on paper and flexes the creative juices I would set a timer and go every morning before work.
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What is manic, hypomanic, and mixed mania?

How is being bipolar different from having normal depression?

I'm asking out of sincere curiousity. No offense intended.

No offense takin:hug3:

The difference between normal clinical depression and Bipolar Disorder is that with're not always down and sad and can go up and be extremely hyper and happy or hyper and aggressive as well....and either end of the spectrum can last for days, weeks, months or even years.

Manic is usually defined as being in an elevated inflated mood. You may feel that you're the best thing since sliced bread.You feel like screaming at ppl and you most likely feel more sexually driven. You feel so some cases ppl experience hallucinations or other forms of psychosis like delusions when they are manic. Mania can also cause you to be more reckless with the way you spend money, even the way you drive, you can be manic and become aggressive which is more on the mixed mania side...or mixed episode side...

Hypomania is a weaker form of mania...this is where you experience euphoria and you're floating on air and everything is lollipops and rainbows....for me...i get scared when i get to be hypomanic bc i can easily go up or down

A mixed mania occurs when you are manic or hypomanic with signs of depression....this is where most ppl with Bipolar Disorder have a bigger chance of attempting suicide....not just thinking it but attempting it and probably also succeeding. You feel okay and happy or normal but you also feel sad or angry and you may come down hard on yourself.

But you would have to really experience all of this to really understand this:ohwell:...its more than just a given definition. Its a real basically all of my emotions are 3 times more extreme than the average person when i'm not medicated.
Great topic OP. I'm not bipolar, however I am very familiar with it and have several family members that have suffered from it. I'm glad to see you can bring this up on the forum and discuss it. It's very interesting how taking care of your hair can be therapeutic or be the focus in a state of Mania. That makes sense, people without bipolar can have the same issues with their hair but it's exasperated when you suffer from Manic depression.
No offense takin:hug3:

The difference between normal clinical depression and Bipolar Disorder is that with're not always down and sad and can go up and be extremely hyper and happy or hyper and aggressive as well....and either end of the spectrum can last for days, weeks, months or even years.

Manic is usually defined as being in an elevated inflated mood. You may feel that you're the best thing since sliced bread.You feel like screaming at ppl and you most likely feel more sexually driven. You feel so some cases ppl experience hallucinations or other forms of psychosis like delusions when they are manic. Mania can also cause you to be more reckless with the way you spend money, even the way you drive, you can be manic and become aggressive which is more on the mixed mania side...or mixed episode side...

Hypomania is a weaker form of mania...this is where you experience euphoria and you're floating on air and everything is lollipops and rainbows....for me...i get scared when i get to be hypomanic bc i can easily go up or down

A mixed mania occurs when you are manic or hypomanic with signs of depression....this is where most ppl with Bipolar Disorder have a bigger chance of attempting suicide....not just thinking it but attempting it and probably also succeeding. You feel okay and happy or normal but you also feel sad or angry and you may come down hard on yourself.

But you would have to really experience all of this to really understand this:ohwell:...its more than just a given definition. Its a real basically all of my emotions are 3 times more extreme than the average person when i'm not medicated.

Genius simply put sure couldn't have said this myself. Still learning about all the phases. I am experiencing mixed mania or rapid cycling from your descriptions and severe depressive episodes (they last for 1-5 years or more). I was hypo manic for quite some time it is scary.
Genius simply put sure couldn't have said this myself. Still learning about all the phases. I am experiencing mixed mania or rapid cycling from your descriptions and severe depressive episodes (they last for 1-5 years or more). I was hypo manic for quite some time it is scary.

I'm still educating myself about this as well. I was newly diagnosed this year. Another thing is when i'm in a mania i can talk forever about nothing and leave you intrigued and in a deep thought...about it....about nothing:lachen:

I do it all the time!!...sometimes its embarrassing bc i literally cannot shut up to save my life!:grin:

I just hate that Bipoler Disorder gets a bad rap for meaning that you must be some evil person if you're Bipolar or something....honestly we're not like that for the most least i'm not....if anything we're the most funniest and creative and whatever else.....ppl you could ever meet!!:laugh:....i tend to be somewhat absent minded at times....but oh well i make up for it later:grin:

The worse thing so far for me was going through that Depression when i first started getting treatment when i was put on Prozac....i'm laughin and smilin now but that ain't nothin to play with...and the Prozac made me even worse. I actually experienced some psychosis while depressed.
I have Bipolar Disorder 2 so my moods is more depressive than manic and I abandon my hair during my last episode and this is just from being off my meds for one week. Once I got back on, my hair and I were BFF again.

But I do find that during my hair is soothing. Also working out when I'm in a mood.
I like to write...i honestly wish i could write movie scripts....i write in my journal when my friends get tired of texting:laugh:....i write poetry....which brings another thought to mind...since i've been taking meds i've seem to have lost my great poetic i the only one? Like i'm not as creative as i used to be when i was really depressed.

Some of my best writing comes from when I'm on my way down to depression or as I'm coming up from out of it. My writing becomes more incoherent as I'm moving up into the highs (racing thoughts) So I reserve those times to composing music on my violin and making beats, etc.

I just started taking meds again recently (after about a year and 1/2 med free.) All I know is that my last episode (mixed) my blood pressure shot up to 180/120 and I thought I was gonna die of a stroke. So I'm all for meds now, but I think it's normal to grieve some of the things we'll be losing as we become more stable.

I'm still educating myself about this as well. I was newly diagnosed this year. Another thing is when i'm in a mania i can talk forever about nothing and leave you intrigued and in a deep thought...about it....about nothing:lachen:

I do it all the time!!...sometimes its embarrassing bc i literally cannot shut up to save my life!:grin:

:laugh: I know what you mean.

But sometimes do you ever feel like it's not even you that's talking, like words are pouring outta your mouth, but they're not even your thoughts (yet) and you have no control over it and can't make your mouth stop?

The worse thing so far for me was going through that Depression when i first started getting treatment when i was put on Prozac....i'm laughin and smilin now but that ain't nothin to play with...and the Prozac made me even worse. I actually experienced some psychosis while depressed.

I think that's part of the reason why many people (myself included) were so against receiving treatment, since many of us were misdiagnosed with depression and put on anti-depressants :nono:. My first anti-depressant induced mania and the second one caused a seizure (I personally think mania and seizures are related, both are over activity in the brain. Plus I got that same "aura" feeling that I got before the seizure, right before my hypomania turned into mixed mania)
I have bipolar 2 disorder, which basically means I get sorta manic, but not as intense as type 1.

My moods dictate my hair, not vice versa. When I'm depressed, I do not have the energy to think about my hair.

Now when I get a little manic, things can get interesting. I can get real impulsive. During hypomanic episodes I've cut off locs, relaxed hair, dyed hair, & big chopped.

The interesting thing is, I don't get impulsive about my wigs. Actually the opposite. I really consider the style before I buy, sometimes thinking about it for months. Having said that, I do think I gravitate towards wavy to curly wigs the more hypomanic I get.
Manic is usually defined as being in an elevated inflated mood. You may feel that you're the best thing since sliced bread.You feel like screaming at ppl and you most likely feel more sexually driven. You feel so some cases ppl experience hallucinations or other forms of psychosis like delusions when they are manic. Mania can also cause you to be more reckless with the way you spend money, even the way you drive, you can be manic and become aggressive which is more on the mixed mania side...or mixed episode side...

I'm BP II. I am diagnosed with a mixed of Cyclothemia for good measure, whoo-hoo.

Yep, I've experienced every little thing mentioned in that quote. Let's see the happiness, the thinking I'm the shizz feeling, the sex drive (flirting despite being married - yeah, that's a big thing), spending money (my major vice), and the crazy driving (let's see in the course of this summer, I've backed my car up into a war and damaged my muffler and I jump the curb in front of my house and drove it to the front of my door simply because I confused the brake with the gas pedal). Fun times!:rolleyes:
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Being serious about something I enjoy (hair/cooking/music/reading) is usually the only way I keep myself from being stuck in that god awful low/angry rut. I find of the things I enjoy, hair is the easiest to get into.

My hair reflects my mood in the same way my clothes do. I find that when I do not change my style enough or at least choose a style that makes me happy, I'm more likely to have a hard time maintaining the much preferred high/productive/happy side of this bothersome life. I could win the lotto or have a gorgeous intelligent demi-god enter my life during these lows and I'd seriously not notice or care.

I lost my inner light this year and thought I'd never come out of the rut...scared the mess out of me, I've always jus been so high energy with the brain is pmsing for no reason whatsoever so jus back the f up please.

Having a goal, maintenance, sharing and learning....brought me back up. Still not completely myself anymore and I LOATH talks with my doc who's determined lately to pinpoint the exact moment/experience that caused the slump...I feel as though I'm not allowed to be frank and say I literally just woke up not having it in me.

Sigh, thank goodness for doesn't always do as I want, but if I tend to it, it listens and works with me. Simply stated, it doesn't care that my noggin's pieces aren't always tightly packed.

ETA: @JFK...bp is different from the normal depression, adhd, ocd, anger issues...etc in that its so intense and unpredictable. At least for me. When I went into my first legit depressive state (my lows had always been quiet angry times, little sadness but no depression) I decided to see a doc. He began with the assumption that I was going through seasonal depression. But it didn't stop and if anything I got worse with treatment. It wasn't until I had the annoying "I know I'm talking at rocket speed and half the things I'm saying aren't even complete thoughts but here me out there is a point to this convo" moment during which I told him how frustrated I was that I wasn't happy anymore and didn't know how to joke and couldn't handle my overflowing plate of responsibilities that are usually the funnest part of being me that he decided to check all of me out. I don't even know if I answered anything but the difference between my head and the person next to me is that a switch in there spazes and keeps me either super efficient and bubbly (k...VERY reckless too, but details details...I'm a G when I'm on point) or super apathetic and drained...its like consuming energy at hyperspeed without the option of a water break then sudenly offering the moment to relax and recover. I think regular depression has a tangible trigger though be it lack of light or an experience. I dunno wth triggers the switch for me. I can't just talk myself into a better mood when my bp kicks into hypodrive. I experienced regular depression a few times and I felt able to talk myself through it.

So there IS a such thing as being mostly manic!! Because i am and i was tryin to tell my doctor that but she gave me an anti depressant to go with my seroquel xr!!!:perplexed....i haven't been takin it bc i'm TERRIFIED of ADs after what i went through with prozac:nono:

Oh my goodness....I USED to be all mania and the lows weren't too bad but I was in control (whatever that means). Did BC (birth control) rob anyone here of that control and turn them into a mostly low pile of bones with the occasional super obsessive/compulsive periods? Honestly, that is the MAIN reason I want off of BC. I hate dying once a month but at least I could feel back then. :(

And....yea...I have a pile of prescription notes I'm supposed to fill, but I'm so scared the meds will make things worse or ruin my super duper smooth flow the way BC did...and after my insurance gave me budeprion knowing full well it causes some people to literally blank and be stupid reckless I have no faith in meds. And I loved being broken thanks very much...I jus want to be rebroken so I come out the way I used to be...not turned into a memoryless zombie who can't tell the difference between obligations and nuisances.

Smh...:nono:...y'all seriously opened up a can o worms with me...I can talk about this all day...fascinates me (I wanna be a psychiatrist) but annoys me greatly all at once (I may just go to law school and use my energy to read lots and get paid to be manic lol)
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Some of my best writing comes from when I'm on my way down to depression or as I'm coming up from out of it. My writing becomes more incoherent as I'm moving up into the highs (racing thoughts) So I reserve those times to composing music on my violin and making beats, etc.

I just started taking meds again recently (after about a year and 1/2 med free.) All I know is that my last episode (mixed) my blood pressure shot up to 180/120 and I thought I was gonna die of a stroke. So I'm all for meds now, but I think it's normal to grieve some of the things we'll be losing as we become more stable.

:laugh: I know what you mean.

But sometimes do you ever feel like it's not even you that's talking, like words are pouring outta your mouth, but they're not even your thoughts (yet) and you have no control over it and can't make your mouth stop?

Yes!!! All the time!

I think that's part of the reason why many people (myself included) were so against receiving treatment, since many of us were misdiagnosed with depression and put on anti-depressants :nono:. My first anti-depressant induced mania and the second one caused a seizure (I personally think mania and seizures are related, both are over activity in the brain. Plus I got that same "aura" feeling that I got before the seizure, right before my hypomania turned into mixed mania)

Its interesting that you say this bc i was epileptic as a child. I had a seizure almost every single day and the most i remember about being 3 and 4 is being in the hospital and taking medicine....i had two grand mal seizures. Now, i'm finding that i might still be epileptic....i figure i am since there is no cure for either illness....but i have been having little blackout spells where it feels like my brain shuts down for like 2-3 happened to me the other day and i was at work about to ring up this customer and i almost fell out backwards bc my brain went blank and black...she thought i tripped....but i said nothing about it but it really did creep me out and i just felt really weird afterwards....i told my mom and she says that it might be the caffeine that triggered it from the iced coffee i had....and caffeine does cause me to become a bit manic.

All of this is just so scary to me.:perplexed
Being serious about something I enjoy (hair/cooking/music/reading) is usually the only way I keep myself from being stuck in that god awful low/angry rut. I find of the things I enjoy, hair is the easiest to get into.

My hair reflects my mood in the same way my clothes do. I find that when I do not change my style enough or at least choose a style that makes me happy, I'm more likely to have a hard time maintaining the much preferred high/productive/happy side of this bothersome life. I could win the lotto or have a gorgeous intelligent demi-god enter my life during these lows and I'd seriously not notice or care.

I lost my inner light this year and thought I'd never come out of the rut...scared the mess out of me, I've always jus been so high energy with the brain is pmsing for no reason whatsoever so jus back the f up please.

Having a goal, maintenance, sharing and learning....brought me back up. Still not completely myself anymore and I LOATH talks with my doc who's determined lately to pinpoint the exact moment/experience that caused the slump...I feel as though I'm not allowed to be frank and say I literally just woke up not having it in me.

Sigh, thank goodness for doesn't always do as I want, but if I tend to it, it listens and works with me. Simply stated, it doesn't care that my noggin's pieces aren't always tightly packed.

ETA: @JFK...bp is different from the normal depression, adhd, ocd, anger issues...etc in that its so intense and unpredictable. At least for me. When I went into my first legit depressive state (my lows had always been quiet angry times, little sadness but no depression) I decided to see a doc. He began with the assumption that I was going through seasonal depression. But it didn't stop and if anything I got worse with treatment. It wasn't until I had the annoying "I know I'm talking at rocket speed and half the things I'm saying aren't even complete thoughts but here me out there is a point to this convo" moment during which I told him how frustrated I was that I wasn't happy anymore and didn't know how to joke and couldn't handle my overflowing plate of responsibilities that are usually the funnest part of being me that he decided to check all of me out. I don't even know if I answered anything but the difference between my head and the person next to me is that a switch in there spazes and keeps me either super efficient and bubbly (k...VERY reckless too, but details details...I'm a G when I'm on point) or super apathetic and drained...its like consuming energy at hyperspeed without the option of a water break then sudenly offering the moment to relax and recover. I think regular depression has a tangible trigger though be it lack of light or an experience. I dunno wth triggers the switch for me. I can't just talk myself into a better mood when my bp kicks into hypodrive. I experienced regular depression a few times and I felt able to talk myself through it.

Oh my goodness....I USED to be all mania and the lows weren't too bad but I was in control (whatever that means). Did BC (birth control) rob anyone here of that control and turn them into a mostly low pile of bones with the occasional super obsessive/compulsive periods? Honestly, that is the MAIN reason I want off of BC. I hate dying once a month but at least I could feel back then. :(

And....yea...I have a pile of prescription notes I'm supposed to fill, but I'm so scared the meds will make things worse or ruin my super duper smooth flow the way BC did...and after my insurance gave me budeprion knowing full well it causes some people to literally blank and be stupid reckless I have no faith in meds. And I loved being broken thanks very much...I jus want to be rebroken so I come out the way I used to be...not turned into a memoryless zombie who can't tell the difference between obligations and nuisances.

Smh...:nono:...y'all seriously opened up a can o worms with me...I can talk about this all day...fascinates me (I wanna be a psychiatrist) but annoys me greatly all at once (I may just go to law school and use my energy to read lots and get paid to be manic lol)

You explain it very well:yep:......just like you when i'm manic i can talk 1,000,000,000,000 miles per second....and like i further stated it can be about absolutely nothing.

But there can sometimes be good sides to being Bipolar but really it just sucks to be Bipolar....esp if you care way too much about what other ppl think about you. And even you're on for me even though i'm on meds i still have the mood swings but they're just not as intense as they would be without the meds.

But hair really can effect my mood....if i feel like i look a hot mess i HAVE to do something about sometimes i just HAVE to blowdry and flat iron my hair to keep me from feeling depressed...or like yesterday i HAD to co-wash my hair to help me calm down...nothing else was working.
Thanks so much for answering my questions and educating us on this issue. I actually think a lot of us, in the Black community, are suffering from this in some way but don't know it. **Or know that something is wrong but are scared to get medical help.**
Ladies thank you all for sharing and pouring out your stories I really appreciate it.


I thought some more on your topic Bi-polar disorder and Hair Care. I absolutely think you hit it on the head, thanks for being brave and opening this discussion up.

LHCF Promotes Social Progression, Goal Setting, And Self Care

LHCF really changed my life the whole social network error started for me with LHCF. The women here were for the most part were sharing their life not just hair related, everything. From dating, sex, health, diet, exercise, fashion, family, cooking and this was my only safe connection to the outside world.

It all started with hair so having a social communication vehicle focusing on more than hair, is absolutely good for Bi-Polar Disorder. I have some serious social issues, and even attended a few meet-ups, and surely was taking better care of my hair and appearance then I had 2 major life changing episodes in 2007/2008.

So hair is my hobby and my moods dictate how I wear my hair. I for years wore a wig or braids, so I didn't have to deal with my hair. But I wanted results and decided it was time to get serious. So no more braid, weaves, or wigs for me for 6-months this will help me implement a solid regimen for my hair using the same products (no new stuff unless hair goes crazy), help me to not be obsessive.

The disorder had me buying up all types of stuff and ya'll no we love to shop.

Also I had hair mania always changing styles and this and then I BC'd, then texlaxed and relaxed. I had to scale my obsession down and stop buying stuff and jumping on bandwagons. So I have better control over that even though I stopped myself from entering 2 beauty supply stores yesterday. I really have everything I need except maybe 2 packs of rollers for now.

So I had to build a solid regimen and have some provisions for mood changes. Cause I know they will happen. Also I have to have a budget or it will become obsessive or out of control. It's was trial and error finding what worked for me but I'm done with it. I will stick to what I have until gone, or hair changes. That was the biggest hurdle in hair care for me.

Although I am so proud to have all of my supplies flat irons, rollers, hooded dryer, quality products etc. The madness is truly over for me.

When taking care of our hair it's like a project. You set a goal like Bra-strap length, set a regimen, stick to the regimen, take progress pics, come up with do's and dont's, post on the forum and keep a photo journal. That is a healthy hobby and self care so good for depression and bi-polar sufferers. I have been on the board for about 7+ years and I still can't imagine my hair to my waist my goal is armpit. So having a goal and making progress is motivating, exciting, fun, and takes consistency and determination. Can't wait to reach my goals.
I don't have bipolar disorder, but I have been diagnosed with OCD & Anxiety...Currently I take meds, but before I was prescribed them I would spend hundreds of dollars on whatever my obsession happend to be at that time, and since I was lurking this board it was hair care products (among other things). Also I would get really freaked out and angry if my hair/clothes/make-up was not perfect...I mean one hair out of place, a wrinkle in my pants...ugh, and I would not leave the house until it was perfect. There were other things too but those are really the only "obsessions" that pertain to this forum.

It's comforting to hear other peoples stories sometimes, thanks OP:yep:
I'm still educating myself about this as well. I was newly diagnosed this year. Another thing is when i'm in a mania i can talk forever about nothing and leave you intrigued and in a deep thought...about it....about nothing:lachen:

I do it all the time!!...sometimes its embarrassing bc i literally cannot shut up to save my life!:grin:

I just hate that Bipoler Disorder gets a bad rap for meaning that you must be some evil person if you're Bipolar or something....honestly we're not like that for the most least i'm not....if anything we're the most funniest and creative and whatever else.....ppl you could ever meet!!:laugh:....i tend to be somewhat absent minded at times....but oh well i make up for it later:grin:

The worse thing so far for me was going through that Depression when i first started getting treatment when i was put on Prozac....i'm laughin and smilin now but that ain't nothin to play with...and the Prozac made me even worse. I actually experienced some psychosis while depressed.

When I am manic people are attracted to my energy, openness, and bright spirit everybody want to talk to me. Which is not good some people now days are out to do you harm. I am so far from evil, sometimes I think of my episodes and say the Angels had to be camping around me, cause I should be dead. No really I should be dead but God keeps protecting me.

Definitely funny, and super creative despite having severe episodes those experiences were some of the most crazy fun times in my life. It was like I was a whole another persona a more cool, free, hip, and fun person for sure. I wish I could be supper happy like that everyday.

Bi-Polar is my gift it makes me. I wouldn't take it away cause God won't put more on me than I can bear. I can endure it.

It's kind of a shame that society doesn't accept us for who we are. Most geniuses, creative types with bi-polar did get recognized for their contribution to society until they died.

Now, I have had to learn how to control my manic phases. At this point in life I just want to nurture my soul to be free again. Write more, go places, take better care of myself and enjoy life, my husband and my daughter best I can. The worst thing ever is a person with bi-polar with no creative outlet. My creativity is non-existent these days but hair is a form of creativity. I can do it all braids, weaves, perms, roller sets curls etc. I am leaning more towards writing/marketing for the $$$

Another bi-polar symptom I started like 5 different businesses if that ain't manic. I'll choose one soon not now I am on a downward spiral. God will have to save me from myself cause career wise I don't have a clue.

When doing well, I am truly a free spirit a breath of fresh air. But, society in general is so cruel, miserable is normal to the docs. So as long as I am dull boring, not super excited about anything the say the meds are good.

I could easily live in solitude away from society just to be free and creative. For now I just hold on the the clouds cause freedom is coming. I believe in God's Kingdom where one day I will be perfect and won't have to suffer from sickness, death, or pain.

I hold on to my dream cause I know God ain't make no mistake on me. I'm truly wonderful! He has a plan for me.
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When I am manic people are attracted to my energy, openness, and bright spirit everybody want to talk to me. Which is not good some people now days are out to do you harm. I am so far from evil, sometimes I think of my episodes and say the Angels had to be camping around me, cause I should be dead. No really I should be dead but God keeps protecting me.

Definitely funny, and super creative despite having severe episodes those experiences were some of the most crazy fun times in my life. It was like I was a whole another persona a more cool, free, hip, and fun person for sure. I wish I could be supper happy like that everyday.

Bi-Polar is my gift it makes me. I wouldn't take it away cause God won't put more on me than I can bear. I can endure it.

It's kind of a shame that society doesn't accept us for who we are. Most geniuses, creative types with bi-polar did get recognized for their contribution to society until they died.

Now, I have had to learn how to control my manic phases. At this point in life I just want to nurture my soul to be free again. Write more, go places, take better care of myself and enjoy life, my husband and my daughter best I can. The worst thing ever is a person with bi-polar with no creative outlet. My creativity is non-existent these days but hair is a form of creativity. I can do it all braids, weaves, perms, roller sets curls etc. I am leaning more towards writing/marketing for the $$$

Another bi-polar symptom I started like 5 different businesses if that ain't manic. I'll choose one soon not now I am on a downward spiral. God will have to save me from myself cause career wise I don't have a clue.

When doing well, I am truly a free spirit a breath of fresh air. But, society in general is so cruel, miserable is normal to the docs. So as long as I am dull boring, not super excited about anything the say the meds are good.

I could easily live in solitude away from society just to be free and creative. For now I just hold on the the clouds cause freedom is coming. I believe in God's Kingdom where one day I will be perfect and won't have to suffer from sickness, death, or pain.

I hold on to my dream cause I know God ain't make no mistake on me. I'm truly wonderful! He has a plan for me.

Everything thing in bold agree with you 100%:yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:....i honestly understand where you are coming from and what you are talking about:yep::yep::yep:

I too believe in God's Kingdom....and sometimes when i do have a downward spiral i don't care if i make long as i helped somebody else get there...ya know?....I can be so hard on myself....but He keeps reminding me and showing me He hasn't left me.

Sometimes my life feels like a sci-fi action movie with drama...and comedy. But most ppl think i;m just dramatic the way i explain things....but thats JUST HOW IT ALL HAPPENS!!:yep:...and its so AWESOME!!! To see God's hand actually work right in front of you!....its amazing:yep:...nowadays they wanna call stuff like this delusional and psychtic....but there's a very thin line for me as to what is psychosis and what is really real...bc the Bible does not lie:nono:...whether you want to say it does or not....but we gettin off topic ya'l.....HAIR!!!!:grin:
I wish I could be supper happy like that everyday.

Bi-Polar is my gift it makes me. I wouldn't take it away cause God won't put more on me than I can bear. I can endure it.

It's kind of a shame that society doesn't accept us for who we are. Most geniuses, creative types with bi-polar did get recognized for their contribution to society until they died.
When doing well, I am truly a free spirit a breath of fresh air. But, society in general is so cruel, miserable is normal to the docs. So as long as I am dull boring, not super excited about anything the say the meds are good.

Totally agree with you. My mind has always been my gift and to be hitting a point in my life where I'm being forced to "fix" it really hurts me. I sooooooooOoo wish I could be the real happy, funny, creative, passionate, driven, amazing, sexy me that I know I am all the time. But ugh...those days when I'm pretty much the complete opposite suck. And no one understands it.

I don't have bipolar disorder, but I have been diagnosed with OCD & Anxiety...Currently I take meds, but before I was prescribed them I would spend hundreds of dollars on whatever my obsession happend to be at that time, and since I was lurking this board it was hair care products (among other things). Also I would get really freaked out and angry if my hair/clothes/make-up was not perfect...I mean one hair out of place, a wrinkle in my pants...ugh, and I would not leave the house until it was perfect. There were other things too but those are really the only "obsessions" that pertain to this forum.

It's comforting to hear other peoples stories sometimes, thanks OP:yep:

OMG, I feel you. I've always been pretty damn OCD, I'm afraid to say something to my doc cause I'm already mad at him with the bp thing. But one of my meds made me SUPER ocd, like I would pace and not know what to do because everything was just not perfect. I get panic attacks maybe once a year but they're never too bad...this year alone I've had of them I thought I was going to die in my sleep because my heart was literally pounding so slow and hard while I was on budeprion. Hated it, one should not have to live with that kind of fear. It sucks because I'm always the one in the group people expect to be all put together and brilliant all the far from the truth and this year my close friends have begun to realize how hard it is for me.

I've learned the importance of speaking out...I'm a listener and I carry other people's problems and worries gladly so they can smile so having to reverse roles is something I find difficult. But very rewarding. You'd be surprised how the last person in the world u thought would understand you becomes your lean-on person.

Oh and...I HATE WHEN I SPEAK A THOUSAND THOUGHTS/WORDS PER SECOND, it's like a race to free my mind and I try and stop but I can't. I'm not a big talker, I'm really big on observing so when my mouth won't stop I get so embarrassed and feel so silly. Lol
Cleaning the house, watching a good show, reading a good book,and taking a walk to take breather are extremely helpful to me. It keeps me from sitting in my funk.

The other night I was very upset and started twisting my hair. It tooks hours. I was just sitting on the bathroom counter. I did calm me, something about the steady rountine of applying grease, twist, smooth, section, and on made me calm.
^^Yes...its something about the repetitive motions you do while doing your hair that seems to be when i'm combing conditioner through my hair in the shower....its so soothing....something about the shower PERIOD just mesmerizies me...i can stay in there for hours if you let me:yep:
:blowkiss: To the ladies with this disorder, thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge. I had no clue and now you've enlightened me. I'll keep everyone in prayer & you know you have LHCF support. :bighug:Feel better babes!
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Thank you so much for this thread. This is not something that I have but two of my very close relatives do and hearing you ladies talk about your experiences has helped me so much more with my understanding. My one relative will go through phases where she just seems to not be taking care of herself; her room is a mess, her hair is not done, she'll walk around for half the day in night clothes.
Reading your responses has made me think a lot about my behavior in dealing with her in this. I have been trying to encourage her by telling her she needed to put herself on a schedule and to just be more productive. To be honest, sometimes it has frustrated me to see her living like this and I have silently accused her of laziness. I think that even though I have always known that it is an illness, I haven't really known how real it is until hearing other people talk about dealing with the same feelings.
So many people are scared to talk about these types of disorders and there is such a stigma attached that not only do the people dealing not know to get treated, the people around them also don't understand. Again, I am very grateful for your honesty.
I'm BP I! Classic, old-school type. I am diagnosed with a mixed of Cyclothemia for good measure, whoo-hoo.

Yep, I've experienced every little thing mentioned in that quote. Let's see the happiness, the thinking I'm the shizz feeling, the sex drive (flirting despite being married - yeah, that's a big thing), spending money (my major vice), and the crazy driving (let's see in the course of this summer, I've backed my car up into a war and damaged my muffler and I jump the curb in front of my house and drove it to the front of my door simply because I confused the brake with the gas pedal). Fun times!:rolleyes:

You know what's fun? Having a high sex drive with absolutely no boyfriend or social life. Good times. :lachen: My hair wasn't the only one suffering from tension.

And that was my TMI moment of the day.
I will be open..I hope some don't look at me e-funny...being someone who suffers major clinical depression and now learning about my learning disability hair for me is the last thing on my mind..heck I will be even more real I don't even want to bathe,eat,drink,dress,or move out of my bed.When I was working it was a true chore to get myself together since appearances are everything in this damn society..I'm a new mua and most days I don't wear makeup..but when I would get to down I would do a candle lit bubble bath and dc and it would help a bit..Im glad you started this OP hopefully some folks won't judge too much