Bipolar Disorder & Hair Care

You're so freakin sweet. :huggle:

I been off my meds since Feb, so it's been a scary year, plus I lost both my grandparents in death 5 weeks apart, then my mom moved to another state, plus other drama. It hurts in my chest to have to wake up every morning.

Im gonna go check out needymeds, thank you so much. And Im going to the Vitamin Shoppe on lunch to get some Rescue, I don't even have to google it lol. I never knew there was anything available that would help take the edge off (except crack rocks). I'll OD on those for the month of Sept to get me thru.

Wow....its been really crazy for you too this year huh?? I'm so sorry....i can truly relate to your pain:(
No problem with helping i learn as i help ppl so i don't mind....i hope the Rescue candy works for you...its supposed to come in a gum form too...let me know if you find the chewing gum:yep:....everything will get better. Hope you can hold out girl...i'm prayin for you:yep:
Okay so after Googling it...the Rescue Remedy chewing gum is only sold in the freakin UK:fistshake:...but the gummy candies can be found in vitamin shoppe (or as its labeled "pastilles")
Having a severe mixed episode...started yesterday and seems to be getting worse...tried to center myself by focusing on my hair but too manic right now to care...:(
I see there are others in this thread with depression and anxiety. Since we can't get a mental health forum perhaps I (or someone else) can start a RT thread for mental health in the Health forum? Like I would name it "RT: Mental Health" or if anyone else has any better ideas? I mean I see RT for students and for those 40 and over so perhaps we can make one for mental health?
i think that's a great idea. if you do one, please pm me so i know to sub since i usually dont venture in that section
My hair has been in the same spot since March BSL. It's healthier, which makes me happy, but the breakage is really depressing me. Since I upped my vitamins I upped my meds, but nothing seems to help. I just wanted to share my frustration. Especially since lots of you have fairly long hair and are also on meds. Do you think my hair is just terminal? :(

Are you drinking water like a fish? To flush out the chemicals we put in our body....i know i need to increase my water intake...again.....i'm starting to get breakouts and stuff:perplexed....i know its a matter of dehydration when i see pimples....i rarely get em.

But if you're noticing other stuff like that it could be your water intake.:hug3:
I find the meds i'm on just make me sleep. If i don't take them i DO NOT sleep and i went a whole month without them one time back in January or February for reasons out of my control....i didn't sleep for a whole month....i had just been diagnosed Bipolar and had been switched to my new meds...samples....and i ran out..and the doctor also ran i had no meds for a whole month thanx to Astra Zeneca taking millenniums to send me my pills:mad:....i just got a refill from them today...they have REALLY improved!:yep:....but that was a really hard was HORRIFYING!!! Im surprised i didnt end up in a hospital:shocked:

As long as i get my sleep and i'm eating i'm doing pretty good....its just the meds keep me from freaking out and shaking and crying uncontrollably and so forth...but this is another reason why i'm transitioning to natural....just too many chemicals everywhere!!:nono:

@SmilingElephant! Aaw! My heart and soul goes out to you, my Dear! I am welled up with tears right now reading your post! Which is the reason I am stricken with G.A.D (General Anxiety Disorder), as well as, Panic Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder! So I Definately feel your pain! But to answer the question, No, not much helps when I'm having a episode! Just God!
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All I do is sit and drink 100% juice products, tea, and water. I use the toilet at least every two hours because I'm drinking so much. Before anyone goes off about how it "has" to be water only, I can't drink water all day without actually being thirsty. It makes my stomach hurt.

Are you drinking water like a fish? To flush out the chemicals we put in our body....i know i need to increase my water intake...again.....i'm starting to get breakouts and stuff:perplexed....i know its a matter of dehydration when i see pimples....i rarely get em.

But if you're noticing other stuff like that it could be your water intake.:hug3:
Enyo....your hair could just be in a stall phase....give it a month or so and just see if you notice anything....i know when i was at BSL/MBL it took FOREVER to get over that hurdle....just keep caring for your hair the way you do and protect those ends and see how it goes from there.
@Enyo....your hair could just be in a stall phase....give it a month or so and just see if you notice anything....i know when i was at BSL/MBL it took FOREVER to get over that hurdle....just keep caring for your hair the way you do and protect those ends and see how it goes from there.

7 months is a LOT of "stall" though, Sis. If it was 3 or 4 months, I'd be cool. But 7? That's a really long time. And I know it's growing fast because my body hair is out of control! I think it's just breaking off a lot, so forget it. I'm going go back to doing styles again since this bun isn't doing jack squat for me.
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Enyo....yeah i would just get obsessive about keeping those ends hidden then.....and believe me...i do get REALLY obsessed sometimes.

BTW...i found this clip on Discover Health and for those of you who really arent aware of what Bipolar rage looks like this is it. This reminds me SO much of when i was a kid!! And what i'm like without my for those who don't believe meds work...this is proof...bc i'm less likely to be this way as long as i'm medicated:yep:...and that is a blessing.Bipolar Mysteries: Kelsey : Video : Discovery Health

Now BP is different for everyone but this little girl is basically my twin when it comes to my anger...even in the way she describes it!!
Enyo....yeah i would just get obsessive about keeping those ends hidden then.....and believe me...i do get REALLY obsessed sometimes.

BTW...i found this clip on Discover Health and for those of you who really arent aware of what Bipolar rage looks like this is it. This reminds me SO much of when i was a kid!! And what i'm like without my for those who don't believe meds work...this is proof...bc i'm less likely to be this way as long as i'm medicated:yep:...and that is a blessing.Bipolar Mysteries: Kelsey : Video : Discovery Health

Now BP is different for everyone but this little girl is basically my twin when it comes to my anger...even in the way she describes it!!

That's me for sure. When I get angry, I go to my room and tell my kids that I'm on timeout. They know to live me alone for a little bit until I calm down.
Okay...I'm in one of my depressed states and I'm thinking about chopping. Idk what triggered it, but the only thing keeping me from an early BC is thinking about my wedding in September. *sigh*
Okay...I'm in one of my depressed states and I'm thinking about chopping. Idk what triggered it, but the only thing keeping me from an early BC is thinking about my wedding in September. *sigh*

Please don't bc yet. Wait until after the wedding. It is never good to do anything drastic to your looks before a big day like that. You don't want to end up frustrated and upset because you can't achieve a certain look that you may invision for the big day. Weddings can be exciting and very stressful. Even the people around you start tripping! Hang in there, the big day will be here before you know it. Then, after things calm down and you still want to bc, chop away!
Because i've been in a negative mood lately trying to turn it back to positive but i just keep getting triggered and stressed out and i want to pull my hair out of my head!!....But i'm wanting to co-wash my hair to help me to not snap on ppl.

I think you should at least try it to see if it helps. If not, try something else you think might be calming. My mother is bipolar and has never sought treatment, ever! I can't begin to tell you what my family went through because of this. I really commend you trying to make youself better.

My mother really loves to read. When she would get down or manic, she would immerse herself in a good book to either lift her spirits or calm her down. I guess it depended on the subject matter.

Having suffered from major depression most of my life, I have to really pay attention to what works for me when I am in my moods and what doesn't. Exercise helps me alot. And, I am finding that since I am now on my hair journey for healthy hair, I am forced to be actively involved in caring for my hair regularly, not just laying on my hair for days on end til it gets notted beyond repair. It does make me feel better to spend the day detangling, washing deep conditioning and seeing the fruits of my labor when I am finished. :yep:
Thank you for this topic. Just yesterday I was feeling down and out and my family seemed to notice. Then they made some comment like, "You need to do something to your hair...whenever you don't have your wig on you look very unhappy." I laughed at first, but I kind of thought about it. Does having my hair fixed up put me in a better mood than when I do nothing to it? All of you guys are on to something. Thanks a lot to the op of this thread.
@lilpooky, I think looking good, whether it be great hair, a nice outfit, whatever elevates the mood. Besides, the compliments you get will be uplifting as well!