Casting Call for "MTV's True Life: The Big Chop"

I think the problem with the big chop being on True Life is that this show typically deals with those who have "problems" or live on the fringes of society. These episodes typically document someone getting over some kind of illness/quirk/hardship.

Why does natural hair/going natural have to be a problem or something we have to get over? IMO... This kind of behavior needs to be normalized, and shows and specials on them don't help achieve that. It's kind of ironic.

Maybe it's not that they think natural hair is something to get over; I think they just want to show individuals going against the grain of what is excepted amongst the majority of the black community. Not just excepting one form of beauty that's supposed to emcompass and represent an entire community. Letting go of what society deems acceptable and all that. I think they just want to show people going through the process of embracing themselves completely :D JMO
I will view this show as ENTERTAINMENT. I will not view this TV show as a way blacks, me, or anyone IRL would act, why? Because it's a TV show with writers and a network who wants to make money.

I will view this show lthe same way I do all sitcoms, soaps, and ENTERTAINMENT.

I'm sure the writers will have a character (her BF or mom) upset about her hair. She will be emotional at times. She will be frustrated. The same plots on The Young and The Restless with different people and over a different subject but all in all the same.
I'm skeptical because it's MTV. Take a look at The Real World or their other shows and you can count on one hand the number of black people who weren't ignorant. I don't have a lot of hope for True Life. And I'd be shocked if they don't make it seem like all black women who wear weaves or are relaxed do so in order to look white or be white or whatever nonsense they can come up with.
I'm not sure about this one. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt by watching it first.

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I think we may have our facts crossed...did some research, the episode is called "I Hate My Hair", and I suppose, based on snooping around the internet, they're also looking for women seeking to embrace their natural hair texture. The description on the MTV site had this:

Is your hair your obsession? Do you spend hours of your day and week to style and manage your hair? Are you digging yourself into a financial hole just to deal with your hair? Do you have unwanted hair, or not the "right" hair? Are you someone with a hormone imbalance that leads to hair loss, or facial hair growth?

How does your hair affect your social life? Does your hair make you feel unattractive and affect how you interact with members of the opposite sex? Do your friends and family think you are out of control with your hair obsession? Are you undergoing a procedure to alter your hair or do you go to great lengths to manage it?

If you appear to be between the ages of 15 -28 and have hair that's making you unhappy, email us at casting[USER=9670]Lin[/USER] and tell us about your story. Please include your name, location, phone number and recent photos of yourself.

So, I suppose you can go on the show if you're interested in discussingf your hair or decision to go natural.
I have watched True Life many of times and usually the "characters" are the most extreme of the chosen subject & contradicts their self through out the entire episode:rolleyes:

I dont truly care if there is an episode about BCing, i just hate when movies/shows do episodes or films about AA BECAUSE They usually pick the most extra & stereotypical black person out of the bunch.
And on top of that, that particular person usually clumps us together and says "We as black people.." "Us black women.." "Black people would never..". I will forever side-eye any docu's, special episodes, or movies about AA until they get it right and put us in a positive light.
I think we may have our facts crossed...did some research, the episode is called "I Hate My Hair", and I suppose, based on snooping around the internet, they're also looking for women seeking to embrace their natural hair texture. The description on the MTV site had this:

Is your hair your obsession? Do you spend hours of your day and week to style and manage your hair? Are you digging yourself into a financial hole just to deal with your hair? Do you have unwanted hair, or not the "right" hair? Are you someone with a hormone imbalance that leads to hair loss, or facial hair growth?

How does your hair affect your social life? Does your hair make you feel unattractive and affect how you interact with members of the opposite sex? Do your friends and family think you are out of control with your hair obsession? Are you undergoing a procedure to alter your hair or do you go to great lengths to manage it?

If you appear to be between the ages of 15 -28 and have hair that's making you unhappy, email us at casting[USER=9670]Lin[/USER] and tell us about your story. Please include your name, location, phone number and recent photos of yourself.

So, I suppose you can go on the show if you're interested in discussingf your hair or decision to go natural.

Right, like I said....
Ugh. I can already tell there will be misinformation like "black hair doesn't grow" or "you can't wash black hair often" ..etc. I expect to see someone trying to drag a comb through dry natural hair then whining about how hard natural hair is to manage and running back for the relaxer.
LOL @ people thinking True Life is a top notch docu-series. Try watching anything on Current TV... or add Vanguard to your podcasts. TL certainly does show some really ignorant people, at least one person is just the most ridiculous person ever to speak on a subject. The series focuses on non-issues most of the time and there might be 1 out of 5 episodes that are actually worth watching (usually medically related ones). There is definitely a lot of garbage on the show...the girl that was denying being Black comes to mind. She made up some BS story about being Costa Rican. It was just the strangest thing. They could've gotten the girl a mirror and called it a day.

Anyway, call me a skeptic. This show could be awful or it could be okay.
Do they make shows about im a bleached blonde & I cant stop bleaching my hair better yet im a brunette but why do blonde have more fun? Why are black women & our hair "the source of entertainment" now & days. Read up thread & see what they're really looking for. I wont be watching nor am I mad. Im just aware of the b.s.
My man just.said the will be I secretly envy black women so I get tans, lip injections, but implants etc.. so I can look ethnic. Lmao!!!

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I think the problem with the big chop being on True Life is that this show typically deals with those who have "problems" or live on the fringes of society. These episodes typically document someone getting over some kind of illness/quirk/hardship.

Why does natural hair/going natural have to be a problem or something we have to get over? IMO... This kind of behavior needs to be normalized, and shows and specials on them don't help achieve that. It's kind of ironic.

Actually that's untrue.

There's been several True Life's about:

Moving to NYC/LA to follow your dreams
Body acceptance
Being a plus sized model
Starting your own business
Mother/Daughter relationships
Living on your own for the first time
Coming out of the closet
Long distance relationships

etc etc etc.

The show isn't as simplistic as focusing on's about capturing moments in people's lives (sometimes even transformative moments) and creating a visual scrap book of people's journeys. Transitioning to being natural fits that to a tee!

If we're all gonna stand on a soapbox and say we don't want others spreading mis-information about hair...let's not then spread mis-information ourselves. If they funk this up we'll have plenty to ***** about then...but not everyone is Chris Rock. And history (the same history that ya'll are saying makes you skeptical) has also shown that this show tends to be objective - good or bad.

Yes there will always be a hot mess tryna get on tv. But that's a cultural norm now. So if you want to ensure great coverage....then APPLY.

Rather than just wait for the worst to happen we can actually do something about it. There are plenty of awesome applicants waiting to happen on this board :grin:
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Bluetopia I hear you but if the episode is really called "True Life: I Hate My Hair," as is stated above, then a tone of ridiculous rachetness is already being set...
LOL @ people thinking True Life is a top notch docu-series. Try watching anything on Current TV... or add Vanguard to your podcasts. TL certainly does show some really ignorant people, at least one person is just the most ridiculous person ever to speak on a subject. The series focuses on non-issues most of the time and there might be 1 out of 5 episodes that are actually worth watching (usually medically related ones). There is definitely a lot of garbage on the show...the girl that was denying being Black comes to mind. She made up some BS story about being Costa Rican. It was just the strangest thing. They could've gotten the girl a mirror and called it a day.

Anyway, call me a skeptic. This show could be awful or it could be okay.

I dunno who said it was a top notch docu-series (def wasn't me).

But what I did say is that it had integrity. As someone who does documentary work I can say with a certain level of confidence that integrity means showing something as it is. And it does it.

I saw the show you alluded to. Was it odd to see that black girl in denial about her race - of course. But I don't think a young woman struggling to come to terms with her identity is "garbage". It's a sad reality. And there were no fancy tricks used to amp up the story. They just put the camera on her and let her play out what she was going through.

The truth isn't always complimentary.
@Bluetopia I hear you but if the episode is really called "True Life: I Hate My Hair," as is stated above, then a tone of ridiculous rachetness is already being set...

Very True.

Which is why I think it could go either way and would love for us to stack the deck in our favor rather than just wait for the ratchet-train to pull into the station.

Let's not front fam. "Hating" your hair is a phase that many naturals have gone through while deprogramming all the self hate they were taught about what God gave them. In fact I've seen several threads on this board with similar titles.

But many go through that and come out on the other end.

Lots of women wont relate to "Oooh I just love my hair so much its the bestest" cause they've been taught (and believe) the opposite. But to see a woman with their same baggage learn to embrace her beauty....that would be awesome!

Which is why I keep telling folks to pack up the disdain and pull out their applications. :lachen:

I look 28 (even tho Im not) so if I hadnt BC'd in Sept I'd be all over this lol