Big Chops is it just a fad???

As far as the BC part is concerned, I planned on transitioning. My relaxed hair, however, had different plans. I washed that ish one day and it just fused together, literally. I had never experienced anything like it. So I BC'ed. My hair is growing back nicely. Not too keen on short hair but definitely loving being natural.
It may, or may not seem like a fad to some people....and how many? Well, that remains to be seen.

There are many women jumping on the natural bandwagon because there's some natural heads that they love. But then they do it and realize that THEIR hair will never look the way that those other people's hair does, then they go and relax their hair again. Those people may makeit look like a fad because they are doing it to get a "look", or a style.

Then there's the women who are serious about their natural hair for various reasons. Those women usually stay natural. And even if they relax again, they eventually gravitate back to their natural hair, because it has become a part of them. That is NOT a fad.

Even if some folks treat it as a fad, you have to respect the naturals that's serious about their natural hair. It's rude, and a "put down" to say to someone that their NATURAL hair is a FAD.:nono:
I think it seems like a fad because there are more outlets to see it. I think now that there are more places for us to see it it seems to be more in our face. In reality though women have been bc'ing for years on and off the boards.

And once a celebrity does it (Solange) forget all the people that have been doing it.
I don't know why so many of you guys entertained this foolishness. Smh.
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I think it's a growing trend because natural women are becoming more visible and accepted, and other women are starting to realize their natural hair can beautiful, no matter what hair type they are. I remember when it was only 'cool' to be natural if your hair was 3c or looser or people would think you'd lost your mind.
I'm convinced there are many people out there that hate the idea of countless black women going natural and appreciating their own hair texture.
I've noticed that a whole lot of ladies are doing the big chop to get rid of all of the chemical to go natural, but I'm curious to know if this is just a fad and at some point will they say "I'm ready to go back to relaxing, I've had enough"?

To each her own, I'm not knocking natural hair by any means but I don't like how I look when my roots get puffy and I have a decent grade it's just that going natural isn't for ME.

Just a thought...
What is a "decent grade"? What century are you in?

I wanted to go natural for years before I really did it, just because I wanted to learn how to work with what God had naturally given me. When I finally did it, I had a daughter and like another post said, I didn't want her to think her hair wasn't good enough, so I wanted to be an example for her. We sometimes wear our hair alike and everything. It is fun and I see no reason to return to a relaxer. As a matter of fact, since going natural I don't even like the way I look with straight hair anymore, so I feel confident in saying I will not return to a relaxer.

@ your post OP
I hope so...:look: I mean I'm sorry but I sorta liked when I was the unique one amongst the relaxed heads. Yeah that maybe unpopular opinion to think I don't want everybody and their mama BC'n and being natural. It's like anything worth value... it's not as valuable if everybody can obtain it. Reason why they artificially manipulate the diamond market...:look:

Didn't you JUST BC not too long ago?

You will be unique regardless because natural hair is versatile and everyone does not have the same texture and style at the same time. But I guess you would rather shine while everyone else conforms to society's standards and chemically alters the hair they were born with:rolleyes:
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How can wanting to wear the hair you were born with be a fad? Its just a choice, a method of transitioning to natural hair.
Fad is a bad word on this board for some Hair is all about fads.Not just BLACK hair.. but all hair. If BC is a fad then cool . Most of the ladies on this board who've BC'd wear it well.. and its great to take a break from the salons , relaxer, burns..etc. But women go thru cycles with their hair ..Hair is suppossed to be FUN not a burden or political statement
I've noticed that a whole lot of ladies are doing the big chop to get rid of all of the chemical to go natural, but I'm curious to know if this is just a fad and at some point will they say "I'm ready to go back to relaxing, I've had enough"?

To each her own, I'm not knocking natural hair by any means but I don't like how I look when my roots get puffy and I have a decent grade it's just that going natural isn't for ME.

Just a thought...

I know for me my transition/bigchop was a turning point in my life. Not only am I interested in seeing my natural texture but i'm also trying to tone up my body a bit. So I guess you could say I decided to "start over". It could be a fad FOR SOME but for me it was much deeper than that. I will NEVER relax again.:nono: Also if natural isnt for you why even post about it? Ive always thought of it being the other way around. My hair grows outta my head this way!! So keep relaxing your "grade a" hair I aint knocking what works best for you:rolleyes:
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I see you've been here since '04 but haven't had lots of activity so.... (but jeez, I've been here since Jan '10 and even I got more sense than you! :lol: )

Anyway. After reading your second paragraph, it seemed like you were mad/sad/(insert other bad emotion here) about all of these people gong natural. Like you want going natural to be a this right? :look:
People typing novels and stuff....OP don't care about all that :lachen:

I'm just trying to figure out how LaFemmeNaturelle read my brain like that *scratches head*
People typing novels and stuff....OP don't care about all that :lachen:

I'm just trying to figure out how LaFemmeNaturelle read my brain like that *scratches head*

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I been tryna tell my boyfriend for the past couple of weeks that I'm psychic! Nonie told me to get out of her brain earlier today! This proves my psychic capabilities! :lachen:
I found and joined the board because I wanted to learn how to transition. Nobody IRL that I know personally is natural and I don't see many naturals in my day to day. So for me it's not a fad. I got tired of salons and stylists. So I gave up on relaxers. I decided to grow my relaxer out and went looking for info on how to do it.
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It's not a fad, it's a movement.

I was also guilty of the good hair/bad hair theory.
I tried to transition 3 times and gave up 2 times because I was convinced that I had bad hair, in my case bad hair= thin, unmanagable frizz.
3rd time was the charm and I'm never going back.

I have several white friends who are also doing their own transistion, from years of blond-bleaching to discovering their natural color and their natural texture. While I smirked slightly the first time I heard one say that she wasn't sure because her natural hair color wasn't as beautiful as someone else I soon drew parallels to my own struggle.

Questioning your "natural" when you haven'd seen it in oodles is not strange. It's kind of nerve wracking at times.

In this time and age when a lot of people are questioning the chemicals around us, it makes perfect sense to question what we put on our scalps and bodies, as well of what we put inside our bodies.

So for whatever reason more and more are going back to our roots and I love it.
It's about 2 get uuuuugly in here.... that's my cue to dip. I have no input but just watching this "Great Debate":yep::rolleyes:
lawd, not tonight/this morning...

1) Wearing your hair the way it grows out of your head isn't a fad, burning your hair straight is

2) Women are realizing that relaxers are terrible for our hair (and self image) and are waking up and embracing what grows out of our scalps naturally, get over it

3) Using the term "good grade of hair" is evidence of the brainwashing, great job whitey
I agree with the poster who said it's more like a movement. And I'm happy that more and more women are recognizing that their value and worth isn't tied to how straight their hair is. I've finally accepted this and I am in the process of transitioning. However, I am realistic. I don't think that short hair fits my face (even when my hair is pulled back I look odd) so I'm doing a long-term transition. Fad or no fad, I could care less. I know that for me however, I am definitely never getting another relaxer again.
Not trying to sound rude but how is Bc/going natural a fad?
I mean its your "god given hair" or "natural hair you been born with". Every hair texture varies.
Just like if you spray the same perfume on 2 or more different people, the perfume will smell different on the different bodies. :yep:
