Big Chops is it just a fad???

Good grade?:rolleyes:

I guess I shouldn't expect any less on a Sunday....

Black women need to love their hair in its natural form and also be given the freedom to wear and change it however they may please.
Ya'll ravenous this morning huh.

Okay the OP said "grade" of hair and people are up in arms. Not the most careful choice of words, no, but let's keep in mind that she didn't ask being natural is a fad, but if doing big chops to get there is.

Much as she's being burned in effigy around here right now, she might be on to something. Here and IRL I've seen lots of ladies say "I've recently returned to relaxed after a year" or whenever amount of time. I've even heard people say "I went natural because I wanted to see what my hair looked like", and they relaxed soon after. For some, it's a trend, just like getting navel rings and sankofa tattoos lol. Having attended an HBCU, I can tell you that BC'ing can DEFINITELY be a fad, i.e. freshman year girls bc during the second semester b/c her roommate did it or whatever. By senior year they are relaxing or at least straightening again.

Anyway, in my observations, people seem to think that it's not that going natural is hard, but staying natural is. A lot of people go back to relaxed, or texturized, or bkt, or whatever. They went back to chemicals in the 80s, and most ppl are still relaxed now, even during this natural movement.

I think we should examine why so many here are so angry with this poster. I mean, even if it is a fad (which, let's face it, for some it is), isn't it great that so many ladies will or have become aquainted with their own natural beauty?

@Londar your gif is scary as heck girl!
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I'm surprised you would not only create this thread but say this:

but I don't like how I look when my roots get puffy and I have a decent grade

having been on this board since 2004. By all means, it's fine if you don't like how your hair looks when it gets puffy but the bold...:perplexed. What's a bad grade of hair? What's the grade of hair above yours? At which grade of hair should you really just not go natural, then?

I think it's unfortunate when much of the rise in BCs on this board are quickly dismissed as a fad (in the sense that's it's the hot thing right now) by some people. Thus, when newly natural women "get over" it or get bored they'll go back to relaxing as if that should be the default. This kind of thread has been brought up year after year since I've been here and I :perplexed at it every time.

I think the people who are just so dumbfounded about why women would choose to go natural because:

1) it's not for them (and so why would should it be for anyone else long-term?) and
2) by golly they just can't understand why anyone would want a whole head of natural hair because even their few inches new growth is just so unmanageable/puffy/[enter adjective here that makes natural hair unappealing to them]

should just realise that many women are BC'ing because they really do not want to relax again and will not relax again. And just maybe they like how their NG looks, whatever "grade" it happens to be. No buts about it. More often than not the women on this board who BC appear to be doing it for this reason and not just to switch up their look for a short while.

Feel free to take a look at some albums to see why natural hair is quite appealing to many of us newly naturals, long-time naturals and transitioners:

Plenty more happy naturals can be easily found on this board.
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I'm surprised you would not only create this thread but say this:

having been on this board since 2004. By all means, it's fine if you don't like how your hair looks when it gets puffy but the bold...:perplexed. What's a bad grade of hair? What's the grade of hair above yours? At which grade of hair should you really just not go natural, then?

I think it's unfortunate when much of the rise in BCs on this board are quickly dismissed as a fad (in the sense that's it's the hot thing right now) by some people. Thus, when newly natural women "get over" it or get bored they'll go back to relaxing as if that should be the default. This kind of thread has been brought up year after year since I've been here and I :perplexed at it every time.

I think the people who are just so dumbfounded about why women would choose to go natural because:

1) it's not for them (and so why would should it be for anyone else long-term?) and
2) by golly they just can't understand why anyone would want a whole head of natural hair because even their few inches new growth is just so unmanageable/puffy/[enter adjective here that makes natural hair unappealing to them]

should just realise that many women are BC'ing because they really do not want to relax again and will not relax again. And just maybe they like how their NG looks, whatever "grade" it happens to be. No buts about it. More often than not the women on this board who BC appear to be doing it for this reason and not just to switch up their look for a short while.

Feel free to take a look at some albums to see why natural hair is quite appealing to many of us newly naturals, long-time naturals and transitioners:

Plenty more happy naturals can be easily found on this board.
Thanks for posting these links! :spinning:
I don't know about anyone else, but I decided to transition before I came back to the board and before I noticed that others were transitioning. I only started noticing more natural heads after I made the decision to transition. Plus, I feel like God gave me the hair that I have for a reason and I owe it to myself to learn everything I can about it. But that's just me!:grin:

^^^Ditto...I decided to transition and BC before I came back to LHCF.. There was nothing wrong with my relaxed hair, and I knew exactly what to do with it. So why did I do it..Simple.. When I first started my hair journey it was either keep being relaxed and see how long u can grow or become natural...I decided to grow it out..but never put becoming a natural out of my head. I dont remember how my natural hair was as a child..and I always told myself once I reached a certain length..I would cut it off and become natural..and that's exactly what I did.. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they are doing. Not saying that It's not a fad for some..but u honestly dont know that persons how can u say it is?

Grade? You've been here since 2004?

*raises eyebrow* a decent grade, eh?

maybe getting a relaxer is a fad.

:lachen: :lachen...@these 2..Thanks you guys I needed that this morning...

Ya'll ravenous this morning huh.

Okay the OP said "grade" of hair and people are up in arms. Not the most careful choice of words, no, but let's keep in mind that she didn't ask being natural is a fad, but if doing big chops to get there is.

:lachen:@ this... why I find humor in this...Simple.. She did ask is BC'n a fad...but ummm when you BC are you not becoming a natural??? no?? I mean maybe I missed the point ...:lachen: If there were no BC threads and a bunch of transitioning threads, she probably woulda asked the same question. Point blank period she's asking is being natural a fad. ...gottah read between lines..
Testing out a hair texturizer (telaxing my hair) 4-5 yrs ago was definitely a FAD for me :rolleyes:

I hated it so much. I picked up the scissors and chopped my hair off and never went back to it, ever. In fact I'm so scarred by the incident, that is a memory I try to repress.

Oh, and let me just add. There's no such thing as 'good hair.' Hair is only good when it's healthy no matter the texture (grade) or length it is.
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3) Using the term "good grade of hair" is evidence of the brainwashing, great job whitey

:padlock: oh lord lol I wont be surprised if this thread is locked by this afternoon. Lol Ive been all up in it since last night :cantlook:
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:lachen:@ this... why I find humor in this...Simple.. She did ask is BC'n a fad...but ummm when you BC are you not becoming a natural??? no?? I mean maybe I missed the point ...:lachen: If there were no BC threads and a bunch of transitioning threads, she probably woulda asked the same question. Point blank period she's asking is being natural a fad. ...gottah read between lines..

Um, I did. Thanks.
She asked if BC'ing was a fad. And yes, you become natural by doing so (obviously:rolleyes:) But for some people, becoming natural via BC or transitioning, is a fad. That's why they chemical treat, sometimes right after bc'ing. Or are you just ignoring the "It's just not for me" or "I prefer straight styles" statements that people make around here *daily*.

I guess what I'm really saying is everybody doesn't understand being natural, so no need to hang them for it. If they're gonna come around to understanding being natural, they will in time. It's her journey, and she can take however long she needs. She may never do it. But again, how many stories are there of ladies going natural, suffering the stings of comments of people who don't get it, only to have them come around later?

But damn ya'll, before you became power fro, super empowered all knowing natural sistas, didn't ANYONE ever ask a stupid question about hair?
Naturals on the attack again....smh

Why can't we educate in love. Some people act like this is the first time they've heard someone refer to their hair as "nice grade". Let's face it, most of us, if not all, have heard this term all of our lives. It's a common fact that black women, for the most part, have been conformed to believing our textured hair is inferior. (Sad but true).

Just yesterday I ran into 2 highschool friends and by chance 1 of the ladies and I have chosen not to ever relax our hair again. She doesn't even go on hair boards. This is a choice she made based on her own experience with relaxers and revelation. The other lady commented that we were able to go natural because we have "good hair". Now, I did not bite her head off, because I understand exactly where she is coming from. I would be lieing if I pretended I didn't. Even though I don't agree, doesn't mean that I can't relate to her point of view. I thought exactly like that not to long ago. I certainly wasn't going to start preaching to her. I'll just set the example. Already 2 of my family members are following my journey and not once did I tell them what they needed to do or shouldn't do with their hair. I just shared what I did with my own (when asked).

We all know it's based on ignorance when people make these kind of statements. Isn't this forum suppose to be about educating and enlightening each other? Why can't we communicate our thoughts, opinions and knowledge with kindness and warmth?

Just because she's been on here since 2004 doesn't necessarily mean she knows all there is to know about hair. Why not simply share what you know about hair care and history of why we as a people, think and view ourselves, the way that we do.

Why do all threads like this have to get locked, because, they turn into battles and riots. I mean wouldn't it be great if we could all embrace the OP and educate her with a gentle voice and I'm sure she would hear more and so would others and maybe instead of threads getting locked, they would be filled with so much helpful information, that they get turned into stickys instead.

I hear what's being said, but I'm not the one being laughed at, scolded and shunned. When people know better they do better.

When your child ask questions, that are common knowledge to you, based on experience and wisdom, do you scold them or do you answer them with a kind and gentle voice?

To be honest, before I found this board I believed that certain textures were superior over others. I had to seek information, educate myself and then transform my mind. I'm totally in love with natural hair, mine and everyone else's too. I've gotten to the point that I can't believe I relaxed all those years. Like when you look back on a past relationship and can't believe you put up with someone's crap as long as you did. LOL

Okay so now I'm rambling....

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Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they are doing. Not saying that It's not a fad for some..but u honestly don't know that persons how can u say it is?


Um, I did. Thanks.
She asked if BC'ing was a fad. And yes, you become natural by doing so (obviously:rolleyes:) But for some people, becoming natural via BC or transitioning, is a fad. That's why they chemical treat, sometimes right after bc'ing. Or are you just ignoring the "It's just not for me" or "I prefer straight styles" statements that people make around here *daily*.

Umm No not ignoring them..but notice what I put...Not saying for some it is not..but you really can't say they DEFINITLY did it cause it's a fad... u don't know what that person is thinking.. what? cause someone bc's then get's their hair relaxed the next day..she did it cause of a fad?? ummm :look: for all u know she BC'ed for a reason other then to "fit in"..get's scared and goes right back to a relaxer. The person who said "it's not for me" maybe did it for a fad..or ..maybe she went back to relaxed for a different reason (wasn't working with her patience..couldn't find the right balance) and said "ya know's not for me".It's a whole gang of reasons the person could back to being relaxed. And because she does that it means she BC'd to fit in? Pardon me if that's not how u meant it, but it's like ur saying..oh if u bc and go back to being relaxed u did it cause it's a fad..

The point I'm trying to make is.. everyone has their own reasoning for doing things. Just because someone decides to BC and goes back to being relaxed doesn't mean they necessarily bc'd because it's a fad..for some that may be the case...but for others it's not. ..
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Wow, even before I scrolled down, I knew things would certainly get heated with that "hair grade" comment...:look:

Anyway, whether going natural is a fad or not, does it matter? I see it as nothing but good, for reasons already stated by others in this thread :grin:

Now for my :popcorn:
I'm convinced there are many people out there that hate the idea of countless black women going natural and appreciating their own hair texture.

^^^^^^ exactly
you know its not lk we're here experimenting with crack cocaine, we're here learning and sharing with eachother how to manage the hair God gave us.:lachen:

so what if going natural is a fad ?
Im sure there have been some things that we all may have decided to do (good or bad) smoking, giving up meat, alcohol, living in a big city whatever but upon trying it we decide its just not for me - ever or at this time - whatever the case may be.

there is no harm in even deciding to BC, then relaxing weeks or years after its all up to that induvidual and what they want for themselves.

for me I know that transitioning wud not be an option for me, only b/c of my personality, when I decided on something, I want it right away ... so I "transitioned" for 5 whole weeks lololol

also the fact is that many of us have no idea how to deal with our natural hair and the only thing we know of is how our moms used to do it .... and we all know that in most cases it was a battle at least I know for me every sunday I used to hide from my Mom when it was time to wash my hair :lachen:

the best thing to happen to natural hair was the internet :grin:
I forgot to mention that I also decided to go natural before I found this board or before I knew there were naturals making videos on youtube. I found these outlets because i was researching on how to go natural and how to take care of my hair.

Unfortunately many women...naturals included still feel other naturals have a better "grade" of hair then them. My cousin has been natural all her life and whenever I wash my hair and ask her to braid or twist it for me she makes a comment like "Man you have good hair" my aunt who is natural does the same thing. It doesn't make them feel they have to relax but they obviously have been brain washed into thinking that their texture isn't good enough. My cousin refuses to leave heat alone because she says she doesn't have hair like me.

When I was transitioning I assumed I had a 4c texture of hair and I was ecstatic about that. I just wanted to be natural regardless of what texture my hair was. And anyone who has been on this board longer then a month should know that referring to our hair type as a decent grade makes it seem as though there is a hair type that is not decent. And frankly... that bothers me. I came here to educate myself and I saw pictures of all these different hair types that made me realize that I could never relax my hair again because natural hair was so beautiful regardless of texture.

Lastly it shouldn't matter whether or not women are bc'ing because it is a fad to them. The fact that they at least wondered what their natural hair was like is a great thing and more should do the same.

And I cannot believe that a previous poster would actually say that they don't want women to go natural because they want to be unique is just crazy. I'm not natural because i want to be unique. I'm natural because this is how GOD made me and I am embracing that.
But damn ya'll, before you became power fro, super empowered all knowing natural sistas, didn't ANYONE ever ask a stupid question about hair?

I love that so many women here are natural, understand what they want from their hair and are doing what works for them. I just wish that everyone remembered to treat other people with as much care as they do their hair.

I can see where people may have issue's with the way that the op wrote her post. She was not "NC" enough (Naturally Correct for those without their morning coffee) to not be ripped to shreds (Woops I meant told what was what) by those in the know.

Seriously though for those who feel that you are on the top of "Women of Color Hair Mountain" remember we can't get to where you are with feet on our heads or boulders being tossed down on us.
Everyone is different and had their own reasons. Honestly, I'm sure there are people out there for whom BCing really is just a fad.

In the back of my mind, I always knew I would eventually go natural. Was just a matter of when the time was right.

I don't like really short hair on me, so I'm doing a long term transition. When I decided to stop relaxing my hair I wasn't even coming on the hair boards often nor was I really paying attention to people's natural hair IRL. It had absolutely nothing to do with what anyone else was doing. I just got fed up with scalp irritation, and thinning, dry, brittle, fragile hair.

As for the "grade of hair" comment. I hear people use this a lot in real life-family, friends, beauticians, etc. I cringe whenever I hear it. But really, most people just don't know any better, thats what we were taught. They don't mean any harm. I usually brush it off and try to explain to them in a non-harsh tone why they shouldn't phrase it that way and that healthy hair of any texture is "good". However, the OP has been on here a while so...I understand why folks are saying she should have "known better".
I think for some it's a fad...but not all. Some do it because it's trendy to some (bc of the Amber Rose's etc.)...others, like myself, I think it's just a life-changing journey.
Naturals on the attack again....smh

:look: :ohwell:

Why can't we communicate our thoughts, opinions and knowledge with kindness and warmth?

So is the above an example of you delivering your opinion with kindness and warmth? Came across as needlessly divisive to me. The bold text above is very distasteful and hypocritical.

If one has been on the board almost since it's inception like OP has (LHCF was started on this domain in 2003 or 2002, iirc) then you really should know better. She may not know all there is to know about hair but where it pertains to attitudes to hair texture she should know better. Even if she hasn't read certain threads or had it directly explained to her before, the fact there is so many diverse textures and plenty of naturals on this board should have been enough to keep those comments to herself. This thread was extremely ill-conceived. I could understand if OP was a newbie and a child but she isn't. There were ways to find out what she wanted (e.g - the reason behind the increased amount of naturals/if present naturals wanted to stay this way for life) without people winding up giving this thread the side-eye because she allowed her own negative personal feelings about natural hair to shine right on through.

Also just because some may have heard the term "hair grade" before IRL doesn't mean that it's a word they're cool with or don't find objectionable even in their off-line life. And just because you used to hold onto these ignorant views, doesn't mean others did too by the way. Regardless, I should think there have been enough neutral toned responses for her to be "enlightened".
I found the post about not wanting more women to go natural because the poster wants to feel unique of WAY more concern than the OP. My apologies if this sounds rude but that sounds like a personal problem...I love seeing women with natural hair and it makes me sad when I see little girls (and grown women) with relaxers with thinning hair and/or breakage. A lot of women do not know how to care for their relaxed hair (being on LHCF has proven to me that many women do as well, and that's awesome), so for someone to say that they don't want women to go natural because they have a need to feel "unique" or "special" is bollocks. What, are you afraid that someone's natural hair is going to be "prettier" than yours and they will get more attention and praise than you? Seriously....smh. That's just a mess.

And for the record - No, I am not against relaxers and I mainly became natural b/c I was tired of trying to make my hair bone straight when it CLEARLY had other plans - to me it's not really about loving myself or being how God made me...I didn't even know what my natural hair looked like so there is no way I could have hated it. For some women it is though, and that's cool. For some, going natural is about a hairstyle, and that's their thing. There are a number of reasons to go natural, but I'm not judging anyone's decision.
I found the post about not wanting more women to go natural because the poster wants to feel unique of WAY more concern than the OP. My apologies if this sounds rude but that sounds like a personal problem...I love seeing women with natural hair and it makes me sad when I see little girls (and grown women) with relaxers with thinning hair and/or breakage. A lot of women do not know how to care for their relaxed hair (being on LHCF has proven to me that many women do as well, and that's awesome), so for someone to say that they don't want women to go natural because they have a need to feel "unique" or "special" is bollocks. What, are you afraid that someone's natural hair is going to be "prettier" than yours and they will get more attention and praise than you? Seriously....smh. That's just a mess.

And for the record - No, I am not against relaxers and I mainly became natural b/c I was tired of trying to make my hair bone straight when it CLEARLY had other plans - to me it's not really about loving myself or being how God made me...I didn't even know what my natural hair looked like so there is no way I could have hated it. For some women it is though, and that's cool. For some, going natural is about a hairstyle, and that's their thing. There are a number of reasons to go natural, but I'm not judging anyone's decision.

Right right right! I didn't start shaking my head UNTIL I saw that post! I can totally see where the OP is coming from and I feel kind of bad for her. I guess I started reading posts from people as though they were coming from my mom (since alot of ya'll are around my mother's age) and I'm like well mom just MIGHT slip up and say the wrong thing so I'm not gonna tear her to shreds. So she said decent grade? It may have been a mistake. I heard my mom call her hair nappy the other day for the first time. The same mother that told me to NEVER say the word nappy (or liar or fool or any other "bad word) and taught me that our natural hair is beautiful. She wouldn't even allow me to get a relaxer until senior year. It was so shocking but I knew she slipped up and said the word while I was trying to talk her into transitioning. But I digress! Granted, OP should have known better since she's been here so long, I guess this was more of a rant gone bad that should have been a blog and not here in a forum. I feel like since it's a thread, she was just asking for an attack but maybe she was in a rush and wanted to get it up really quickly. Especially since she logged off 10 minutes later and didn't participate in the thread.

But that comment up there was just RIDICULOUS and I :nono: so long my bf thought somethin bad was happening!

But whatev... carry on ladies!
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Right right right! I didn't start shaking my head UNTIL I saw that post! I can totally see where the OP is coming from and I feel kind of bad for her. I guess I started reading posts from people as though they were coming from my mom (since alot of ya'll are around my mother's age) and I'm like well mom just MIGHT slip up and say the wrong thing so I'm not gonna tear her to shreds. So she said decent grade? It may have been a mistake. I heard my mom call her hair nappy the other day for the first time. The same mother that told me to NEVER say the word nappy (or liar or fool or any other "bad word) and taught me that our natural hair is beautiful. She wouldn't even allow me to get a relaxer until senior year. It was so shocking but I knew she slipped up and said the word while I was trying to talk her into transitioning. But I digress! Granted, OP should have known better since she's been here so long, I guess this was more of a rant gone bad that should have been a blog and not here in a forum. I feel like since it's a thread, she was just asking for an attack but maybe she was in a rush and wanted to get it up really quickly. Especially since she logged off an hour later and didn't participate in the thread.

But that comment up there was just RIDICULOUS and I :nono: so long my bf thought somethin bad was happening!

But whatev... carry on ladies!

well damn! :lachen:
I'm not trying to be offensive lol Sorry if it sounded that way. It's just that I would rather respond to someone in that age group with much greater respect and less sarcasm. Same as I would in person....
I went natural before it was the cool thing to do.

To me, BC=haircut so I don't see how a haircut is a fad.
SMH at some of the comments on this board
i guess this is not really an open hair forum
people are too quick to assume before understanding what was said as long as it has to do with being natural
SMH at some of the comments on this board
i guess this is not really an open hair forum
people are too quick to assume before understanding what was said as long as it has to do with being natural

I disagree wholeheartedly. This is an open hair forum. But, with that being said, ignorance will be challenged and thwarted. If one approaches the board with it, one should expect :wallbash:. A good checking of one's ignorance allows one to elevate.

There's assumption and there's thinly-veiled rudeness/put downs/etc. There are posters who do support each other, no matter natural or relaxed, and those that are intimidated by the self-choices made by others.
Right right right! I didn't start shaking my head UNTIL I saw that post! I can totally see where the OP is coming from and I feel kind of bad for her. I guess I started reading posts from people as though they were coming from my mom (since alot of ya'll are around my mother's age) and I'm like well mom just MIGHT slip up and say the wrong thing so I'm not gonna tear her to shreds. So she said decent grade? It may have been a mistake. I heard my mom call her hair nappy the other day for the first time. The same mother that told me to NEVER say the word nappy (or liar or fool or any other "bad word) and taught me that our natural hair is beautiful. She wouldn't even allow me to get a relaxer until senior year. It was so shocking but I knew she slipped up and said the word while I was trying to talk her into transitioning. But I digress! Granted, OP should have known better since she's been here so long, I guess this was more of a rant gone bad that should have been a blog and not here in a forum. I feel like since it's a thread, she was just asking for an attack but maybe she was in a rush and wanted to get it up really quickly. Especially since she logged off 10 minutes later and didn't participate in the thread.

But that comment up there was just RIDICULOUS and I :nono: so long my bf thought somethin bad was happening!

But whatev... carry on ladies!

Based on your avatar it's hard to gauge your age, but the bold was so unnecessary!
Based on your avatar it's hard to gauge your age, but the bold was so unnecessary!

I'm sorry if you took offense to it but why was it unnecessary? I am 20 and there are multiple women on here in their 40s. I go on hairlista and many of them are around my age or younger. Therefore, I will respond to their posts any way I would respond to my friends. I was taught to respect adults and although I am an adult now, I still will not make snide remarks to someone who is old enough to be my mother or aunt. I honestly don't see how anyone could take offense to the comment, but like I said, I apologize.