Big Chop (BC) done June 2009


New Member
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to start a group for those of us who did the big chop in June 2009. Please list the date you did the big chip and updated photos every month, quarterly, or yearly. Let's give each other motivation, tips and ideas to keep our growing.
I did the BC on June 25. I havent been doing anything different from when i was transitioning. I wet my hair or co-wash and pull it into a puff.
Hi Everyone,
Here are my 1 month photos after BC. I am so excited, less bald spots or spaces between hair.

I chopped June 22!!! I will upload a pic tomorrow when I get home from work. I am currently twisting my hair for the wk and wearing TO if I have some where to go. Not to keen on wash and goes but dont mind wearing my hair like that for a day or two if I dont have time to twist.
I chopped June 27 2009 and the pic in my siggy is two days after the chop that is the most accurate one cause the ones I still hjad straight ends in the ones I took in the wee hrs of 27 June. I wear my hair like in my siggy I co wash almost everyday and go i havent even attempted to do other styles yet
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Has anyone found a regimen that works for them yet???

Not yet, I really want to KISS but I find myself trying everything on my hair in this month of my TWA ive done sooooo much :look: This is what Im doing currently I love co washing everyday but im not sure if that is the best cause my hair is prone to tangles so maybe i should do less manipulation but my hair is very soft and moisturised, I leave a bit of the conditioner in and I seal with shea butter evoo and coconut oil mix. I do a vinegar rinse as bout once a week because I live in a hard water area. I have lots of baby hair on the front with kinda annoys me cause it makes my hairline look a lil strange :sad: but i slick those down with aloevera gel mixed with a drop of evoo it really works. I DC once every week as well Im not sure what I should do about poo though
I should've posted in this thread, first, before the other, eep!

I BCed June 28th after transitioning for three months (yes, three).

I'm relying on my Cap n Go Method, as I did the first time I BCed.
I BC on June 5, 2009! My regi is cowashing daily, MT and aloe vera juice nightly, DC weekly, Alter Ego drops (the green bottle), and taking supplements. However, I just go with the flow!
Good Afternoon Everyone.
I did the BC on June 25th, but then went to the barber on July 1st because my hair was so uneven.
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Everyone is looking so good with the BC!!!!! We are all on the right track..

I too am doing the shea butter, EVOO, and coconut oil mix... I am co washing every other day since I'm using MT to fill in some thin areas.

I measured my hair and for the most part the top and sides are 2 inches and the back is 1 inch. I am not sure of my hair growth rate. I think measuring while its shorter will help me keep track of the rate it grows.
Good Morning Everyone,
I have learned that the sides and lower back grow slow, but the top of my hair grows fast; pretty weird. I co-wash everyday and use Curly Butter and this Curl Moisturizer and just brush it back, so easy. How is everyone else doing?
So far so good...I havent but one day thought to myself what did I do??? Most of the time my hair is in twist and I wear a twist out if I am going out or!! I like my little twist and jazzin them up with some accessories. I feel like I am getting some growth and I just started juicing again so hopefully that will speed up the growth. If not Im loving my new do and the freedom of worrying about my hair everyday.
O.k girls, I went to the barber yesterday and got lined up again, thus you can't see my growth. I REALLY should have taken a pic before, but couldn't stand the mohawk I was growing. My hair grows fast on the top and slow everywhere else, go figure. Do you go to the barber to get lined up or just let it grow and work with it. I am gonna try to just relax from now on, but hate uneven hair.
Okay ladies, please start posting your updated photos from June... I'll post mines on the 30th.. I'm excited to see the growth I really haven't combed it out to see how long but I keep playing with my curls and stretching them out.

O.k girls, I went to the barber yesterday and got lined up again, thus you can't see my growth. I REALLY should have taken a pic before, but couldn't stand the mohawk I was growing. My hair grows fast on the top and slow everywhere else, go figure. Do you go to the barber to get lined up or just let it grow and work with it. I am gonna try to just relax from now on, but hate uneven hair.

I can see the difference and both look nice. How did he or she do the sides? I am always trying to determine how I want them done. I also like a nice smooth eye arch to accent the hair.
Yea I just took some pics of my puff today and my hair has grown. Plus I blow dried my hair and I will post those pics up soon. I am so tired from working but sometime this weekend I should be able to post my pics.

I mostly co wash ALOT. I put a lil bit of condish in my hair and seal with oil and most times I KCCC but I have been using Ecostyler for two days now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hair. Now if only I can get that hairline to cooperate. I started moisturizing it and it seems to be growing back but I just need it to thicken up a lil bit more.
I BCed on May 27th. I just cowash everyday to every other day & DC 2-3 times a week when natural, MN Mix, lots of vits and water, and I wear braids just to keep my hands (and eyes) off my hair (wash once a week, leave-in, braid spray, and MN Mix).
Yea I just took some pics of my puff today and my hair has grown. Plus I blow dried my hair and I will post those pics up soon. I am so tired from working but sometime this weekend I should be able to post my pics.

I mostly co wash ALOT. I put a lil bit of condish in my hair and seal with oil and most times I KCCC but I have been using Ecostyler for two days now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hair. Now if only I can get that hairline to cooperate. I started moisturizing it and it seems to be growing back but I just need it to thicken up a lil bit more.

Mane and Tail (MT) will get them thick in no time... My hair is very thick and it's growing.

I am dcing as we speak. I am going to sleep on it and wash it in the morning. I am cowashing about every 3 days depending on my workout.

I BCed on May 27th. I just cowash everyday to every other day & DC 2-3 times a week when natural, MN Mix, lots of vits and water, and I wear braids just to keep my hands (and eyes) off my hair (wash once a week, leave-in, braid spray, and MN Mix).

I can't braid my hair now but by October I should be able to grab on to something and do some small ones at the top.
I am uploading my pics to photobucket now. Do you mean megatek? I have a small amount left that I have been holding on to since I left MD cause of fear I wouldn't find any here. Forgot I am in the south and plenty of people own horses and found some. Can't wait to pick some up. Anyways I will be back with pics.

I DC'd my hair the other day with MT and Yes to Carrots.
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Well they finished that fast. Here is my hair the other day while I was sitting outside waiting to go to work.











That's my hair 2 months natural and 10 months relaxer free. I am always pic heavy so let me find my BC pics for a comparison