~~~Big chop - 27.5 inches GONE!!! PICS!!!~~~

I don't know I think I would have let it grow out and just did little cuts to get rid of the thin hair but you were brave!!!

I stopped relaxing for health reasons, i was tired of my scalp being sore and my hair constantly breaking...i wanted to go natural before my scalp was so damaged my hair would no longer grow.
:congrats: on your decision to big chop! Enjoy growing out your natural hair!

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Finally, all natural after transitioning for 20 weeks!
My story:
I had my first relaxer at age 7 after my momma couldn’t find anymore beauticians willing to press my hair. They said it was too thick and unmanageable (really they said nappy :ohwell:). My hair stayed thick up until about 6 years ago when it started breaking and thinning. Around the same time my scalp started to be sore constantly, so I went to a dermatologist. After he got over the shock that I had been putting lye on my head for 20+ years (every 5 weeks) he told me my days of relaxing were over. He said “you’re chewing up your skin with a harsh chemical and you’re asking me why your scalp is sore.” Well, I wasn’t trying to hear it, I was of the mentality of ‘relaxed til I die!’
So, I joined LHCF in 2007 and lurked until I finally got serious in 2009 (1st pic). I retained 7” the first year, but it was so thin looking because of the constant breakage (2nd pic). I self-trimmed 2.5” last July (3rd pic) but it still kept thinning. I let my stylist trim about 7” in October, up to the thickest part (4th pic). Three days before my Feb relaxer appt. I decided to transition. It had been in the back of my mind all these years, I just always assumed my hair was uncombable :lachen:(yeah, I made that up) without some type of chemical intervention. I had been talking to some ladies at my job that are natural and one of them said “grow it out and see what your texture is, if you don’t like it you can always relax again.”
So, my last relaxer was Dec 18th. In April I got another 8” cut to minimize the tangling between the 2 textures (5th pic). Last week, I was ready and went to get my BC (6th and 7th pic), another 10” gone(8th pic). She cut me down to 2” all around, I am so pleased with it. And with the hell-hotness of Texas, I’m gonna enjoy it until it grows out :grin:
Now the pics

Excuse me while I pass out :thud:!
What an awesome journey! Congrats OP on your BC...although I did have to quickly wobble to a chair and clutch my pearls at a loss of 27 inches! But it seems it was worth it coz you're happy and your scalp will do better. Enjoy your new journey!
I am so happy for you. I did the same back in 2006 and people thought I was crazy but the growth after the BC was incredible. It grew much quicker. Summer time is the best time to cut it too. Good Luck on your journey.