Beyond 6.5 years Natural update


Well-Known Member
Beyond 6.5 years Natural (more pics added)

Hey ladies I have some updates in my album...

I will also have a major hair change coming 05/16/2010...




**************************copy from page 91*****************

I just want to say thank you to all of those who waited.... especially those who waited both patiently and impatiently....

ehem anyhow I relaxed and cut my hair in this cute little doo :clap:


Actually no thats me in an old wig......:rofl:


I really did this instead...:giggle: colored AND sisterloced, total time install almost 17 hours





album open*
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Very pretty! What's your major change going to be? I know a long time natural did a big chop again. She said she wanted short hair again.
Nice!! I wanna know that the change is going to be too! This might turn into a 'guess what Netta1's big change is going to be thread' lol. I'm guessing ... locs??
Looking good, Netta! Your big change better not involve scissors or you could get hurt. :bat:
Looks great! Now, spill the beans! What are you doing next?
I'm thinking you may get locs. I think you should start a poll.
Very pretty! What's your major change going to be? I know a long time natural did a big chop again. She said she wanted short hair again.

BC again hmmm it could be, could be not....:drunk:

Nice!! I wanna know that the change is going to be too! This might turn into a 'guess what Netta1's big change is going to be thread' lol. I'm guessing ... locs??

locs? Locs are beautiful...maybe, maybe not :scratchch

Looking good, Netta! Your big change better not involve scissors or you could get hurt. :bat: know i aint skurred :lol:...but we will see...

Don't leave us in such suspense!! Pretty hair Netta.

love ur hair!

Thanks, I have to keep you on edge....:sekret: at least until 05/16/2010.

Very nice! You remind me of a natural Jada Pinkett Smith...

Thanks girl :kiss:

Looking good, I love your style. :yep:


Looks great! Now, spill the beans! What are you doing next?
I'm thinking you may get locs. I think you should start a poll.

Spill the beans!! I wana know!!!

I should start a poll...hmm thats a good idea....

On 05/16/2010 the change will be here :lol: The only thing I can tell you is that I am excited about it :yep:
Netta, this is not even funny. I came to this post so nervous like you're talking about doing something crazy to my hair. I forgot when this mischief was going to take place so I thought it had already happened. Then I see your silly "cliffhanger" post and felt like my knees were about to buckle. You're not being fair, you tease! Please stay away till it's time to reveal. My heart can't take this.
Netta, this is not even funny. I came to this post so nervous like you're talking about doing something crazy to my hair. I forgot when this mischief was going to take place so I thought it had already happened. Then I see your silly "cliffhanger" post and felt like my knees were about to buckle. You're not being fair, you tease! Please stay away till it's time to reveal. My heart can't take this.

I have to do a count down its only right.... :flyingwit [insert evil witch laugh here] :lol:

I think she's gonna Sister-lock it:yep::grin: Or lock it, period.

I think her only locked album gives a clue.

Maybe, or it could be a simple throw get ya going :spinning:

hmmm....I wonder :wiggle:..... 6 more days and all will know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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^^ Carrie, you better show her a chart of what you mean. She's giving me ulcers with her silly game. And thinking she might turn her hair orange or crimson red is making me ill.

Can you just see her coming back and saying that what she decided to do to her hair is...


...nothing. :lol:
3 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:doingdishes:<-------me waiting on "the change"
Probably getting sisterlocks or locs like her hubby:grinwink:

I guess the loose hair natural thing was a no-go?:look:

oh well, best of luck on the new journey ;)