Beware... Tis Cuffing Season...

I damb near fell out when I first saw this. But now that I think about it? I first got with my husband during cuffin season. LMAO.

Let me clarify the Charlie/Charlene part of the calendar up though. On twitter, we had a discussion in which it was stated that every woman has an old boyfriend or guy friend by the name of Charles, and charlene for men. Here's a clarification from toysoldiers about Charles and Charlene

"Like any other time where relationships and courting of young beautiful ladies is involved, you know that the man Charles is going to be hanging around trying to **** up everything you got going for you. So you found you a young lady that you see as a perfect match for your cuffing season relationship, you think everything is going smooth when out of no where Charles shows up ready to ruin everything that you had going for you. Charles maybe her ex boyfriend or just some random dude from work, he heard you are in the picture and he wanted to make sure no one takes his old girl.

No one said that cuffing season was gonna be easy, if you are going into this you gotta make sure you are committed and ready to face competition from other potential suitors, including Charles. Just remember that Charles dont care about you, all he cares about is stealing your unicorn. You can’t be afraid of Charles, but you gotta be ready for a battle. Cuffing season is very stressful breh, no one said it was gonna be easy. Make sure you know what you are doing, you don’t wanna end up with a dud and be regretting a few months of cuddling and netflix dates. But you also don’t wanna end up alone either. Either way you just gotta stay calm.”
I just learned the term "cuffing season" last year and me and SO started going out in January. I was like "You're too late. You're doing it wrong :look:" He was like huh?

:rofl: at the calendar

LOL @ "Seal the Deal." I'm with Carlita: where is the women's one? :look:
In my part of town-end of august,bruhthers getting out of jail..Need a place for a while,
So, according to the literature:lol: women need to embrace cuffing. How to prepare? Do body scrubs, and other cuffing-welcoming things like that:rolleyes::lol:

And from what I gather... you don't know you've been cuffed until it's March (or is it December?) and Mr. Cuffington disappears:lol::rolleyes: Jerks.
So, according to the literature:lol: women need to embrace cuffing. How to prepare? Do body scrubs, and other cuffing-welcoming things like that:rolleyes::lol:

And from what I gather... you don't know you've been cuffed until it's March (or is it December?) and Mr. Cuffington disappears:lol::rolleyes: Jerks.

LOL, and this is why I don't bother responding to text messages and never feel guilty :lol:. Men do whatever they want, oh well.
So, according to the literature:lol: women need to embrace cuffing. How to prepare? Do body scrubs, and other cuffing-welcoming things like that:rolleyes::lol:

This is why I go on a hiatus from shaving my legs in the winter. :look: It's a self control tool so I don't get caught slippin.
So, according to the literature:lol: women need to embrace cuffing. How to prepare? Do body scrubs, and other cuffing-welcoming things like that:rolleyes::lol:

And from what I gather... you don't know you've been cuffed until it's March (or is it December?) and Mr. Cuffington disappears:lol::rolleyes: Jerks.


Like we weren't doing it during the summer aka hoe season :rolleyes: :lol::lol:
Yup. they got a calendar for cuffin season and errythang

Sorry I dont know how to make it smaller


Is this for real? They actually have a calendar?

Oh.... no way. :nono: :lol::lol::lol:
So, according to the literature:lol: women need to embrace cuffing. How to prepare? Do body scrubs, and other cuffing-welcoming things like that:rolleyes::lol:

And from what I gather... you don't know you've been cuffed until it's March (or is it December?) and Mr. Cuffington disappears:lol::rolleyes: Jerks.

I need to write a book entitled: "Mrs. Cuffington" ... Reversing the Cuff Season to Your Advantage.

Present him with a calendar of your addenda and expectations

* Date Nights and Restaurants
* List your favorite colors, fragrances (not the knock-offs), clothing, etc.
* On the calendar have your birthday circled (if necessary have a 2nd birthday celebration for the one he missed)
* Have your spa dates, mani/pedi, and hair salon appts. on the calendar with the amount of money you need.
* Include dance classes and workshops.
* List house chores which are needed and the dates selected to have them done.
* Make sure he knows you don't give 'free rides'; there's no sex without marriage. :rolleyes:

I'm sure you can think of more to add... :lol:

I'd advise any woman to get as much from him as possible. You're not a rug for him to wipe his feet upon, leaving you to clean up behind him. :nono:
Ladies, over-emphasize it on your calendars in red sharpie — “Cuffin’ Season” is officially within our midst. Prepare yourselves, October 24, 2011, marks the day the most aggressive lust games officially begin:

And where are all these contenders — bachelors with their hearts suddenly (and questionably) stapled to their sleeves — charging toward you ask? If their cuff time-management was tracked properly, they’re darting straight toward your soft spots (first the one up top, soon to be followed by the one down low).

To ensure that you have the most enjoyable experience throughout this season’s festivities, we advise that you enter equipped with a clear understanding of gaming procedures and an emotional safe-guard against the romantic shenanigans that are well on their way to your love life.

Ready? Let’s begin with the basics.

Getting Hip to the Lingo:

Cuffin’ Season is an annual period of time when guys flying solo come down from the whimsicality of summertime flinging and sober up to the solitary confinement of a winter single. In order to protect their libidos from frostbite, guys begin to do what their species often refer to as, “cuff,” a classic spin move where August bachelors court Autumn bachelorettes in hopes of securing a “cuddle buddy.” :rolleyes:

Smoothly Transitioning into Pre-Season Cuffing:

Often initiated at the summer’s end, this was the ulterior motive behind that sporadic invitation to his Labor Day BBQ. Which is all good, because we over at WWMD are sometimes active participants in cuffing (it makes for great winter fun and girl-talk).

However, if you were one of the many women that caught themselves wondering about the root of his reemergence, lone behold you’ve been a victim of pre-season cuffing. :look:

So, if you noticed that throughout September dude’s been on his slow creep to relevancy: :lol: However, know that the mass courting texts are alive and well.

The Thirst Week Rush:

This is that aggressive period of time we tried to warn you about earlier. The reason why your sharpie’s bloodless…. The final weeks of October, better known as “Drake’s Weep Week” or “Marvin’s Week”, where all of the sweet nothings whispered by Drizzy on his emo hit “Marvin’s Room”, suddenly become the new tone solitary men begin to greet you with:lol:. Said solitary man may express missing you. He may even pull the, “Hey Stranger” card to guilt you into missing him. Whatever ploy he chooses to activate, we urge you to play it cool. The thirst is at its all time high and the actions he is about to execute may make or break the deal for him:lol:. Watch him carefully. We recommend regarding all of his flattery as more so entertainment than sincerity.

November To March:
Enjoy the cuff while it lasts.:look:

Breaking off the Cuff:

Alas all good things must come to an end. The best approach to take when breaking off your cuff is a gradual fadeout:yep:. After all he was your lover for a few months, so your break-up should be soft, subtle, respectable and leave enough room for possible revisiting rights.

We suggest a professional disclaimer that you mention during the opening weeks: “Sorry been so busy lately, just letting you know things are getting crazy at work.” By the time the heart of “Breaking Cuff Season” rolls around you’ve already created the perfect leg to stand with and skip out. Will he know what you just accomplished? In retrospect of course he will, but does it matter? Absolutely not.:lol: Again, cuffin’ is a season of games, love games to be clear, and if any man can’t recognize your great sportswoman-ship, make sure that’s the last time you cuff him. Ever.

On a final note, do have fun this upcoming cuffin’ season. When observed properly (not hawked up on continued expectation nor the disappointment of unrequited love) cuffin’ is a wonderfully joyous occasion worthy of observation. Enjoy the holiday!
Ladies Enjoy!!!:lol:

It's real out here in these streets!! Stay on Guard!!!:lachen:
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Yeah... I ignore those text messages too. "you who??" pleeeease! I will not be partaking in these shenanigans, no sir.
What I AM afraid of, is the brand-new Mr. Cuffington, not the oldie who's trying to come back for my goodies:lol: How do I spot the new Mr. Cuffington so I can avoid him at ALL COSTS.
Oh, these games!!!:lol:
Yeah... I ignore those text messages too. "you who??" pleeeease! I will not be partaking in these shenanigans, no sir.
What I AM afraid of, is the brand-new Mr. Cuffington, not the oldie who's trying to come back for my goodies:lol: How do I spot the new Mr. Cuffington so I can avoid him at ALL COSTS.
Oh, these games!!!:lol:

Those are the worst! They always seem like excellent relationship candidates!!!!!
I have to update the thread because I received a text from someone I haven't talked to in 5 months TODAY :look: Coincidence, I think not :lachen:

Ya'll are on it!
I feel for this scam by one of my exs. Broke up right wore my summer bday, back together in September, broke up again right before Christmas. Back together after new years, I finally kicked him to the curb in march. Cuffing is real.
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Shimmie said:
I need to write a book entitled: "Mrs. Cuffington" ... Reversing the Cuff Season to Your Advantage.

Present him with a calendar of your addenda and expectations

* Date Nights and Restaurants
* List your favorite colors, fragrances (not the knock-offs), clothing, etc.
* On the calendar have your birthday circled (if necessary have a 2nd birthday celebration for the one he missed)
* Have your spa dates, mani/pedi, and hair salon appts. on the calendar with the amount of money you need.
* Include dance classes and workshops.
* List house chores which are needed and the dates selected to have them done.
* Make sure he knows you don't give 'free rides'; there's no sex without marriage. :rolleyes:

I'm sure you can think of more to add... :lol:

I'd advise any woman to get as much from him as possible. You're not a rug for him to wipe his feet upon, leaving you to clean up behind him. :nono:

You are speaking my language :reddancer:
So I got a call today from a dude I haven't talked to in about 5 months.

'Hey stranger... I see you still not answering my calls, but I figured I'd try you again anyway.'

Well, today too I got a message from the boy I was dating earlier this year. I read it and didn't respond. He knew I read it, so he texted my roommate asking for my number. Ugh. I just talked to him. I'm visiting his state this wknd and he's all like: you have to come w me somewhere! We'll have to go for a day hike and some other stuff like that. I was going to ignore the texts, but the phonecall had me chickening out. I was like... Yeah! I'll call you when I'm in town. We shall see... There's someone here I like, so I'm not buying what this one is selling. I don't want it, no sir.